Sequel: Starting Over
Status: This has been posted on this website and two others. It's beena huge success on the last two, so I hope you enjoy just as much as the others do!


Chapter 26: Last Breath For a Last Life

Alice's PoV


I ran down the street to Andy's bus that came into veiw, the cursed letter in my hand as tears ran after me from my eyes.

~*~*~Twenty Minutes Ago~*~*~

Dear Alice,

We need you to understand that we love you, and we've always had. This house is now your's. We can't have you as our's anymore, because you're being taken away from us by the adoption agency. You have been taken away from us because of neglection. We are so sorry we haven't been there when you are going though such a rough time. We should have been here with you and your brother when you guys needed us the most. The adoption agency is letting you stay in the house with Max as your temporary guardian and watcher. The adoption agency is going to check on you twice a week, until someone wants to adopt you.

We know we should have taken better care of you. We want you to always love us. We want you to know we had never planned this. We are so sorry you have to go thorugh this alone. We are so sorry we could have done so much better at being your parents. We will be able to come and visit you when you're adopted, or until you're eighteen. And Alice, tell your brother Max, that we have never stopped loving you. We have always loved you both and always wil. We have payed off the house and will send money to you to pay off bills and groceries, but we can't do anymore than that.

We have never and will stop loving you both.

Always, and with all our love,

Mom & Dad <3

P.S. Alice? Please keep Andy and make sure he's the one fore you. If you love him, and he loves you, never let each other go. If he treats you the same wya you treat him, or maybe even more, I hope he turns out to be the one for you. -Mom <3

I gripped the letter and burst into the dark home.

"Mom! Dad! Anyone!" I went around screaming throughout the entire house. "Please don't leave me!"

I ran thoughout the whole house, not seeing one thing of my parent's things around the counters or tables. This can not be hapening!

I ran up to their room to see their door slightly open. I walked in and almost immediately noticed the dipped bed on the other side. I slowly walked over and paused the sobs that threatened to come up. I looked at the glinting piece of gold that shimmered from the moonlight that came through the window. I sat on the edge of the bed, ad picked up the small necklace. I opened the slide up of the locket, and let the sobs and tears come free when I saw a picture of my parents in the small frame. My fingers rubbed the back of the plate, and I flipped it over from feeling the cold metal grow bumpy from my touch.

Engraved on the back read these words I will treasure forever:

"With Everything We Can Give You From Us, This Last And Only Thing We Give You, Is Our Love."

I slipped the locket over my neck and ran out of the house and down the sidewalk, ignoring the calls and shouts that rang from my friends.

All I needed at the moment, was love, love from Andy so I could return it to him. I think I will have to admit this one way or another, that I, Alice, love Andy Biersack.

I spotted his band's bus down a few blocks from my house. For once at the moment, I smiled as if everything was going to be better in my screwed up life, so I ran.

~*~*~Now, In The Present~*~*~

I pushed myself from every step of the way to Andy's bus, and to see it dark inside the window. Just to be sure, I took a mall peek into the window to see if anyone was up, and to my surprise in the darkness, the moonlight shined on two people who sat on the couch. And to be more precise, they weren't just sitting on the couch. They were kissing. And to my broken heart, I now know who to replace the word they with. Andy and Juliet were the two sitting on the couch. And like I said to my dismay, they weren't just sitting on it.

I backed away from the window in shock and hurt and fell on my butt, tripping on a rock in the hotel parking lot.

So many things were running through my mind. Did Andy ever truly love me? And if so, why is he kissing Juliet if he's dating me? Was there ever going to be an us? Will there ever be? Why is everything going so wrong, in such a happy day? Why is it, one moment Andy's on an amazing date with me, but then when I come to my house, and the note that just has to ruin this night for me, ends up getting worse when I see Andy?

Taking full control with my body, I finally stood up. But, it wasn't all I did. Right when I felt my body balance out, I ran. I just ran and never wanted to come back. I never wanted to come back t Andy, my house, my friends, my brothers, or my parents. I just wanted space for the night.

So I ran all the way out to the dead bench off the side of a dead man's road. The reason it was one those dead men roads, was because of all the car crashes that happened whenever someone took a slip and slide form one of the curves. This bench was the luckiest thing in the world to not be hit.

I decided, being a few blocks from the bench and pharmacy, I would take one shot at something new. I wiped the tears out of my eyes and just faced the mission that would be in commence shortly. I walked all the way to the pharmacy, and walked inside, despising the chime of the bell above the door that would send out a few rings.

One of the cashiers smiled at me, and I did my best to smile back. I walked to the back of the small store, and looked around for what I was looking for. I bought a few other things to make myself not look such a suspicious person, and walked out of the store with my paid products.

I walked all the way to the bench in the darkness, and took the way out of the woods. I took my whole way to the back of the bench, and watched as cars speeded down the dead man's road. I sat on the bench in a huff, and grabbed out the box of razors I had bought and ripped it open, causing two to fly out and land on the bench beside me. I set the box of razors to behind my back, and gripped one of the blades that had fallen onto the bench.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, and didn't see myself. I saw a dead girl who looked like a walking zombie. I looked like I hadn't slept in days, do to my baggy eyes, and the puffiness and the redness of my eyes. I also had raw red cheeks that were hot. My cheeks were wet from the tears I let fall down in the woods. I sniffled and looked at my once pale complexion. My nose, eyes, cheeks, and my ears were red from the coldness, and the crying.

I looked further down my body to see I was still in my pajamas. I wore purple pajama pants, and a light SpongeBob shirt. My feet were bare and sore from walking everywhere to rocks to the dirt.

I looked at the razor, and sighed before sliding it to sit against the bench. What was I thinking? I'm loosing it from all of this night. Every6thing seems to be getting worse for some reason. I hate it!

Realizing I would be here a while, I laid down, careful to sit the other razor behind me and I splayed across the bench, watching car after car pass by me, letting no one see me, as it was too dark out. All I could think about was how screwed up my life is at the moment. And something tells me it was going to just get so much worse.

A pair of white lights shone on me, and they slowly went down the road. That's unusual. Everyone usually speeds down this road, even if it is dangerous. I started to pick myself off the bench as the car was getting closer and closer. I stayed sitting on the bench, and watched as the car went down the only straight part of the road. It started to pick up speed. Then, when the car was about to come close to me, I looked in and saw no one driving.

And all too soon the car was driving straight towards me, and then, I gasped my last breath for a last life, and all too soon, I was being rammed into the bench by the car, and I felt the wind of passing cars pass by. I heard some stop, but I couldn't see anything. All I know is, is I could feel my chest rammed into something sharp and my lungs being pressed against my ribcage.

And somehow, through the attempts to breath, I realized this is what it felt like to die. This is what it felt like when everything is gone.

And when I finally heard sirens in the distance, everything in my vision blurred white, and all I could think about, is that I died with love for all the right people, and I felt my heart stop beating as I felt hands lift me up. And not just the hands of the paramedics, but the hands of clouds lifting me to death itself. And somehow, I knew this wouldn't be my last time roaming the earth as Alice.
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This was the final chapter of this book!!! I will be posting a sequel today for you guys, so hang in there!!!! This is not the last of this book!!!! :D