Sequel: Starting Over
Status: This has been posted on this website and two others. It's beena huge success on the last two, so I hope you enjoy just as much as the others do!


Chapter 6: Bullies

Alice's PoV

Andy and I walked down the sidewalk to the new built Starbucks down in the city. At one point, Andy found my handand I had the biggest and foolish smile plastered on my face. Everytime we went under a streetlight, I'd take a glance at Andy's smiling face. I couldn't help but wonder what it was for.

The new Starbucks was seen under the blinding lights of inside the store.

Before I could do anything Andy tapped me on the shoulder with a silly smirk from ear to ear on his face.

"Race ya!" He yelled, before taking off for the store. I gasped at his competition to beat me and I immediately took off, right on his heels. When I came a foot behind him, I reached my hand out and tapped his shoulder, as he did to me. He tilted his head just enough so he could see me, but not to fall flat on his face.

"How could you want to race if I'm going to beat you?!"

"You can't beat me! Your behind me, sweetheart!"

"Then what do ya call this?!" I yelled once more, gaining speed and running around him, right in front of the Starbucks.

I turned around and saw Andy panting, looking at me as if I were insane.

"How did you beat me?" He asked, though the pants sounded like his voice would give in any minute, just like his knees looked.

"I took track when I was in middle school and I just love to run." I opened the door to the coffee shop and all heads turned our way. Most of their eyes looked behind me to the panting Andy. He had his hands on his knees and he looked like he was about to pass out.

"Andy, I'm not letting you get coffee until you've cooled down on some water." I scolded him, whilst pointing one of my long fingers at him.

He gave me a glare but soon replaced it with an evil smile. He ran towards me and picked me up, pushing me over his shoulders.

"Andy! Put me down!"

"No thanks, sweetheart!" He yelled back. I pounded his back. I heard him grunt loudly and I smiled with victory as I kept hitting the same spot over and over until I felt myself being lifted down.

"Man your fiesty! I think I have a new bruise on my back because of you!"

"Aw. Poor you." I put my lips into a pout and went to the counter.

Andy and I ordered our coffees and sat down in a booth in the back.

"So. . ." Andy started to say.

"So. . ."

"When are your parents going to come back?"

"Around in December for Christmas."

"Cool." He took a sip from his coffee. "Do you still believe in Santa Claus?" His sly smirk came back and I chuckled.

"Only if it makes you sleep at night," I said, taking a huge gulp from my coffee. It was then I realized he should have been drinking water, not coffee. I glared at him until he saw me and he immediately started cowering his head back towards the booth.


"I thought I told you to get water! You're going to get dehydrated and I'm going to laugh when you do for not listening to me." Andy sniffed and gave me the weirdest - but cutest - puppy eyes I'd ever seen.

"Andy. Your scaring me with your eyes."

"Huh. Your the first girl who hasn't said I was eye-fucking them." I laughed at this and he soon joined in, getting plenty of looks through everyone's eyes.

"Shut the hell up!" A boy across the coffee shop yelled at us. He looked to be around my age, except he was one of those jocks.

"Were not even laughing that loud," I said, letting my bravery sink out before I could stop it.

"Well, how about your faggot boyfriend over there stops being innapproporiate?"

"First off, don't call my friend faggot. Second of all, like you've never tried to be 'innaproppropraite before!"

"Why you little bitch." He got up from his seat across the shop and started walking towards me and Andy's table. The man behind the cashier came around the counter. Andy got up and I followed in suit.

"Sir, I'll have to ask you to please, sit down."

The jock simply pushed the cashier away and walked the rest of the few feet o me.

"I think you better use littler words for a small girl like you." He grabbed my waist and I could smell the beer he'd been drinking.

"And I think you should be 21 to be able to drink." He growled and tightened his grip on my waist. Andy then stepped in.

"I don't think that's any way to treat a lady, even in your condition."

"Back off faggot." I pushed his chest and he fell backwords. Andy got in front of me and I didn't stop him, as I saw the jock get back on his feet. He looked over Andy's shoulder to me and Andy immediately stiffened, if it even were possible.

Jocky charged at me and Andy sprung into action. He punched the jock in the gut and a full blown battle errupted. Andy was hit multiple times in the face while he tried to hit Jocky in the stomach until Andy finally kicked Jocky from under the feet. The Jock hit his head on the floor, resulting in him passing out. The cashier sighed in relief and called an ambulance.

"Sir?" The cashier ushered. "You have to go also for your injuries." Andy nodded andsat down in the same booth, waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

I sat down across from him. "Are you okay?"

He nodded his head.

"Why did you do that?" The question caught him off guard.

"Because-because you helped me."

"So? Andy. . . I can take care of myself." As I said this, he put his hand over mine, mine being on the table.

"No one should face a bully. And thanks."

"For what?"

"For facing a bully for me." He smiled as we heard sirens in the distance.

"No problem."

The ambulance pulled up in front of Starbucks and came into the shop and lifted up the jock laying drunk on the tiles.

Andy got up and grabbed his coffe while I followed him in the back of the truck to the ambulance.
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