First Time


I walked back to Nick's, buying myself a Starbucks on the way. I got back to the house around 2pm, an hour and a half since I left Joe's. I opened the front door with the key Nick left me. I threw it on the table in the doorway, when I heard Gabby scream. "Who are you?"

"A burglar. I have come to steal you things, just letting you know." I replied, taking my shoes off. I worked out that she was in the kitchen, so I went to meet her. She was sitting at the table, eating some sort of fruit. "Oh, pineapple!" I said, getting excited. I ran over to the table, sat down and started eating it.

"Because that wasn't for me or anything." She muttered, sarcastically. I smiled at her.

"There is two of us, we win." I rubbed my belly.

"How did Joe take it?" She asked as we shared the fruit.

"I don't think Joe has taken it." I replied, honestly. "We had a fight, and then I told him and he went into a state of shock." Gabby made a confused noise. "He kinda stopped and had to sit down. And then he was asking me questions about it and then got angry because I didn't tell him."

"So the same reaction from Nick and Kevin." She said, smirking. "I have never seen him get so angry."

"Me either." I replied. "But I guess he had the rights to. I did something shitty."

"Yes, yes you did." She replied. I reached over and punched her in the arm, but grabbing a slice of pineapple as I did it. "Sneaky." She commented, making me laugh. Suddenly there was a bang at the door, and we both jumped up. "This could be risky." Gabby commented.

"Just let me in!" We heard Danielle scream from the other side of the door. I got up and walked towards the door, letting her in. "It's cold out there." I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen again, eating more fruit. "Nice and healthy." She pointed out.

"Give me a while, I'll be eating ice cream." I replied. Danielle came and sat next to me, looking at me. "What?" I asked with a mouthful of food.

"I can see why Joe slept with you." She smirked at me, making me roll my eyes. "So you're pregnant."

"Yup. There is a human being growing inside me." I replied, nodding my head. "A tiny mix of me and Joe. Half his genes, half mine."

"I can't actually can't believe it. You think Paul and Denise would give Joe the 'safe sex' talk wouldn't you?" I turned to Danielle, my mouth wide open. "What?"

"I've got to tell Denise and Paul. I have to tell them I am expecting their first grandchild after sleeping with their son and leaving him." Joe and his brothers I could tell easily, but them two was going to be hardest in comparison.

"We will all be there when you tell them. How did Joe take it? Have you spoken to him?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Shouting. Lots of it." I told her. She bit her lip. "And that was just from Kevin." The three of us burst into laughter.

"He did flip out a little." Gabby stated. "Nick shouted, but not as bad as Kevin."  

"I told Joe. We had an argument, and he needs time. Which is what I expected. I didn't think when I told him he would be all up for it straight away."

"Having a baby is hard." Danielle said. I sighed.

"I know. But the thing is, I've got such a supportive family and so had Joe. It's not like we will ever be alone or stuck."

"What is Joe doesn't want the baby?" Gabby said out of the blue. Both me and Dani turned to look at her. "You have to think of it, Allie. It's a possibility."

"Then I go home." I replied. "I go home and forget about Joe and raise this baby by myself. There was never a thought about abortion or adoption in my head when I found out. I knew exactly what I was going to do. And it's going to be the same whether Joe is here or not."

"You seriously have a plan." Dani said, making me laugh.

"You kind of have to." I ate another bit of pineapple. "And it's something to think about when you are trying your hardest to throw up."

"Has it been bad? The morning sickness?" Gabby asked. I shook my head.

"I've probably thrown up about 6 times. Which, apparently to my mum, is good. She spent the whole time when she was pregnant with me throwing up. I just start feeling really sick in the morning and then it goes." I told them.

"Have you seen the baby yet? In a ultrasound?" I shook my head at Dani's question.

"Not yet. I am meant to have a scan soon, like in the next 2 weeks just to check everything over and get a due date. Because right now, I'm guessing everything. I know when I had sex, so I'm going from there." I informed them.

"When do you find out the sex?" I had done my research while back at home.

"You have the first scan around now." I told them. "To get a due date and just a general check. And then around 18-21 weeks is usually when you find out. But they also check for abnormal things."

"You really do know everything." Gabby laughed.

"Are you kidding?" I gave her a look that said 'seriously?'. She narrowed her eyebrows. "I'm going by the book, remember that I am carrying Joe's baby. Anything could happen."

"Like it could have 2 heads." Danielle said, trying not to laugh. "Or there could be two babies."

"Don't." I giggled, shaking my head. "I couldn't deal with two little Joe's. I think i'll try and stick with the one."

"It isn't up to you, Allie." Nick said, walking in. We must have been talking so loudly we didn't hear him come in. "You get what you're given."

"And here comes Uncle Nick." I said, putting a hand on my stomach. "He isn't always grumpy, but sometimes he can be. Now, you go to Uncle Nick for a man talk, unless you are a girl, then he will spoil you. Whereas you go to Uncle Kevin, if he isn't still pissed off with mummy, when you need to play a trick or have a laugh. And Uncle Frankie will be your favourite." Nick smacked me around the back of the head. "And go to daddy when Uncle Nick, Uncle Kevin and Uncle Frankie are being mean." Us girls laughed while Nick grabbed himself a drink.

"And come to Auntie Dani when mummy or daddy won't let you have something." I hit the hand Danielle was moving to my stomach. "Ouch. Can it actually hear you?"

"We aren't calling it it." Gabby announced. "It's baby Jonas. Just because we don't know the sex."

"I'm beating it is a boy." Nick said from where he was leaning against the counter. "Mum and Dad had four, I think you will have boys too."

"Nope." I shook my head. "I think it's a girl, just have this feeling."

"Fine, the bet is on. $50 sound okay to you?" I shook Nick's hand, sealing it. "When do you find out?" We burst into laughter.

"Another eight weeks." I replied, grinning at Nick. He screwed his nose up.

"How did it go with Joe?" He asked.

"Shouting. Told him. Shock. Shouting." I informed him. He nodded his head in a 'and the rest' way. I rolled my eyes. "He needs time to process it, it's a pretty big thing to have thrown on you by the girl who left you. So I told him I was here and then I'm just waiting on him now."

"Did you tell him everything then?" He asked, coming to sit with us.

"Basically yeah." I replied, taking a sip of his drink. He glared at me, taking it back. "We had an argument about what I did and then I told him. And he went into shock and then we had another argument about me not telling him and then he said give me time so I left."

"And brought Starbucks." Gabby said, pointing to the empty cup on the side.

"I was feeling sorry for myself, okay?"

"Should you be drinking caffeine? I know when my mum was pregnant with my brother, she wasn't allowed." I glared at Gabby.

"I'm allowed a little bit."

"Which is impossible for you as you are addicted to it." Nick said. Suddenly, his phone went off and we all looked at him. Even he looked confused. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, answering it. "What's up? Yeah, I'll be there now." And with that, he hung up. The three of us looked at him. "I've got to go. I don't know when I'll be back." He pressed a kiss against Gabby's lips and walked out. We all listened to hear the door slam before I turned to them.

"What the hell happened there?" I asked, referring to Nick's abrupt leaving. "He left pretty quickly."

"Yeah, I might know about that." Danielle said, raising her hand like she was about to answer a question.

"What?" I asked skeptically. "What's going on?"

"Well, once Kevin left here, we went home. And then he got this phone call from Joe, probably after you left, to come around. That was probably Joe ringing Nick, asking if he could come around."

"Yeah. I did tell Joe that them two knew." I rubbed the back of my neck. "He wasn't that happy about it."

"Most likely. Kevin would be annoyed if I told you lot I was pregnant before I told him." Danielle said, making me feel guilty. "Who was the first person to find out?"

"Me." Gabby said, getting up out of the chair she was in. "I was there when she found out. Well, on the other end of the phone."

"How comes she found out first?" Danielle said, turning to me and pouting. I rolled my eyes.

"Because she can keep a secret. Whereas you would go and tell Kevin and he would drag me half way across the country to tell Joe." I stopped and looked at Danielle. Her pout slipped away and she was smiling.

"Okay, fair enough." We all laughed, while Gabby grabbed the plate off me.

"Enough pineapple, just because you've eaten it all." I pouted, wanting more pineapple.

"At least I am craving something healthy." I muttered, crossing my arms on the table. "Bring the ice cream then." Gabby sighed. "Let's go and sit in the lounge and watch rubbish TV." I stood up, brushing my jeans down. I grabbed three spoons off Gabby and we walked into the lounge, the need for ice cream increasing.

* * *

"I can't believe you cried at Happy Feet Allie." Danielle laughed, putting the empty tub of ice cream in the table where we had our feet. "It's about a dancing penguin."

"Shut up." I muttered, covering my face with my hand. "It's sad when he is in captivity and he sees his family."

"It's a dancing penguin." Gabby said, unable to control her giggles. It then set both of them off giggling.

"Get lost." I said, angrily. I felt the change in my hormones and I climbed off the couch, over Gabby's legs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water, almost downing the drink. I heard the door open but I just sat in the kitchen on the counter. I pulled on the t-shirt that I had changed into half way through the film when I got really hot. The girls spent 10 minutes fixated with the bump I had going on. I twisted the lid on and off as I heard voices in the lounge, one of them distinctly Nick's.

"Allie." He called me. I sighed, jumping off the side and I walked into the lounge. I looked around to see Nick and Kevin sitting on the table, facing Gabby and Danielle. My eyes drifted to the armchair in the corner of the room. Joe sat in it, looking at me. I watched everyone as their eyes travelled to my stomach, where my bump stuck out slightly. I bit my lip as Joe stood up.

"Had enough time to think?" I asked, slightly angry. He narrowed his eyebrows at me, while everyone just stared.

"Don't mind Allie." Danielle said. I turned to her and saw her smirking. "Her hormones are so out of whack." I flipped her off, making everyone laugh. "Nice."

"C'mon." Nick said, helping Gabby off the couch. "Let's leave the kids alone." And with that, everyone left. Nick sent me a wink as he shut the door behind them. I went and sat on the couch, crossing my legs underneath me. Joe stood, awkwardly, making me feel more uncomfortable.

"How are you?" He asked. I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"I feel sick, my boobs hurt and I have to pee most of the time, I could be better." I could see the edges of Joe's mouth twitching. "Don't."

"Sorry." He said, a smile adorning on his lips. He came and sat next to me. "I couldn't imagine how you are feeling, Al."

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I waved a hand at him.

"I worry about you, constantly." He whispered, a small smile tugging his lips. It went silent for a few minutes as we stared at each other. "I'm in if you are." His voice was still a whisper. I looked over his face, trying to see a trace of a joke in his eyes. "Seriously, Allie. Let's have a baby."

"Really Joe?" I replied, slight panic in his voice. "Having a baby isn't easy. It's not like it's something you have to do occasionally. It's a full time job."

"Yes, Allie, I know. I've had a while to think about it. About everything and I am ready, I'm ready to be a dad." I felt tears in my eyes and I blinked, letting them roll down my cheek. Joe moved so his arm was wrapped around my shoulder.

"Hey, why are you crying?" He whispered, rubbing his thumb against my arm. I shook my head, not 100% sure why I was.

"I don't know." I sniffed. Joe chuckled slightly. "Because I really did mess up, didn't I? We could have been happy, you wouldn't be so pissed off at me and we would have been together."

"Don't worry about that, Allie." He said, sighing. "What's happening now matters. We are having a baby together and that's it." I nodded my head. "What's our next move?"

"We need to tell your parents." I said, wiping my eyes. He nodded his head. "My parents already know."

"Your dad?" He squeaked. "Does he want to kill me?" I laughed, shaking my head.

"He did, then I explained everything. He won't though, he was the one who forced me onto the plane to tell you." I informed him.

"So we have to tell my parents. And then what?"

"I have to have a scan. In the next couple of days. I was waiting until I told you before going and seeing it." Joe nodded his head. "And then we will have a due date. I've worked out that I'm due in April sometime."

"Okay." Joe said. "Mum and Dad. Scan. Shit."

"What?" I asked as Joe panicked.

"April right?" I nodded my head. "We are going on tour."

"Yeah, my brother told me." I looked at him funny.

"We are starting it in 3 weeks. We don't finish until the beginning of March." He said. I stopped talking a I tried to work out the dates.

"So in three weeks, I'll be 15 weeks and then by the time you finish I'll be like 8 months, give or take. Don't panic quite yet, Joe. Let's get the scan and your parents over first and then we shall work out what we do then."

"Okay. Yeah, that makes sense." I relaxed back into the couch, kicking my feet onto the table. "You are 12 weeks, right?" Joe asked. I nodded my head, kinda tiredly. "You have a tiny little bump." I turned to look at Joe, sending him a smile.

"Yeah, it popped out overnight last week. Mum said that was good I was showing early, meant good things." I ran my hand down my stomach. I caught Joe's eyes looking down it. I pulled at his other arm, the one that wasn't around my shoulder, and placed it on my stomach. I could see Joe getting overly emotional.

"It's so little." He whispered, his fingers tracing my stomach. I saw one tear roll down his cheek and it made me smile. "A little bit of you and me, mixed together to make another human being. It seems so simple, doesn't it?" I put my hand on my stomach, next to Joe's.

"I guess it's weird thinking about it. A little human being inside me."

"Can you feel it? The baby?" He asked, tearing his eyes away from my belly. I shook my head.

"Not yet. Around 20 weeks. That's when we should find out what we are having." Joe tickled my stomach, making me smile. Joe just ran his fingers across my stomach, smiling. It made me slightly sad that I didn't tell him sooner. "Talk to it."

"What?" Joe said, looking at me.

"Talk to it. It should get used to his daddy's voice." I said. Joe's mouth turned into a massive grin. "What?"

"Nothing. Just you said daddy. It's the first time I have heard it." I smiled back at him. He rubbed his thumb against my stomach, before bending down slightly. "Hi baby." He whispered.

"Baby Jonas." I said, laughing. Joe nodded his head, his giggles joining mine. "It's what Gabby is calling it."

"Hello baby Jonas." He said, his head getting closer to my stomach. "Hi, it's your daddy. Just popped down to say hello." I held back the tears as Joe used a soft voice to talk to our baby. "Be nice to your mommy, she is going to be carrying you for the next 6 months, so don't give her a hard time." I laughed softly. "You are going to be so loved. You will have the greatest uncles and aunties. And wait until you meet both sets of grandparents, they are pretty great. And the rest of your family, you are in for a shock." 

"Oh god. The rest of our families." I complained. Joe laughed softly, almost musically.

"But no one will love you as much as me and mommy. No one. You can come to me or mommy whenever. Because we are your parents and we love you and will always support you."

"Joe." I whispered, as he made me cry. He lifted his head up to look me, tears in his own eyes. "Let's have a baby."
♠ ♠ ♠
The next chapter is Telling Denise and Paul.

Comment please? :')