First Time

Twenty seven.

"I can't seem to take my eyes off her." Joe mused. Sophie was finally here, after all this time. 11:38am on the 18th of April she was born. And she was being burped by Joe. "She is just so tiny and perfect."

"Yeah, she is." I said, resting my head against his bicep. She was only 30 minutes old, but neither me or Joe could let her go.

"C'mon princess, burp for daddy." Joe said, patting her back softly. I smiled as she released the wind. She had taken to breastfeeding really well and had her first feed after the doctors had finished with me. "There's a clever girl." He praised her before lying her against his bare chest. He read that have skin to skin contact is good for their connection. He ran his hand down her cheek before looking at me. "I've never loved you so much as I do in this moment."

"Wow, Joe. Thanks." I joked, knowing exactly what he meant. He rolled his eyes, knowing that I knew what he meant.

"You've given me the two greatest things ever." I tilted my head to one side, wondering what he was going to say. "Her." He patted his hand against Sophie's back, getting a heavy breath in reply. "And your love." I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"Kiss me." I whispered in reply. He leant down, pressing his lips softly against mine. I ran my fingers down his cheek as he held onto our baby girl. "Okay. We are paying attention to you." I said to Sophie as she whined.

"She is finally here." Joe whispered as he pressed a kiss to her hat-clad head. "After all this time and she is finally here."

"Pass me your camera." I said, smiling at him. He grabbed it off the table in front of us.


"Because I want to take a photo of this. Of you two." I held it up to my eye as Joe stared down at Sophie, his hand covering her entire back. "This is what I have been waiting for." I whispered, placing the camera on the bed in-between the both of us after I had taken the photo. "Seeing you with her." Our sentimental moment was broken by screaming.

"We better get used to this." Joe mumbled as he gently rocked her. But she was having none of it. The screaming continued as Joe looked over at me, panicked. "What do we do?"

"Firstly, calm down." I placed my hand into his shoulder. "Secondly, go through the checks."

"She's not hungry because she has just fed. Neither a dirty diaper." He listed. "She's not warm, or cold."

"Maybe she's crying because she can." I replied, rubbing her back softly.

"Here. See if she'll settle against your boob." I rolled my eyes at Joe, but pulled my bra down. I took hold of her and held her to my boob. She continued to scream. I gave a pointed look at Joe. "I packed that pacifier. We could try it?" I nodded my head as I placed her in my arm, rocking her gently. Joe climbed off the bed, trying to be as careful as possible. He grabbed the pacifier from the bag and brought it over. I handed her back and he slipped it into her mouth. Suddenly, it went silent.

"That was clever thinking." I said, as I tucked myself away. Joe laughed and placed her on his chest, their favourite position it seemed. I pressed myself against Joe, smiling. "I can't wait to take her home." I looked down at our little girl, her eyes taking in everything around her.

"Mmm." Joe mumbled in agreement. I yawned, not bothering to hide it. I'd been in labour for 18 hours and hadn't slept. "Do you want me to get the parents? They can come and meet her and then my brothers." I nodded my head. "And then we can get some sleep."

"Sounds perfect." I replied. Joe shifted on the bed, handing me Sophie. I laid her in my arm, smiling down at the little girl.

"I don't want to leave her." He whispered as he put his crumpled shirt over his head. "What if I miss something?"

"Joe, she isn't going to start walking and talking in the 2 minutes that you're going to be gone." I laughed, looking over at him. A pout sat on his lips. "Hurry back okay?" He nodded his head, slipped on his shoes and ran out, leaving me laughing.

"That's your daddy." I whispered to Sophie, who just stared up at me, the sound of her sucking the pacifier filling the silence between us. "He is a funny one, but he loves you so much already. We all do. And your grandparents and uncles haven't even met you yet." Her eyes locked on mine. Even though they were blue now, like most babies, her eyes had that slight tint of brown that both me and Joe had when we were babies. I knew that she was going to have brown eyes, to match her dad. She already had his hair, hers was on top of her head, dark and slightly curly. "You're going to bring so much joy to this family and you won't even know it." I bent down slightly to pressed a kiss against her head. I watched her as she slowly shut her eyes, letting sleep take over her. I marvelled in her beauty. She was defiantly Joe's baby. Her pouty red lips matched Joe's.

"Hey." Joe said, walking back in. I lifted my finger to my lips as the four grandparents walked in, grinning like crazy. Joe climbed onto the bed, pressing a kiss against my forehead. "Come and met Sophie Olivia Jonas." The four of them walked more into the room, peering to look at the sleeping baby.

"Who wants a hold first?" I asked, seeing that the four of them were about to burst. They all looked at each other, trying to decide. "How about grandpa seeing as he is closest and I can't move?" My dad grinned at me and we worked together to get Sophie out of my arms into his. He walked to the couch, sitting on it.

"Hey Sophie." He spoke. Joe moved so that we were pressed against each other, his arm around my shoulder. "Hey, I'm your grandpa."

"How are you baby?" My mom asked, pressing a kiss against my forehead. I smiled and nodded back.

"Sore. And tired." I replied, earning a squeeze off Joe.

"She did so good." Joe said, as his mom pressed a kiss against both our foreheads. "She only swore at me the once."

"That's good news." Paul laughed, making us do the same. "Doesn't she look like Joe?" He said, looking down at his granddaughter. I could see my mom and Denise starting to cry. I gritted my teeth so I wouldn't but it didn't work. Before anyone could react, the women in the room were crying. Joe wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me into an awkward hug.

"She is so tiny and perfect." My mom cried, sitting next to my dad, the both of them staring at Sophie, who was happily fast asleep. Paul hugged Denise, who cried into his shoulder. I pulled myself away from Joe, looking over at our families, who just stared at our little girl.

"Have a look under the hat." Joe said with a chuckle. I rested my head against Joe's shoulder, watching our families interact with our baby.

"Wow, would you look at that?" My dad chuckled, brushing his fingers through Sophie's hair. I grinned at them. "She defiantly is a Jonas."

"You should hear the lungs on her." I muttered, smiling to myself. "If you could hear that, you know that she is a Jonas."

"I take some offence to that." Joe said, pressing a kiss against my head. Joe shifted on the bed, making me wince.

"Be careful!" I moaned. Joe snuggled against me, pressing a kiss against my neck. I rolled my eyes but patted his thigh in reply. "Grab the camera, start taking some photos." I nudged him in the ribs. He sighed, but sat up in the bed properly.

"Everyone get in the photo." Joe waved. They all crowed around my parents, my dad shifting so that you could actually see Sophie in the photo. "Say cheese!"

"Seriously?" I asked Joe, laughing at him as he took the photo. "Cheese?"

"Shut up." He replied, blushing out of embarrassment. "God, having a baby has made you mean."

"Let me have a cuddle now."

* * *

"Give us a ring later, let us know how things get on." My mom said, pressing a kiss to my forehead, then Sophie's. I nodded my head, smiling at them all.

"I will. Or Joe will." I replied, as Joe passed the sleeping baby to me. "Do you wanna send in the others?" I looked at Paul and Denise.

"We will. They are all dying to meet her." I grinned and looked down at the baby in my arms. Of course her uncles would want to see her. They are going to spoil her rotten. "We will either see you later, or tomorrow."

"Sure." Joe replied, climbing onto the bed next to me. The four grandparents said their goodbyes before leaving us alone. "She looks happy there." Joe said, running his fingers down her cheek. She grumbled in her sleep, making me and Joe laugh.

"She sleeps just like you. Like a rock." I told him with a smile.

"I just can't believe she is here, Allie." Joe whispered as Sophie wrapped her fingers around his thumb. "And she is so perfect." I grabbed Joe's phone off the table in front of me, carefully. "What are you doing?" He asked as I clicked on the camera app.

"I want this to be the photo that you publish later." I said, snapping a picture of Sophie holding Joe's thumb. "It just seems so perfect." Joe held his other hand out for the phone. I passed it to him before lifting her against my shoulder. I tucked my hand under her legs and my other hand against her neck. Joe took a photo of us, me pressing my forehead against her cheek.

"Oh god, I love this photo." He whispered as he set it as his background on his phone. "My two girls." He pressed a kiss against my lips before we heard a knocking at the door. "Come in!" Joe shouted, forgetting that we had a 1 hour old daughter. She woke up with a start and burst into tears, her pacifier falling out of her mouth and down the back of the bed.

"Well done genius." I mumbled, as Joe's brothers walked in. They stared at the both of us, trying not to laugh.

"Parenthood is going well then?" Nick asked with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes as I patted Sophie's back in some attempt to get to her quiet down whilst Joe found her pacifier. He slid it in her mouth, and we all waited for the silence.

"Happy girl now." Joe mumbled, pressing a kiss against the back of her head. She snuffled at him, making me laugh. "Hello brothers." Joe said as I passed Sophie over to him. The 5 of them grinned at the two of us before crowding over. "If you want to hold my princess, sit on the couch." Frankie was the first to sit down, almost bouncing in his seat with anticipation. "Remember." Joe said as he climbed off the bed, talking to his youngest brother. "Support her head and neck. And hold under her butt." Joe handed his baby over to his baby brother, who handed her as if she was about to break.

"Hi Soph." He whispered as she stared at him, her tired eyes looking at his face. "I'm your uncle Frankie. And I'll teach you how to play soccer. And how to play baseball. And why marvel is better than dc comics." We all burst out laughing. "And I'll love you everyday." I could feel myself getting all emotional again.

"Photos Joe." I mumbled, trying to hide the tears. He laughed and leant forwards to grab his camera, pressing a discreet kiss against my lips. Joe turned back to his brothers, taking photos. Danielle climbed onto the bed with me where Joe had been laying.

"How are you feeling?" I smiled at her. I knew she was asking so she would know what childbirth was like.

"Happy, tired, sore." I told her. I looked down to see her little baby bump sticking out. "You've got to have yours soon, so that little one can have a cousin."

"She will." Danielle replied, laughing softly. "She looks so much like Joe." I nodded my head.

"You should see the hair. You can defiantly tell she is a Jonas." I replied, yawning.

"It's the red pouty lips." Gabby laughed as she sat at the end of the bed. "How was it? I mean, having her." I looked over at Joe, who was sitting with his brothers, all four of them admiring our daughter. I smiled softly.

"It was hard." I replied, brushing the hair out of my eyes. "And if I didn't have Joe, I wouldn't have been able to do it. But she came out pretty quickly, so I was quite lucky."

"But she is quite small though." I nodded my head.

"She isn't heavy, but she is long." I replied, watching as Frankie passed Sophie to Nick. I could see all of them slowly falling in love with her.

"Oh my god." Gabby whispered, her eyes glued onto Nick and Sophie. "Doesn't he look perfect with a baby?"

"Don't get any ideas." I replied, laughing softly. "You've been together, what a week? Don't be having no babies."

"I'm not planning on it anytime soon." She replied, brushing at her jeans. At least she managed to get changed out of her pyjamas. "Holding a baby just suits him." With that, she pulled her phone out of her pocket, taking a picture of an unsuspecting Nick, who didn't take his eyes off Sophie.

"What did the parents say when they saw her?" Danielle asked, sending a soft smile to Kevin who was awaiting his turn to hold her.

"How much she looked like Joe." I grinned at the both of them. "Which set Denise and my mom off crying."

"There's a surprise." Danielle laughed. There was a knock at the door and it made us all look around at each other.

"Come in." I said. They opened the door and it revealed Doctor Coleman. I smiled at her as she walked over to me.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, leaning on the bed. I nodded my head.

"Everything is great." I replied, grinning at her.

"How was her fed?"

"She did well. She didn't drink lots but she latched really well." I didn't even have to look around to know that the boys had their noses wrinkled.

"That's fabulous." She grinned at me. "And diaper?"

"Joe did the first one about 20 minutes ago." I looked over at Joe, who was watching Nick pass Sophie to Kevin. "He was very displeased to see what was in it."

"Normally the first few are like that. Sorry to let you know." Joe screwed his nose up before looking back to his brothers. "Thought I'd let you know that you'll be able to take Sophie home. Tomorrow lunchtime."

"Seriously?" I asked, grinning at Joe. "Wow, thanks." I leant up to hug the doctor. "Thanks for everything."

"You're welcome." She replied, smiling at us. "I'm assured that I will see you soon. As it seems I am delivering that one too." She pointed at Danielle, who smiled at us. "See you." With a wave, the doctor walked out.

"I didn't realise she was sorting you out too." I looked at Danielle, who shrugged her shoulders.

"You were always talking about how wonderful she was with you. So I booked my appointment with her too."

"So our babies will be delivered by the same doctor. That's cool." I smiled at Danielle. A small whine came from my baby so my head shot around to see Kevin rocking her gently. I nudged Danielle, who grinned at her husband.

"He is going to be such great dad." Gabby whispered, looking over at Danielle, who looked like she was about to burst into tears. "All of them are."

"Joe already is." I laughed. "He was so good about it all. Didn't show me that he was panicking or anything." I boosted Joe up, not that he needed it. "And then after her fed, he burped her. Changed her diaper. He is so in love with her." I grinned at Joe, who was talking with Nick.

"Kevin, don't hog her." Danielle whined, shifting on the bed. I groaned, knowing she has forgotten that I'd just had a baby. "Sorry Al!" She said, patting my arm.

"It's fine. I'm fine." I said, reassuring both her and Joe.

"I want to hold her." Danielle pouted, not even bothering to ask. Kevin rolled his eyes but stood up, walking over to Danielle. She shifted herself so that she was sitting up, leaning against the back of the bed. "Thanks." She whispered to Kevin, who placed Sophie in her arms. I looked over to see her fast asleep. I smiled at Joe, who watched tiredly from the end of the bed. I waved him over and he sat by my hip, the other side to Danielle. A plus of having the big room; a big bed.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered, holding my hand, playing with my baby bracelet. "You did so well, all this time."

"Thanks." I whispered tiredly. Joe smiled at me and leant forwards, pressing a kiss against my forehead. "We get to take her home tomorrow."

"Scary, isn't it?" Joe replied. "I feel safer with her here in the hospital. At least they will know if something is wrong." A piercing scream rang around the room, making me turn to look at Sophie. She wasn't happy. Her pacifier had slipped out and she was forming her lips into a sucking motion. Danielle slipped her pacifier into her mouth, buy she spat it back out.

"I think she is hungry." Joe said. I nodded my head in agreement. "Kevin, chuck us that cloth." He asked. Kevin launched the cloth over the room and Joe tucked it around my neck, covering my chest. "You good to go?" I nodded my head and Danielle passed her over to me. I put her under the cloth and with one hand, managed to get my boob out.

"There we go." I said as she latched on. I could see Kevin, Nick and Frankie all staring at the ceiling. "Calm down Sophie, it's not going to run out." I told her as she sucked too hard. Joe held his finger out to her, instantly she grabbed it. "The three of you, would you calm down?" I asked the three brothers. "You can't see anything." The only thing you could see was her fingers that held onto Joe and her feet, that were covered by her baby suit. "And will you be like this when you have a baby?"

"I'm not having any." Frankie muttered, making us laugh.

"I call next hold." Gabby said loudly, grinning at both me and Joe.

"She's a baby, not the passenger seat." Joe muttered, running his finger against all of Sophie's. Her sucking filled the silence between us for a while.

"Yes, you can hold her next." I replied. Gabby stuck her tongue out at Joe, who just rolled his eyes.

"I'm a dad now, Gabby. I will not sink to your level." Joe said, looking proud of himself. I rolled my eyes at the both of them and their childishness.

"Are you done sweetie?" I asked as she pulled away. I waited a few seconds to see if she'd carry on before looking at Joe. "You good to take her?" He nodded his head. I passed her over, making sure I didn't flash anything to anyone. He sat her on his lap, supporting her neck and back. I tucked myself back in before tossing Joe the cloth.

"Thanks." He whispered. I leant back, exhausted from the events of the day whilst Joe lifted Sophie against his shoulder, patting her back.

"She looks so tiny against you Joe." Danielle cooed as Joe stood up. He grinned at her, bouncing whilst patting her back.

"Hey!" Frankie said, pointing to the plastic crib that they had given us. "That's my bear." I smiled at him.

"Of course it is." I replied, giving him a 'duh' look. "Her uncle Frankie brought it for her. We had to bring it so she could see it when she was born." Frankie went to reply when we heard a low burp. I smiled at Joe, who looked disgusted.

"Thank you princess." He said, moving her so she was lying in his arms. He grabbed the cloth off his shoulder and wiped the spit up off Sophie. "Just what daddy wanted, spit up down his back."

"Pass her to Gabby." I replied, nodding my head at her. "There is a clean t-shirt in the bag." Joe nodded his head, and handed Sophie to Gabby with a longing look. "You'll be able to have plenty of cuddles when these lot go."

"Which will be soon. I think we all deserve a nap." I looked over at Kevin, my eyebrows lifted.

"You deserve a nap?" I said, giving him a look. "I've spent 18 hours trying to get her out of my body, surviving on an hours sleep. I think I deserve a nap more than you." He rolled his eyes at me.

"Of course." Kevin replied. I smiled at him and turned my attention to Gabby.

"I think someone is falling in love again." Danielle whispered, nudging me softly. I turned to look at Nick who was just staring at Gabby who was talking gibberish to Sophie.

"I'm glad that my daughter has helped the both of them realise that they are meant to be with each other." Danielle laughed, nudging me slightly. I yawned, covering my mouth with my hand. "Is she falling asleep?" I asked Gabby, who nodded her head.

"Yeah, slowly." She replied.

"Rock her slightly. She'll like it; she did when she was in there." I patted my empty stomach, which felt weird. I pouted softly to myself.

"What's wrong with you?" Nick asked, narrowing his eyebrows at me. Everyone turned to look at me, concern on their faces.

"My bump." I replied, pouting still. Nick rolled his eyes at me.

"You've got the thing that was in the bump there." He pointed to Sophie, which made me smile. "You won't even notice with all the screaming from her."

"Wow, thanks for the support Nick." I replied, rolling my eyes at him with a laugh. "I'll remember this when you've had a baby."

"Yeah yeah." He said with a wave of hi hand. I sighed but laughed at my best friend anyway. I yawned again, not bothering to hid it.

"We'd better go." Kevin said, standing up. I smiled at him, my way of saying thanks. "Let these two have some time alone." Danielle wrapped her arms around my neck, squeezing me gently.

"Congratulations, she's beautiful." I grinned, pressing a kiss to her check. Everyone copied, hugging me and Joe and pressing a kiss against Sophie's head, who happily slept in Joe's arms. I waved as they left the room.

"Get over here." I whispered, smiling at Joe. He walked over, rocking Sophie as he did. He sat next to me, pushing his leg against mine. "She's fast asleep."

"You will be soon." I laughed, resting my head against Joe's upper arm. "Sleep, the both of us will be here when you wake up." I leant up, pressing a kiss against Joe's lips. "I love you."

"I love you." I whispered in reply, holding my hand out to Sophie who gripped her fingers around my finger in her sleep. "The three of us."

"Our little family."
♠ ♠ ♠
It's the chapter you've all been waiting for!
Don't worry, it doesn't end here.
I've got a couple more chapters left of this story, before I go onto the sequel.
Yes, there is a sequel.