Sequel: Starting Over
Status: This has been posted on this website and two others. It's beena huge success on the last two, so I hope you enjoy just as much as the others do!


Chapter 20: Kiss!

Andy's PoV:


The night went along with dares and they the being told. Everyone always landed on Alice, and her answers always surprised everyone. Someone even asked if she'd ever had her first kiss. She glared at CC who asked, and then said, "No." Everyone gasped at that and then started giving her a weird look. Everyone accept Jamie and Journee, at least. Finally Jake's turn landed on me. I picked truth.

"Have you ever. . ." He pondered for a moment. "Liked or kissed a gay guy?" I shook my head no. Everyone gave Jake a weird look. "What?! I had nothing else to ask!" We all chuckled.

I turned the bottle and it landed on Alice. It was kind of hard to tell if it landed on me or her, with her in my lap.

"Dare!" She declared before I could even ask her.

I thought for a moment before an idea came to my head. I smiled wickedly down to her.

"I dare you to me, at least one time!" I declared as she did a moment ago.

She gave a stone hard flare at me. She then turned to everyone else.

"I hate all of you," I heard Alice mumble. I chuckled. "Fine!" She gave in, looking up at me with a wry, sour glare.

I pushed her off of me. She grunted and stood up. I regretted what I did.

She kicked me where the sun don't shine. Not at all where I wanted. Damnit. This girl I liked was wearing spiked shoes. That fucking hurt.

I heard her fall on the ground, laughing her arse off. I was so going to get her back for this. . .

"Andy. You. . . Practically w-walked int-t-to that!" She cried out, still laughing. Her eyes seemed to smear with her black war paint. I've honestly have to admit, she didn't look right in black. It didn't fit her image, but she looked freaking sexy in black skinnies and a leather jacket! It was zipped up too. An idea ran through my mind. I smiled wickedly at her as she started opening her now tear-stained eyes. Her eyes widened in shock. I pushed her playfully on her back, and then gripped the leather material of the jacket. I got her a good foot off the ground. Slowly, I started swinging her back and forth, at least until she started to flare around everywhere. She almost hit Jake and Jinxx.

I was kind of weirded out that she kicked me in a place where I wasn't really looking forward to get kicked at tonight, but she was really weird. I should have suspected her to do something like that.

The whole time, I kept swinging her back and forth until she came back towards me to go back up in the air, when she kicked her feet to my legs. I fell on top of her as she was flipped onto her back. We looked at each other before cracking up laughing. It was quiet in the room before I realized how close we were. . .

Alice soon took in the silence after I did and widened her eyes. She attempted to push me off of her now squirming body. She failed though.

"Ugh! Andy! Get your body of a giant. Off. Of. Me!" I laughed maniacally before flipping over.

"You can't tell me what to do! And besides, I'm getting back at you for kicking me on top of you. You practiCally walked into that one, doll." I smiled a Cheshire smile before we began a full blown wrestling match. We rolled countlessly all over the tour bus until Jinxx and Jamie pulled us apart. During the fight, Alice and I would stop every now and then to listen to CC and Journee talk - more like flirt - and Ashley and Jamie flirting attemptfully. It was actually quite funny and I was soon joining in on Alice's laughter.

Alice got up off the floor and sat on the couch between CC and Journee and pushed their heads away, as they were leaning closer and closer, as if they were going to kiss.

I walked over to Ashley and ripped off his cowboy hat. And stuffed it in front of them, as if to notion to everybody that they were going to kiss, also. Ashley grabbed his hat and glared at me. It was soon replaced with a smile.

An evil smile.

"You know Alice, you and Andy over here sure do have two minds that think alike." Damn him.

Alice looked over to us as CC and Journee kissed her cheeks. Everyone doubled over laughing and Alice was blushing mad under her black war paint. It was hilarious. Ashley soon fell off if the couch, as did I.

I looked up just in time to see Alice push my band mate's and her friend's face off her now crimson cheeks. She started licking her hands and then wiping them in her smudged black cheeks. CC and Journee surely had black-painted lips. I was the last one to continue laughing and Alice just glared at me as everyone studied our faces with large eyes and muffled laughs behind their sealed tight mouths. I got up on the couch, still having a laughing fit, when I saw Alice standing right in front of me. Then it hit me.

I already took my shower after the meet-and-greet. I was spotless. Alice was still covered in war paint. Oh please don't. . . Don't hurt my clean face-

She rubbed her hands slightly on her cheeks, kissed her fingers with the paint covering them, before crashing her hands on my face. Imagine one if those faces that would have a line on the bottom for a mouth and the eyes squinted a little.

That's how I was looking at her before I stood up slowly.

"Finally got that kiss you wanted. Huh, Andy?" She asked, being the smart-ass she is. I threw a game in my face before nodding slightly to Jake, who went to the front of the doors of the bus, reaching up and pulling the plant down before walking over to us, holding it high above our heads.

I have to thank whoever c e up with He tradition of standing under mistletoe. They're really going to do some magic tonight.

Alice looked up in confusion before turning to me with widened eyes. She started to step back, but Jamie pushed her into me. I gripped her arms a bit before everyone started chanting, "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

I smiled down at Alice who looked frantically from my grip.

Before she could comprehend anything, I wondered if the kiss would take more than its playful meaning, and just felt lime fireworks explode, or if Alice would feel it, too.

It was all answered as my stomach exploded along with my heart as my lips crashed into her's.