First Time


"How did it go with mom and dad?" Nick asked as we sat in the garden. Joe was in the kitchen, Denise and Paul helping him with the food, while the rest of us sat outside. Kevin, Frankie and Gabby were tossing a football around, while Danielle was on her phone. "There was no shouting."

"What like there was with Joe and Kevin?" We laughed. I took a sip out of the lemonade I had, watching Frankie throw the ball. "I made your mom cry."

"Seriously?" His voice went up an octave, making me laugh. "How?"

"I said they are going to be grandparents and she just burst into tears. It probably didn't help that I was crying as well."

"You are always crying, it's natural." Danielle said, putting her input in. She sat at the end of the sun lounger I was on.

"Thanks." I said, sarcastically. "They asked us a few questions, we answered. They are pretty happy." I smiled.

"They would be, they are getting their first grandchild." Nick replied, grinning. The three of them walked out of the kitchen, carrying the food. I grabbed my glass and walked over to the table. I peered into one of the bowls, seeing salad. A slice of tomato sat happily on top, so I picked it off and ate it.

"I saw that." Frankie sneaked up behind me. I jumped and turned around to see him smiling at me. "You eating that tomato."

"Don't tell anyone." I whispered, making him laugh. "It's what the baby wanted to eat."

"So I'm going to be an uncle?" He asked as we sat down. I knew everyone was trying to listen in on our conversation.

"I guess so buddy." I replied, grinning at him. He sat down next to me, Joe the other side.

"Do you know if you are having a boy or a girl?" He asked. I shook my head.

"In a few more weeks, man." Joe replied, leaning around me.

"Oh man." He muttered. We all laughed.

"Me and Allie have a bet going on." Nick said, putting some food on his plate. "I think it's going to be a boy, she thinks it's going to be a girl."

"I want in." Kevin said, with a mouthful of bread. "It's going to be a boy."

"No." Gabby said. "Baby Jonas is going to be a girl."

"$50 either way." Nick said. I nodded my head while he shook Gabby and Kevin's hand. "Joe?"

"I'm not betting on my kid." He said, a smile on his lips. "As long as baby Jonas is healthy, I don't mind."

"It's going to be a girl." I muttered, making Frankie laugh. "I can feel it."

"We will find out in 2 months." Joe said, poking me in the nose. I stuck my tongue out at him and put some pasta on my plate. I grabbed some bread and picked out the tomatoes of the salad. I listened into the conversation that was occurring.

"So we have some interviews next week then?" Nick asked, the sound of plates and cutlery clinking.

"Only a few, mostly radio." Paul replied. I started to eat the meat in the pasta but could feel it getting clogged in my throat. I put my knife and fork down, just in case I was going to throw up. Joe put his hand on my arm, making me look at him.

"You okay?" He whispered, the other conversations carrying on.

"I just need a second." I replied. He eyed me worriedly before giving a smile. "If I do a run from the table, then you can worry."

"Let me know if anything funny happens." He said. I smiled at him, nodding my head.

"Are you okay, Allie?" Denise asked, making every conversation stop. They all looked at me, panic in the eyes.

"I'm fine, I'm just feeling a little sick." I got a sympathetic smile off Denise while everyone else looked disgusted. I took a sip of my drink before sitting back, resting my hands on my stomach. 

"So when are you parents moving out?" Paul asked. I watched everyone eat their food before answering.

"In January. They have a house already here, it's about 20 minutes away. But it's having renovations done to it so it won't be ready until January." I said, picking at a bit of bread. I popped it into my mouth. "But if, And it's a big if," I pointed at Joe, who grinned. "If I come on tour with you, you stop off back home right?"

"Yeah, around the end of November. We do a couple of nights." Kevin said.

"So if I do come, I'll stay a few nights at home." I said, eating more of the bread, it absorbing the sickness. "Just before the baby pops out and they move over here. It will be nice to spend some time with them." I pushed my plate away, feeling too sick to eat. I rubbed my stomach softly, hoping the sickness would go away.

"Ginger tea." Denise said, making me look at her. "Helps with the sickness."

"Seriously?" I asked. "I know that eating dry things in the morning might help. Like toast or crackers."

"There are a lot of things they say helps morning sickness." Denise smiled at me. "With these four, it helped." She pointed at her boys, who all grinned at her. "To be honest, when I was pregnant with Joe, he was the biggest pain ever."

"Oh, that fills me with happiness." I said, the sarcasm evident in my voice. "Let's hope baby Jonas isn't like its dad then."

"He made me constantly sick, he moved a lot and kicked. And couldn't decide when to come." She moaned.

"The amount of money I spend on Denise's cravings." Paul mused, shaking his head. "And it didn't help when a 3 year old Kevin was being fussy. At one point, both Kevin and Denise burst into tears because I gave them the wrong thing to eat." I groaned, making Joe laugh. He put his hand on my stomach, giving it a soft rub. I could feel everyone's eyes watching us as Joe bent his head closer to my bump.

"Don't do what I did to grandma to mummy. Otherwise we will have trouble, little one." Joe said to my stomach and our unborn baby. I looked up to see Denise's eyes filled with tears. I smiled at her reassuringly and she shook her head, laughing softly. "Also, while I am here, can you stop making mummy sick? It's slightly disgusting."

* * *

Once everyone had eaten, we all relaxed in the garden. Well, the females did whilst the blokes played football. They all tackled each other to the floor, covered in grass marks. "One of them will get hurt and cry." Denise muttered, making me, Danielle and Gabby laugh.

"I'm guessing it's going to be Paul." I replied, grinning. I watched as Joe threw Frankie over his shoulder, running with him. "Or Kevin." I said as Kevin fell to the floor. We all burst into laughter. "Oh, gotta pee." I jumped up and walked into the house. I could hear Joe questioning where I had gone. I done my business and skipped down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen with the intention of getting a bottle of water when I saw Denise standing there. "Hello."

"How are you feeling?" She asked, as I grabbed a drink. I took a swig of it before answering.

"I feel better, thanks." I sat on the kitchen counter, smiling at her. "And you?"

"I am very happy." She grinned in reply. She leant against the sink, looking at me. "But I'm not the only one, am I?" She eyed me suspiciously.

"I guess not." I rubbed my belly softly. "I'm glad everyone took to the news well, I don't know what I would do if I was shunned."

"You would never be." She said. "Especially by Joseph." I felt a blush on my cheeks so I took another sip of water. "He is so happy, Allie. I don't think I've ever seen him this happy."

"Me either."

"He loves you still, you know that? I believe he always has. After you left him, he was heartbroken. Not only with the whole spilt up with Rose" I unintentionally cringed at her name, which Denise picked up on. "But with you."

"I know." I replied, feeling sad. "I was so scared and confused, the only logical thing that went though my head was to get on that flight. And to be honest, it wasn't that logical. When I got home, I started to miss him like crazy. I realised I was being a massive idiot but I promise myself that I wouldn't come back. And then this happened and now I'm back."

"I thought, if you did come back, Joe wouldn't be able to face you." She informed me. I narrowed my eyebrows, confused. "He was so angry, it wasn't obvious, but I could see it. Not at you, at himself. And I didn't know why. And  then he told us about what happened and banned you from conversation. He didn't want to talk about you, it hurt him." I felt a rush of guilt come over my body and I bit my lip. "But he forgave you so easily Allie. And I see the way he looks at you, he loves you so much. And the little miracle you are bringing into this world."

"I love them both." I admitted, placing a hand on my stomach. "They are probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. I just can't wait until baby Jonas pops out and it's actually here."

"You won't be saying that when you are in labour." I laughed, shaking my head. "You will hate Joe so much."

"Most likely. I dislike him when I'm throwing up so it's going to be ten times worse when I'm going through that amount of pain."

"I hated Paul more as each child came." I burst into laughter, jumping off the counter. "By the time Frankie arrived, I had called him every name possible."

"I better start getting some practice in then." We laughed and walked into the garden.

"Baby Jonas?" She questioned as we sat down. I looked over at Gabby who smiled back at me. "Where did that come from?"

"Gabby started it. We didn't want to keep calling it 'it.' So she came up with that and it stuck."

"So is it going to be Jonas?" Danielle asked, looking at me. "The last name? Or is it going to have yours?"

"It's going to be Jonas. No matter what happens. I just think it's right." I replied. Joe sat at the end of the sun lounger I was on, sweat dripping off him from where they were playing.

"What's right?" He asked.

"Having baby's last name as Jonas." I informed him. I could see what I said processing in his brain before he opened his mouth.

"Seriously?" He asked, smiling. I nodded my head, smiling back. "Why not yours? Or both?"

"I don't know, it sounds better. And I want it to have your name. Blah blah Jonas." I said, making everyone laugh.

"We aren't calling our first child blah blah." I laughed, then stopped when I realised what Joe had said. Our first baby. Was he implying that we were going to have more? "We will give it something cool, like Tricess."

"Joe!" I smacked him in the arm. "We aren't naming our child Tricess. Get over it!"

"Fine." He pouted, making us laugh. "But when our child asked why they aren't called Tricess."

"Joe!" I laughed, hitting him again. "I will think about Tricess, okay?" He grinned at me, pressing a kiss against my forehead.

"That's wonderful." He walked off, shouting at Kevin for some unknown reason.

"Seriously?" Gabby asked me, raising an eyebrow. "You are going to think about it?"

"There is a higher chance that I will become president of this country than me naming my child Tricess."

* * *

Somehow, Joe managed to get us a doctors appointment on Thursday, two days after we told his parents. I sat in his car as he drove us there. "Oh god, I have to pee."

"You're meant to, Allie. That's how ultrasounds work." He laughed, pulling into the parking lot. He parked and ran around, opening the door for me. "Let's hope we get seen as fast as possible." Joe muttered, placing a hand on my back as we walked through the door. We walked over to the desk, smiling at the woman behind it.

"Hi." She said overly cheery. Me and Joe grinned at her. "Name?"

"Aleah." I said, wondering what Joe had put the appointment under. "Aleah James."

"Ah, yes." She tapped away on the computer. Me and Joe stood around for a few moments, while the woman sorted out the paperwork. "If you could fill these out and then you can be seen."

"Thanks." I said, taking the clipboard off her and going to sit on the plastic chairs. "At least if I pee myself, they can just wipe it off." I muttered to Joe, who laughed. He grabbed the form off me and started to fill it out.

"It wants to know when you think you conceived the baby." Joe asked, a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes, looking over his shoulder. He had filled in everything about me, like my birthday and address and was now dealing with the medical stuff.

"You know when, Joe." I said. He grinned at me before scribbling it down.

"July 21st." Joe said, looking at me out of the corner of his eyes, smirking.

"It's sad that you remember the date we had sex Joe." I smirked back at him.

"It was an enjoyable night." I smacked him in the arm, the both of us laughing. "Any medical problems in your family?"

"Nothing I can think of, you?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders, tapping the pen against his lips. "Write Nick's diabetes down, just incase." He scribed it down before looking at me.

"Ready to see our baby?" He offered, a childish grin on his face. I smiled back, nodding my head. He got up and handed the woman the form, before sitting back next to me. "They said they will call us."

"If they don't hurry up, I am going to wet myself." I said, my leg shaking up and down. He put his hand on my knee, trying to stop me.

"I think that woman recognises me." Joe whispered, his lips close to my ear. I glanced up to see who he was talking about and saw a youngish woman looking at us. "Do you think so?"

"Maybe." I replied, looking at Joe. I saw the panic on his face. "Don't worry about it, it's got to come out some time."

"I just rather tell everyone than someone spilling the beans." He replied. Other woman came out, calling my name.

"You ready?" I asked, standing up. Joe gave me a weary smile. I held my hand out, wiggling my fingers. He grabbed it and I followed the woman into a small room. 

"If you would like to climb onto the bed, get yourself comfortable and your doctor will be in soon." Me and Joe thanked her and she left. I climbed onto the bed type thing while Joe sat on the chair next to me. I saw Joe's leg shaking and I laughed.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked. He shook his head. I gave him a knowing look. "Tell me."

"I'm just nervous, that's all." I smiled at Joe and held my arms out to him. He walked over and I hugged him around the waist, somehow still sitting on the bed.

"I know it's scary, I can tell you that. But we are doing this together, Joe. You can always talk to me about this, I don't want you to feel alone." Joe bent down and pressed a kiss against my head. Another woman walked in, smiling at the both of us.

"Hi, Aleah, correct?" I let go of Joe to shake her hand. "I'm Doctor Coleman, and I will be your doctor throughout the pregnancy." I smiled at her. "And is this dad?"

"Hi, I'm Joe." He shook her hand, smiling at her, nervously.

"Oh yes. I know who you are. My girls love you." I saw the blush rise to Joe's cheek, making me laugh. Both of them sat down on the chairs and then looked at me. "Now, you are here for your first scan, am I correct?"

"Yes." I replied, nodding my head.

"And the last time you had intercourse was July?" I nodded my head once more. "So that puts you around the 12 week mark." Doctor Coleman mused to herself. "So Aleah, if you would like to lie back and we can have a look for your baby. Dad, if you want to stand with mom." Joe climbed off the chair and dragged it towards me. He sat by my side, grabbing my hand tightly. "If you lift your t-shirt, i'll put this gel on your stomach." I let go of Joe's hand and lifted my t-shirt, tucking it into my bra. The doctor handed me a blue paper towel that I tucked into the top of my jeans. She squirted the gel onto my stomach, making me squirm. "Sorry, I should have warned you it was cold."

"It's fine, it just came as a shock to me." I replied, smiling softly. Joe grabbed my hand again and I looked down at him. Our attention diverted to the tiny screen as the doctor put the scanner on my stomach. She moved it back and forth, my heart was beating in my chest.

"And there is your baby." She said. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes as I looked at mine and Joe's baby. It was there, our baby. I looked over at Joe, whose eyes were fixed to the screen. I squeezed his hand, before looking at our baby. "There is its legs, head, arm, stomach." The doctor pointed out. I could see everything of our child and it made everything real. It was all there. "See that?" She pointed to the only thing that was visibly its heart. "That's your baby's heartbeat. And if I do this-" She paused as a heartbeat was pounded around the room. I heard Joe gasp and I smiled. It was all real, me, Joe and the baby. It was happening. "Sometimes that doesn't always work, but for you, it did."

"Wow." Joe mused to himself. I looked at him and he looked at me, both had unshed tears in our eyes. "It's actually our baby, it's right there."

"It sure is." The doctor replied, smiling at the both of us. "If you would like, I could print off a few copies of the sonogram."

"If you could." I replied.

"How many?"

"3?" I asked, looking at Joe. "One for us and then the other 2 for parents." He nodded his head in agreement and the doctor paused the screen and took the scanner off. The sonogram of our baby still sat on the screen.

"I'll run off and get them, while you clean yourself off. And then we can have a talk." She left the room, leaving me and Joe alone. I pulled the towel out of my jeans and started to wipe the gel off my stomach. I could see Joe staring at the screen. I leant over and ran my fingers down his cheek. He looked at me, his mouth falling slack.

"That is actually our baby, Allie. With arms and legs and a head. Everything is there." He whispered, his voice in awe. "It took me a while to grasp the idea of having a baby and now it's hit me. It's right there."

"Yeah, Joe. It really is." I whispered, looking back at the screen. I passed the gel-covered towel to Joe, who threw it in the bin beside him. I sat up, pulling my t-shirt down. I grinned at Joe as the doctor came in.

"Here are you scans." She said, passing them to Joe. I glanced at them, before putting them into my bag. "I have you estimated due date as well. April 24th. That's the day that we have guessed for you baby to be here. Everything looks good, your baby is a great size, it has all its limbs and a strong heartbeat. So I think you are set to go. Any questions?"

"Yes." I said, making Joe look at me funny. "He is going on tour around the country in a few weeks and I was wandering if it was safe to go with him."

"And when is it you will be back?" She asked.

"We come back to New York for a month in January and then we finish the start of March." Joe informed her.

"You will have to come back for a 20 weeks scan, which will be in about 8 weeks. I have no problem with it, as long as you keep well and fit. If anything strange happens, you call me and i'll let you know if you have to go to hospital." She handed me her card, which I handed to Joe. "Take antenatal vitamins. How's the sickness?"

"It's good. I feel nauseous but rarely sick."

"Great. It should fade over the next couple of weeks, don't worry if it doesn't, some pregnancy's it continues through." I groaned, making them both laugh. "That's pretty much the same reaction I get from every woman. Any more questions?"

"Is there anything she should stay away from? Like food or drink?" Joe asked, trying not to look smug.

"Try and keep caffeine to a minimum, no more than 200mg a day. That's a filtered coffee and a chocolate bar for example. Try and stay away from anything that will make you sick. Eat healthy and take it easy."

"Hear that? Lay off the coffee." Joe pointed at me. I laughed, shaking my head at Joe. "I think that's all the questions, don't you Al?" I nodded my head.

"Great." Doctor Coleman said, standing up. I got off the bed to shake her hand, Joe joining me. "You should book your next appointment for around December 2nd. And we should be able to tell you the sex." I clapped my hands in excitement. She laughed as Joe handed me my bag. We shook hands once more before leaving the clinic. We climbed into Joe's car, releasing a breath of air.

"We just had the first look of our baby, Allie. The first time we saw our baby, can you believe it?" He said, looking at me in complete awe.

"Makes everything seem so real now, doesn't it? Like it's actually there, not just a thought." I looked back at Joe, a grin attached to my face.

"Can we have another look?" Joe asked. I nodded my head and pulled out the sonogram. "I can't believe it's an actually baby." Joe leant over the central console of the car, his head almost touching my shoulder. "We are actually doing this, aren't we?" He brushed his fingers down the photo, across our baby. I turned to him, our faces nearly touching.

"Yeah, Joe. We really are." He looked up at me, our noses brushing together. I caught his eyes flickering down to my lips and I licked them, wetting them. He pushed himself a little closer, our lips just touching. And then his phone went off. He sighed, resting his forehead against mine, pressing a soft kiss to my nose. He pulled away completely, turning on the car and letting the phone ring out.

"It was mom." He said as he pulled out the parking lot. I slid the sonogram into my bag and shifted slightly. I couldn't believe that we almost kissed. He tossed his phone to me as he drove along. "Ring her back, it should come through the speakers." I unlocked Joe's iPhone and rang Denise back. "Hey mom." He said as she answered.

"How did it go?" She asked, almost cooing. I smiled at Joe as he drove down the street.

"Perfect." I replied. "Baby is healthy, I am healthy. Everything is good."

"I am so happy. Did you get to see it?"

"Yeah, its really amazing mom." Joe said. "It was there, just on the screen. Our baby." Joe leant over and rubbed his hand across my stomach. I grabbed it, placing it on my thigh. I saw Joe flash a smile at me before keeping his eyes on the road.

"Oh Joe." Denise sniffed, clearly crying. "Ignore me." She laughed. Joe rubbed his thumb against my leg, making me want to blush. "Are you going to come around? Your brothers are here, we were planning on going out for early dinner."

"Allie?" Joe asked, squeezing my thigh.

"That sounds great. But we will have to pop home first, get dressed. My t-shirt is covered in that gel stuff." I screwed my nose up. "Can you give us like an hour?"

"Sure, meet us here, okay?"

"Yup, see you soon." We said our goodbyes before hanging up. I placed Joe's phone into my bag before looking at him. "Do we want to know the sex?" He asked.

"Do you?" I replied. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. I want to know, but I want it to be a surprise. Imagine the feeling of finding out after the birth."

"I don't think I'll be that fussed about what sex it when I am pushing it out, Joe." I said, laughing softly. "I want to know. That way we can get everything ready, sort out the nursery and choose a name. Otherwise we will be waiting to find out."

"When you put it like that, I want to know as well."

"And then we can stop calling it 'it'. We can refer to it as she, or he." I pointed out. "Because I feel silly saying it. I feel like I'm referring to an object."

"Okay, we will find out." Joe said. I cheered, making him laugh. "Do we tell everyone else when we find out?"

"I think both our mothers would kill us if we knew and they didn't." Joe made a noise of agreement. "Also, we should book the appointment as soon as possible, just so that everyone knows that's when we are coming back here. I want you to be there."

"I want to be there too. Do we bring everyone else? Like moms and stuff?"

"Just us." I whispered, making Joe glance over at me. "I think it will be very enjoyable to come here and then leave our parents in suspense as we fly back, knowing that they will have to wait."

"Does that mean you are coming with us?" Joe asked as he pulled into the driveway. Everywhere in New York was walking distance, but everyone seemed to drive. We could have walked to the doctors, we could walk to Denise and Paul's. I climbed out the car, grabbing my bag. Joe let us in, the key he gave me at the bottom of my bag somewhere. "On tour? Are you coming?" He asked once more as I walked into the kitchen.

"I've been thinking the last 3 days about it, since we had that conversation." I said, grabbing my bottle of water. "I want you to experience it all with me, I don't want to be stuck here. And it's not like I will have anyone around here, because of all you are going." I stopped to take a sip of the water. I could see Joe almost vibrating with excitement. I grabbed my bag, pulling out a sonogram and placing it on the fridge; a Las Vegas magnet holding it in place. Joe walked over to me, spinning me by the hips to face him. I grinned as I rested my hands on his biceps.

"Aleah, stop winding me up? Are you coming or not?" He asked, his eyes stuttering over my face. I bit my lip before nodding.

"I spoke to your mom and dad and they said it's fine, as long as it's okay with the doctor. That's why I asked earlier." Joe grinned, picking me up and spinning me around. I laughed as his childishness and he put me on the floor.

"You're coming." He whispered, lifting a hand to my cheek. He ran his thumb across my cheekbone, making a shudder go down my body. "I don't have to be away from you. Either of you."

"Never." I breathed back. And in a spilt second, Joe's lips were on mine. He moved his hands from my cheeks, holding my hips. His thumbs were pressed against my stomach, rubbing it softly. I held his head in my hands, feeling like this was all a dream. I felt him smile into the kiss and I pulled away, smiling back at him. He pressed his forehead against my shoulder and I wrapped my hand in his hair. "Joe." I whispered as he pressed a gentle kiss against my shoulder blade. 

"Don't." He muttered, pulling me closer to him by my hips. I sighed, rubbing my fingers against his scalp. He let out a soft groan. "Don't, not yet."

"I have to." I replied, grabbing his shoulders and pushing him away gently. He looked at me, with puppy dog eyes. I laughed, brushing my hand across his forehead, moving a errant curl. "We said we will meet at your parents in an hour. I need a shower." He stuck his bottom lip out and it made me roll my eyes. "Fine." I muttered, grabbing his face and pressing a long kiss against his lips. We both pulled away when we needed air.

"Better." Joe whispered, placing a kiss against my lips, a short and sweet one. "Go and get in the shower, we have to be at my parents in an hour. We can't use the excuse of we were making out for being late."

* * *

"Joe!" I screamed from where I was standing in my room, wearing panties and a bra. "Joseph! Get up here now!" I heard him thundering up the stairs. He burst into my room, panting.

"What? Are you okay?" He asked, panic in his voice. "Is the baby okay?"

"Wondeful." I spat at him. "Except for the fact that we are going out in public."

"And?" He asked, clearly confused. "What's the problem?"

"I can't fit into my t-shirt." I balled it up and threw it at him. It hit him in the chest and fell to the floor. "You can tell that I'm pregnant. And you don't want that if we are in public."

"So do you want a bigger t-shirt?" He asked, folding his arms. I copied him, pouting.

"No!" I shouted back at him. He flinched, obviously taken back by my loud outcry. "I want my t-shirt to fit me! But you and your penis had to make me pregnant and now nothing fits!"

"Allie." He said, taking step forwards. He touched my shoulder, the warmth of his hand on my bare shoulder. It didn't even faze me that I was standing in front of him in my underwear. "Our baby is growing." He touched my stomach with his other hand, the first time he had skin to skin contact with the bump. I had noticed that over the last couple of days, it had gotten bigger in size. "So you are going to get bigger. But it just means that our baby is healthy."

"But none of my t-shirts fit." I pouted, tears in my eyes. "I'm going to be like a whale soon."

"And you still will be beautiful." Joe said, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I rested my cheek against his chest, still pouting. He dropped a kiss to my head before pulling away. "Would you like to borrow a t-shirt of mine? Just until you can get some more clothes?" I nodded my head and watched Joe walk out the room. By the time he had come back, with a white t-shirt in his hands, I was wearing a skirt and my bra.

"Thank you Joe." I whispered, sliding it over my head. He smiled back at me as I tucked it into my skirt. The bagginess of the t-shirt covered my bump easily. It now looked like I was wearing a big t-shirt, not like I was hiding a baby bump.

"Perfect." He whispered. I pulled on a pair of boots with it, completing the outfit. "You'll need a jacket, it's cold." I grabbed a cardigan, even though I was hot. Another downside to pregnant, I was always warm. I had put a little more makeup on than usual, knowing that we were going to a restaurant. "You look beautiful, Allie." Joe said, making me walk over to him and press a soft kiss to his plump lips. "Ready?"

"Of course." I grabbed his hand and we walked downstairs. I filled my clutch bag with what I needed, my phone, money, lip gloss and the sonogram for Denise and Paul. "Let's go." I said. We walked out of the house and into Joe's car. Last time I was in Joe's car, I almost wet myself. I looked over at Joe, who pulled out of the drive. "You look nice, Mr Jonas." I brushed my hand along his shoulder where a blazer sat over his shirt.

"Thank you Miss James." He replied. He grabbed my hand and placed the entwined fingers onto my lap. I wanted to moan at him for driving one handed, but his hand fitted into mine so I didn't complain. "Are you hungry?"

"I'm always hungry, Joe." I replied, making him laugh. "Are you?"

"I could eat a small child." I screwed my nose up at him. "Did you bring the photo, babe?" My heart swelled at the term of endearment.

"Sonogram." I corrected him. He rolled his eyes. "And yes, I've got it. Don't you think that everyone would kill me if I left it at home?"

"Home." Joe repeated. "You'll have to go shopping soon, I'm sorry to tell you. And it will be maternity clothes."

"I know." I muttered, slumping in the chair. "Danielle and Gabby can come with me, I think they would love it."

"Last time you went shopping with those two, you got into a car crash. Take someone else with you." I laughed, smiling at Joe. I gave his fingers and squeeze before we relaxed into a comfortable silence.

"C'mon." Joe said as we pulled into the Jonas driveway. I groaned as Joe opened the door for me. I was just about to fall asleep when he woke me. He wrapped an arm around my waist, keeping me propped up. He opened the door and we walked into the lounge. Everyone was sat around, looking rather smart. I was glad I didn't get dressed up for nothing. The both of us got hugs and kisses off everyone.

"So how did it go?" Danielle asked, as we stood in front of everyone.

"24th April is the date the baby is due. It's got all its arms and legs. A really strong heartbeat--"

"You heard the heartbeat?" Paul asked, smiling at the both of us. "We didn't hear any of yours until the 20 week scan."

"We were just lucky." I replied, a smile gracing my face. "The both of us are healthy and we go back at the start of December for the 20 weeks scan."

"What was it like, seeing it for the first time?" Denise asked.

"We cried." Joe said, a blush rising to his cheeks. I opened my purse and pulled the sonogram out. I handed it to Denise, who started to cry.

"Say hello to your first grandchild."
♠ ♠ ♠
A quick question, do you want to know the baby's name? I've written something like 5 chapters ahead and I was wondering if you would like to know before or at the birth? :')
Comment please?
Next chapter: Having a fight.