Status: A little bit of Kellic :)

I Don't Ever Want to Lose My Best Friend

Stay away from my friends (Kellins perspective)

I couldn't help but cry. I feel terrible that i leave her there, with that asshole.I love her so much, she is absolutley beautifull and i want nothing more than to lay around with her all day. Over the past few weeks she has been acting a little weird, we used to hang out evry night without fail and for some reason she keeps bailing on me but i don't know why. She and Vic have gotten closer though, not that i'm jelous but how could i be happy about it, i fell in love with her years ago and he barley knows her. We have seen each other through our best and worst times, i can't think of anyone i am closer to other than my mum who loves Tori as much as me.
I finally decided to get ready for school, i pulled my guns n roses shirt over my head and slipped my toms on, wiped down my jeans and shrugged. I rumaged around in my closet for a beanie and settled for my plain black one. I checked my phone to see if there was anything from T. Nothing. I let out a sigh and left the house for school. She wasn't here yet, which sucked, I live to see her face in the morning it makes me feel good.
Half way through first class Tori walked in, and god had her dad hit her her face matched her hair and not in the good way. She was wearing a guns n roses t shirt too (great minds and all that) and her hotpants and converse. She was trying her best to cover her face with her hair but i could see it all the way from the back. "Sorry i'm late, i woke up late" Typical Tori, i laughed and she smiled at me and come and sat with me. "Where's Vic?" She asked. I just shrugged, i didn't really feel like talking about him today. I managed to get through most lesson without saying much and without Tori realising something was up, we went back to mine for lunch 'cause i didn't want her going home. I made her favourite peanut butter sandwiches and we went to sit on my bed as usual. We just laid there silently. "Are you okay?" she whispered. I wanted to say 'no of course im not, i'm madly in love with you' but of course i didn't.
"Yeah, fine why?" she just shrugged, "Just asking, you seem a bit down" i kissed her forehead gently and buried my head in hers. "I'm just baby, just fine" she let out a slight gigle. I wanted this so much. I wanted her so much.
After a while we went back to school and tried to keep happy, for Tori. Well she seemed to brighten up anyway. I asked her if she wanted to stay again tonight, so she was safe, because home clearly wasn't a great place to be right now. By the time school ended we rushed back to her house to grab some of her things before her dad got home and luckily enough we missed him, we took her stuff back to mine and jammed to music till my mum got back. She immediatley came upstairs to talk to Tori, i took the hint and left but from what i could gather she had asked her to stay here permentley rather than having to put up with her dads shit. I was quite happy when she agreed to but ouor house doesn't have a spare room, so Tori would be sharing with me. Not that i was going to complain.Ever.
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Who do you want her to pick???? :)