Sequel: Starting Over
Status: This has been posted on this website and two others. It's beena huge success on the last two, so I hope you enjoy just as much as the others do!


Chapter 22: Two Brothers

Alice's PoV:


Kellin and I unfolded each other from our warmful hug as people who actually knew me started screaming out a me, claiming the attention from my friends and the gang. I looked over to Kellin. He looked straight ahead then smiled to me.

"Will you be on the tour wit-" I was cut off by a large mass running into me, sending me and whoever thought it was the end of the world down to the ground.

"Arg! Who thinks it's the end of the world if I'm not here?!" I yelled out, speaking my mind.

"It's me!" Andy yelled out. "And I am so so so so so so so so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you in any way! I'm sorry if I may have attended you or-" before he could speak any more, Kellin picked him up off of me, making Andy let me breath again. Andy glanced at Kellin with a curious look, then shrugged it off as he reached down to help me. I slapped his hand - forcefully away, might I add - and pulled myself up off the ground.

"I'm very sorry, Alice! If I'd known it would trigger something in your head, I would have never done it and-" I cut him off, as everyone does it today. Instead of being pushed over it being picked up off of someone, I did something a little bit different. As I did it, I did it emotionless.

I slapped Andy. Hard. Right across his face.

Kellin looked between me, then to the agape mouth of Andy. Serves him right. He stared at me, shocked.

"Uh- I- What?" He stuttered.

"Next time if you kiss me, I'll slap you harder," I said, making it sound smug of what I did. It was actually chillingly to guilty. He didn't do anything wrong, he was just trying to have a good kiss. But, he should know I don't do physical things, let alone a freaking kiss.

I sighed.

"I'm sorry. It's just - don't do it again, Andy."

"It's okay. I deserved it. So . . . Kellin! How'd ya find Alice?" He asked, shining the spotlight on the quiet member. In the background of everything, people were still shouting out my name. It was getting on my nerves a bit.

"Oh. I saw her run in the woods before you guessed me to go look for her."

"And you didn't tell us you saw her run in?!" Andy shouted, causing the attention of my friends to walk closer and closer to us, but running this time.

"Well, I'm sorry if I didn't know it was her! I just went in to see if it was! Okay?!" Kellin shouted back. "And maybe, if she wasn't crying her eyes out - which was not your fault - I probably wouldn't have found her and you all would all still be looking for her! If it weren't for me, she'd still be lost in the woods! So don't blame me for going to look for her!"

Kellin looked furious. Andy looked flabbergasted. My friends looked worried. Suddenly Andy's face grew cold and angry. And a little . . . Protective?

"Why were you guys in there for like, two hours? You went in there like three hours ago . . ." Oh. Nope! He's just assuming Kellin did something. Wait, what?!

"Whoa. Dude. I know you like her and all, but I would never do that! I have a wife! And a daughter! That, and she's like, twelve years younger than me! I'm sorry, but that would be a little weird having a girlfriend half my age!" Andy then relaxed.

"Sorry, man. You just look a little younger than you are sometimes and sometimes I forget that you're married and all that crap. But can you blame me?! I like her so I get a little jealous!" Andy exclaimed, waving his hands as a notion to me.

Kellin raised an eyebrow before burrowing his eyebrows, giving Andy a very strange look. He then turned to me with a smirk.

"So, little sis." I raised an eyebrow.

"Sis?" I asked.

"Yep! You are now my new sister! And by the way, just to let you know, you have seriously got Andy habit on you, because he has changed . . . A lot. And as for you!" Kellin began, turning back to a red faced Andy. Kellin gave him another look.

"Lets forget you're not exactly a virgin. She's underaged. You get any ideas or as so touch her, I will personally come over to your house and beat the shit out of you. As for you little missy," he began once again, turning to me and leaving a glaring Andy. "If you as so much get hurt, or anything involving losing your V-card, you come straight to me and we'll drive over to mister intimidating over here." I chuckled, but was a little edged out from the awkwardness of the point of this conversation.

"Alright mister big bro," I said, jokingly saluting him. He saluted back to me before we started laughing again. I completely forgot about the group of my friends that were standing a few feet away. They were all giving us weird looks. Except my friends of course. I think they were either in shock that a superstar was now my brotherish brother, the conversation we just had, or the fact I'm talking to another band member.

"Well, Kellin?" He looked up from the ground he was facing to hide his laughing. His face immediately turned serious as he saw my worried face.

"What is it, sweetheart?"

"Could you help me explain to Andy on . . . You know?" He knows what I'm talking about. He nodded than looked back up to Andy.

"Actually," He said. " I think this night has had enough drama. Why don't you stay the night, and we'll continue this conversation in the morning?" I eagerly nodded.

"Where am I going to sleep, though?" I asked, realization washing over me.

"You and your friends can sleep on our bus. We won't be leaving for a few days." I nodded. I bowed my head, still feeling sad. Kellin saw my saddened face though. He walked to my side and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my face into his chest. I felt a tear run down my cheek, but thankful no one could see it from the hair that covered every inch of my face. It soaked into Kellin's shirt. I had to admit, he did smell pretty nice. That thought made me bug my eyes out. Did i really just think that in a situation like this? Well, anyone would admit it. He smelled like a bit of honey. It's my favorite scent. Don't blame me for the thought!

I felt Kellin pull away. He gestured to my gawking friends to follow him. Then, I saw Kellin point his finger towards Andy to come here. Andy sighed, but took no time to follow Kellin, me, and my friends back to his bus. Kellin motioned his head for the rest of the gang to come along. We all reached his bus, which had lights on inside and loud music blasting through.

We walked in, and I immediately felt comfort. It was a large bus, but it felt calm and welcoming. Some guys waved at us though the doorway and began dancing around the bus again. I smiled at the image.

We walked over to the couch and sat down. BVB sat on the couch across from us. The people who were just dancing sat across the room on another couch.

"So . . ." Kellin started off, and awkwardly at that. "This is Justin, Gabe, Jack, and Jesse." They all waved. "Oh and guys? This is Alice, Jamie, and Journee. They'll be stating on for our tour."

I'm glad he explained to them we would be staying overnight. Wait! Did he just say tour?!

"What?!" I shouted out the same time Jamie and Journee did. I turned my head to look at Kellin.

"Sure. Why not? That, and your parents won't be back for a while. I thought you could use some cuddle buddies!" He shouted in a kid voice. I felt his arms wrap around me. More than one pair might I add.

"Can't. . . . Breath!" I managed to choke out! They just squeezed harder. " I'm not . . . . Joking!"

They let go. My phone rang. I picked it up and unlocked it. I immediately screamed and jumped up from the couch. I ran outside, hearing a pair of footsteps behind me.




"I was wondering if you wanted toleration tonight?"

"Hold on one sec," I said very quickly. I put myths phone down and went to run back inside when I ran straight into someone. I pushed myself back and looked up to see Kellin panting and giving me a horror look.

"Can my brother visit for a bit here?" I asked. His face gave realization and relief and he nodded.

"Don't you want to change first?" I looked down. I nodded.

"I have some clothes in my car. I'll get changed in there."

"Nah. You can change in the buses bathroom. So can Jamie and Journee." I nodded and put the phone back to my ear as Kellin leaned on the bus waiting for me. I slowly walked back to my car as I told Max Tue address of the buses. I hung up and looked at my car. It was the only one in the grass. I sighed and opened the back seat's door. I pulled out a small Wal-Mart bag filled with clothes. I shut the truck door and headed back to Kellin. He opened the door to the bus, and we both walked in. We headed to the small group around the center. Kellin lead me down the smallish sort of hallway and pointed to a door. I opened it to find a small bathroom. I closed it behind me and locked it. I went through the bag and found a dark blue night shirt, and black lounge pants. I went through to the bottom of the bag and found some undergarments. I even found an undershirt. I don't know why, but I always felt comfortable in undershirts.

I quickly stripped down and got into a bra and underwear. I heard it's not good for you to wear a bra to bed, but I don't really care. I slipped on the clothes then reached further in the bag to find a tooth brush and a bottle of tooth paste. I brushed my teeth and slipped my hair into a braid. I felt the cold tile hit my feet as I moved in the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror and noticed the make up that was smeared on my face m I turned on the faucet and washed down my face with the bar of soap in the holder. I looked at myself in the mirror, hating the small but noticeable blemishes on my face. I playfully growled at myself for a laugh and unlocked the door before walking out.

Kellin stood there, gesturing to Jamie and Journee as he heard the door open. He then looked me up and down before looking at me with a confused look on his face.

"Who are you and where is my new little sister?!" He looked at me with fake horror. He even raised his hands to his face.

I saw my friends walking over to us laughing on the ground in a split second.

"Dude! She's not emo!" Journeys choked out.

Kellin then realized the words from earlier when I told him in the woods on how I came here tonight trying to surprise Andy. Oh boy did that go well!

"Jamie! Journeys! Get your big lazy butts off the ground and come over here and get dressed!" Kellin chuckled. I set the bag on the sink's counter and exited the bathroom. Kellin followed me intothe living room kind of place as there was a knock on the door of the bus. I walked over to it.

"You are the guest! Why do you answer it?!" The guy who I believe Justin asked.

I opened the door and immediately I screamed in joy as Max was at the door. I haven't seen him in about a year. He had to go in vacation for a while from college. I wrapped my legs around his waist as I jumped into him for a hug. He looked very different is all I.have to say about him. He looks more punk then emo. He has a tight black tee on. His jeans weren't skinny, they were much baggy like mine and he had so many chains and belts hanging from his waist. He had in fingerless black gloves on and he had black lipstick coating his lips. His eyes were the same big dark blue the salamanders. They seemed to jump out at me as eyeliner ringed around his eyes. His hair was a natural black. It was a very more dyed black more then Raven black. He even had a lot more piercings from the last time I saw him. He had his ears lined with them and he had snake bites. He even had an arrow industrial piercing through his ears. I also noticed many piercings in his lips, nose, and eyebrows.

I felt his arms wrap around me as he suggested daylights out of me. I jumped off and noticed he even got taller. He looked to be 6'4 or 6'6. Either way, he was very, very tall. His hair was cut shorter and liked a bit up and down. He looked good.

"Alice," he said, a deeper voice, even deeper than Andy's spoke.

"Max," insaid in the same dark tone. We laughed and our faces couldn't live strait anymore. We hugged again and broke apart when someone cleared their throat. I turned around and looked to see Justin and Jesse give us questioning looks, as did everyone else. Jamie and Journee came out of the bathroom a while ago with the same expression. Everyone had the same confused eyes, except for Kellin. He walked up.

"So you're Max? That right?" Max looked down due to Max's height and looked at him straight in the face then looked back at me with confusion and shock. He then quickly turned back to Kellin and nodded before whipping his head back to me. He gripped my shoulders and started shaking me.

"You didn't tell me you knew SWS! Why the fudge did you never call me and tell me and tell me you freaking know one of my favorite bands?! This would have been great information, considering I was on vacation!"

I laughed when finished and put me down.

"I just met them and explained. Kellin here is my knew bro! Which makes him your bro, too!" I realized as I hugged the side of Kellin's waist and he laided out his arm over my shoulders. We both put on giant toothy smiles. Max pouted.

"Awesome! And one other thing," he said as he cleared his throat for a bit. "You're replacing me?!" He shouted. It was cute seeing him fake an act, considering he was pretty good in drama.

"No I'm not you giant dope!" I smacked him in the back of the head. It was kind of hard to do so with his height. Stupid 5'6'. Eh. I'll grow taller. I keep growing every month. Last month I was 5'5'.

"Oh! Okay then!" I laughed at Max's silliness and Kellin and me pulled away.

"So? I'm guessing you're a fan?" Max nodded eagerly.

"I love you guys' music. One of my favorite bands."

"What's your favorite band?"

"Design The Skyline. They are a great band."

"Like BVB by any chance?"

"Yeah! They're one of my favorite bands also!" I chuckled under my breath. Max eyed me. He noticed what I was wearing, also.

He clicked his tongue.

"Still not going to join the dark side sis?" I shook my head.

"You should have gotten here earlier to see me like that."

"What?! Gone for a year and I miss so much! What else am I missing?!"

"Oh. I got more and more art officialance and photography management, Andy Biersack has a crush on me, Kellin's my new brother, Journee came back, Jamie has been talking nonstop-,"

Max waved his hand in the air.

"I don't believe Andy has a crush on you. I do believe everything else though. And, Journee came back?!" I nodded head.

"Hey. Wanna come in for a while?" Kellin asked.

"Sure. If its not too.much trouble." Kellin and me walked back into the living room kinda thing and saw Jamie and Journee looking at me then Max, then back to me just to repeat the process all over again. Andy looked a bit taken aback by his height. We sat down and Kellin leaned back, along with my brother and I. We looked up to the curious faces. It was then Max opened his eyes after getting comfortable. He just now noticed that Black Veil Brides were in the room.

He turned to me.

"So you weren't about the whole crush thing?" He asked, a little shocked. I shook my head to say no. He furrowed his eyebrows in deep thought before looking around the room again. He started fiddling with his thumbs a bit. Oh. Did I mention my brother is a fidgety mess? No. Well I'm remembering it now, too!

"So . . . Who are you?" Jack finally asked, breaking the awkward silence. Max looked up from his fingers.

I looked to Kellin for help.

He nodded then stood up.

"This is Max. Alice's brother and my fakeish new brother!" Telekinesis happily trying to break the awkwardness that stood throughout the room. Jamie and Alice looked at me with the most shocked eyes of their lives.

"You have a brother?!" They both screamed out to me in unison. I flinched the anger that went through their words.

"Guys, like I said before. We're all going to reveal everything in the morning. For now, let's just try and get to know each other a bit more. Hoe about it?" Kellin asked for me. They just nodded their heads but sighed confusion.

This was going to be a long night to go through, especially because Andy kept staring at me. Such. A. Long. Night. I was sure of it.