Status: A little bit of Kellic :)

I Don't Ever Want to Lose My Best Friend

The New Guy

I woke up with a shock and realised it was my phone ringing, it was Kellin.
"Haul your ass outta bed! I'm am not going to math without you!" typical Kellin no hi or anything just get your ass out of bed.
"Yeah, i'm coming" i mumbled as i got out of bed and hung up the call. I had a quick shower and put on my fave shorts and Black Veil Brides shirt, i put on my eyeliner then put my wavy lilac hair into a bun. "That will have to do"
When i got to school Kellin was waiting at the gate. He came over and hugged me. "oh thank god!" he was wearing his skinnies, toms and a blink shirt and his sweepy brown hair was not a strand out of place. "come on, if we are late, we'll be in more trouble." As we walked to class i remembered Kellin had volunteered us to be a guide for a new kid. "what was his name again?" i asked Kellin "Victor wern't it?"
"yeah" he said "he has a brother here too, but he is a few grades below i think, Mike or something."
When we got to class we took our usual seats at the back and set our stuff out just in time as our techer walked in and he had brought Victore with him. He was short, like me with brown wavy hair under a beanie. He was wearing a Thursday shirt (an awesome band) skinnies and vans. He was beautifull. "This is Victor, make sure you're nice to him" Victor waved and come and took his seat next to me.
"Hey! i'm Tori" Kellin looked at him and said "Kellin, sup" and brofisted him and we all laughed.
"You guys can call me Vic, so i take it you're the guys showing me round?"
"Yup that would be us" i smiled. After class we showed Vic round the school and all the necessary places he would need and showed him to his next class, and waited for him afterwards. At lunch he went to sit with his brother Mike who was just as beautifull so me and Keliin went to his house for peanut butter sandwiches. yum! We didn't have a class to go back to school for, so we went to his room to play guitar and mess aroung listening to music.
"So what do you think of Vic?" I asked Kelllin
"He seems alright, i supopose" he wasn't really listening, he was too busy playing his guitar. i sighed and layed on his bed and stared at his ceiling. He looked up and realised and come to lay down next to me. This was perfect, there was no one i loved more than Kellin, he's my best friend and i'd be lost without him. He put his arm around me silently and we drifted off to sleep.
I was woke up by my phone (again!) but this time i was a lot less happier about who it was, it was my dad. I sat up. "Oh crap". It Woke Kellin up too.
"Whats up?" The phone stopped ringing. And i let out a sigh of relief, only for it to start again. I answered."yeah?"
Greeeaat. He was in one of those moods. My dad has got a littlew abusive since my mum died a few years ago, just a few bruises though, nothing serious. Yet.
I burst into tears and Kellin came and put his arm around me, my dad yealled enough for the whole street to hear, so he must of done. "Do you want me to walk you home?" Kellin whispered.
"No, that will only make him worse, trust me you heard what he said. He's angry enough." I blubbed.
"Stay here with me tonight, let him calm down, i can't let you go home to that, he can't keep doing this to you Tori! Come on my mum won't mind at all, you can sleep in here with me." I smiled, Kellin was the sweetest guy ever. "Sure". He kissed my forehead and went downstairs to tell his mum who said it was fine cause she totally understands what an asshole my dad has become and knows hoe close me and Kellin are and have been for so long. "See, you're fine here, and you can wear some of my clothes for school tomorrow. Okay?" he took my hand and kissed. "love you" he said in a stupid voice pouting. I laughed "thanks, you too!"
Sleeping next to Kellin was so nice, it was good to feel safe for a while. It was perfect. He was perfect.
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Just an opening, tell me what you think? :)