Status: A little bit of Kellic :)

I Don't Ever Want to Lose My Best Friend


When i woke up Kellin was already in the shower so i looked in his closet for some decent girly clothes to wear, i settled for a aerosmith shirt and blue skinnies and retrieved my converse from his kitchen downstairs. I had a shower after Kellin was finished and straightened my hair. I was putting on my make up when his mum Cath came in to speak to me, she was very pretty with long blonde hair that she tied in a knot. Her and Kellin had many things in common and one of them was thier dress sense which always made me laugh, she was wearing jeans and a metallica shirt, she wasn't very old cause she had Kellin young, which made her all the easier to talk to. "How are you doing sweetie? Kellin didn't say too much"
I looked up to find her staring right at me as if she would find the answer written on my face. "Fine i guess, just don't really want to face him right now, although i probably made it worse by staying, but thanks for letting me" i smiled at her and she put her hand on my shoulder.
"It's fine and you know that, plus Kellin loves having you here but you know that too, you're a very good friend to him Tori."
"Ugh mum do you have to?" Kellin laughed as he walked in "no need to get all soppy". Cath got up and playfully slapped her son round the head as she left and turned back to wink at me, i returned it.
"I'm really sorry about her, but she really cares about you, ya know. Almost as much as i do, please don't go back there T, or at least wait untill he's out and grab your stuff?" I contemplated it, but it's not worth the risk, he know's were to find me.
"I can't, i'll get home and i guarentee that he will apologise and expect me to accept it as usual, but i promise you when he hits out that i will come and stay with you okay?"
"You know it! Right now move your ass, we have to go meet Vic before the poor guy gets lost" we both laughed at that. As expected Vic was waiting for us at the gate and we greeted each other with a smile. "What do we have first?" he asked "Science, but it's only thoery so nothing all that exciting to blow up today" i smiled. We all walked to our seats in class. Vic was so fascinated with our shithole of a classroom. "Are you okay?" i asked confused.
"yeah, i'm fine i just like science"
"Um okaaaaayyy, i don't understand what there is to like, what else do you like?" Kellin asked
"Music thats it really"
"Us too! It's our fave, and you're in luck we have music class next!" i added enthusiatically. We didn't managed to get much done because all three of us chatted about bands and found out that we all had the same kinda taste, Blink 182, Black Veil Brides All Time low etc. Vic also said that he was in a band, he sings and plays guitar and his brother plays the drums. He has a couple of friends outside of school that are in the band too. Me and Vic swapped numbers when he asked us to check them out sometime and of coursse i agreed.
When it was finally time for music we were all in a better mood cause well music. Our current project was to either as a duet or group cover a song and present it to the class, me and Kellin were a duet but offered to have Vic. We were planning on covering All or Nothing by We Are The In Crowd, but Vic suggested having both of us sing so we chose to cover Blinkl 182's I miss you. I could play bass and Vic was going to play guitar and Kellin wanted to play drums cause he likes to hit things and make a lot of noise, very immature but so very Kellin and i loved that.
"Are you going to be okay performing in front of the class considering you don't know them yet?" I asked.
"Yeah sure, when i play in my band i just imagine that there are loads of people to help with the stage fright" he sounded pretty confident, which was cute.
"What is the name of your band, dude?" Kellin asked Vic.
"Oh uhm Pierce The Veil, kinda like the meaning behind it and when i suggested it to the guys they really like it too."
"Awesome" me and Kellin choursed. We played I miss you over and over untill we got it right, i covered Tom's vocals with Vic obviuosly covering Mark's. I kinda like the tree of us hanging out, but i don't know what it was but something was up.
A few weeks later as promised i went to see Vic's band play. "Tori, this is Jaime, Tony and my brother Mike" they all raised a hand and said "hey" and i did the same.
The place they rehearsed was Mike and Vic's basement and it was pretty awesome, it was decorated with band posters and harry potter and star wars memorabilia. It wasn't massive but it was big enough to rock out in. Vic was setting up his guiatr and mic stand and said "this song is called wonderless, we worked pretty hard on it, hope you like it!" i sat on some boxes that were on the floor. They were amazing, like i knew Vic could sing cause of our music thing at school but playing his own songs it was great and the other guys could really play. Jaime is pretty crazy but super nice, Tony is really cute but so shy and really obsessed with star wars which is cool and then there's Mike who is mega confident and really easy going, they were all gorgeous. It was overwhelming. "what did you think?" Vic asked when they finished.
"It was awesome! it was really good, you wrote that, it was just amazing!" i blushed.
"Thanks, Tori right?" Mike asked and i nodded. "Rad". All five of us hung out for a while and Mike attempted to teach me some drums but that didn't really work to well, i'm more of a strings kinda musician. When it got late i had to leave, 'cause my dad would go hella crazy. "i'll walk you home" Vic offered and i accepted.
"Hey wanna see something cool?" he asked
"do you like spiders, there's a nest right near here come on." he took my hand in his and we ran to the place of the spiders nest, i don't like spiders but i wasn't going to tell him that. It was in a local park and Vic was right that was crazy big and scary. I totally forgot about time and we fooled around on the slide in the childrens area, i slid down it backwards and landed in the sand in a fit of laughter. Vic tried to slide down on his feet but he was laughing so hard he slipped and came down and landed on me, inches from my face and we instantly quit laughing. "I really like you Tori" He kissed me. I let him kiss me. We were there lost in the moment for a while when he took his hands off my face and apologised. "I have wanted to do that for a while" he looked ashamed.
"What's wrong?" i asked "i didn't exactly reject it did i? I guess i'm shocked yeah, cause i didn't know"
"What that i think i'm in love with you?" he had slight tears in the corner of his eyes, i impusivley hugged him. "Look, i really have to go but i'll come to you're band practise tomorrow night 'kay?"
he nodded and i headed home. That was a mistake. I could have stayed threre all night with Vic, cause when i got home my dad was in a faul ass mood.
"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" he yelled. "Out" i replied. Another mistake. He came at me quick so i couldn't have dodged it very easily but he struck me across the face and i ran upstairs to my room sobbing and quickly text Kellin, i couldn't possibly tell him about Vic, well not yet anyway.
After the first text Kellin rang me. "Hey" i mumbled.
"Jeez, T. Are you alright? what was it this time, and what is it going to take for you to realise that he can't keep getting away with this?"
"I dunno, look i promised you i'd tell you and i did, but i don't really wanna talk, so i'll see you tomorrow yeah?"
"Kay, love ya"
"You too, doofus" i laughed and hung up. I cried myself to sleep that night and when i woke up i realised i was still in Kellin's clothes, i looked down and smiled, they still smelt of him and his room.
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Gonna update soon :):)