Save Yourself For Someone Worth Dying For

Chapter Ten

After my little freak out yesterday, I decided to spend a day doing stuff for myself, and give the guys a little break from me. They needed to work on new music anyway. I decided to call Sammy, even though she hasn't bothered checking up on me since the concert. After two rings, she picked up.


"Sammy, hey" I said.

"Abby, is that you?" She sounded surprised.

"Uh, yeah" I laughed a bit.

"Why are you calling me? I called your house the day after the concert because your cell phone was dead. Your mom told me that you wanted nothing to do with my anymore. What the fuck is up with that?" I could hear the hurt in her voice.

"Well, I promise you I never said that. But we need to talk. Shopping date?" I asked hopefully.

She thought for minute before responding. "Of course! Meet you at the mall around 2?" I agreed and hung up. Just then I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled. Vic poked his head in before stepping inside. "What's up bud?" I asked as he sat down next to me on the bed.

"Are you sure you want to spend the dat alone? You know the guys and I enjoy your company" His voice full of concern.

"I won't be alone. I'm going shopping with Sammy in a couple of hours. I just got off the phone with her" I stated.

"The girl from the concert? Oh, no you're not. She's a total bitch." I was shocked at his words. Who does he think he is? While I am grateful for everything he's done for me, he has no right to tell me who and who not to hang out with. I was 19, for fuck's sake!

"Excuse me? Yes, I am. She's my friend. You have no right to tell me what to do." I spat at him. The anger in my coice surprised even me.

"Well, when she fucks you over, don't come crying to me. Got it?" With that, he got up and stormed out.

I was too pissed off to cry. I just went to the bathroom and searched for something. I finally found what I was looking for, my blade. I pulled up the sleeve of my shirt and wasted no time in making three, very large, and very deep cuts. As I saw the blood flow out of me, a wave of relief washed over me.

After cleaning up the mess I made, I got in the shower. I let the hot water run over my body and soothe all my tense muscles. I just stood there, thinking about my conversation with Vic. How could he say that to me? Or say that about Sammy? He doesn't even know her! I know she's not the nicest person, but she does care about me. After washing my hair and my body, I stepped out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around me and went to my room. I stood in front of my closet until deciding on what to wear. After getting dressed, I did my hair, and applied a thin layer of make up. I grabbed my purse, threw my wallet and phone in there and am ready to go.

I walked out of my room and down the stairs. I saw all the guys sitting in the living room playing some game on Xbox. I walked over to them and sat down next to Hime-Time. I kissed him on the cheek and Vic glared at me. I just brushed it off.

"Hey there cutie" He said to me. I blushed.

"Mind if I borrow your car to go to the mall?" I asked, batting my eyelashes at him.

"Sure thing girly. Just don't damage my baby."

"I won't, don't worry." He handed over the keys to me. I got up; kissed them all, besides Vic, on the cheek and was off. Today was the day I finally told Sammy everything. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.


Vic's POV

"I won't, don't worry" Abby said before saying goodbye to all of the guys and leaving. When she walked out of the door, Mike looked at me.

"What the fuck was up with that, big bro? She gave you the cold shoulder."

I shrugged. "She's pissed at me because I told her she wasn't going to the mall to hang out with her friend Sammy. You know, the bitch she was with at the concert. Then I told her not to come crying to me when she got fucked over."

They all looked at me like I committed murder. "What?!" I asked, not really directing it at once person.

"Dude, that's a dick move. You can't tell her what to do. She's old enough to take care of herself." Tony was the one who responded.

Then Jaime spoke up. "You're supposed to be here for her man! How could you tell her to not come to you? She trusts you. What the fuck"

"I was just being honest." I shrugged.

"Well, here's us being honest. Don't come to any of us when she refuses to ever talk to you again. Asshole." Jaime said. With that, they all got up and went somewhere else.

What the fuck did I just do?