It's All About the Lyrics, Baby

What's A Crush To Do?

"What brings you to Chicago then?" Jessica asked, smiling politely at Brendon as they waited for their food to arrive.

"We ate heading out on your in a little over a month." he answered "Had time off so I figured I would come over and catch up with William."

"Tour?" Nicole smiled.

"Yeah we are in bands," William smiled. "Well Brendon is, I went solo a little while back."

"What bands?"

"Panic! At the Disco." Brendon smiled and William use to be in The Academy Is..."

Nicole who had been taking a sip out of her drink almost spit it out, and falling into a coughing fit.

"Are you okay?" William chuckled, patting her lightly on the back.

"You're William Beckett?" Jessica laughed.

"Yeah," he smiled "You've heard my music?"

"The academy is was Nicole's favorite band since high school." Jessica smiled.

"And you didn't recognize me?" he smiled over at Nicole, who was still starring at him wide eyed.

"It's about the music not your face." she answered, in a small voice looking at the table.

William looked at her surprised "I think you are my favorite." he grinned.

Nicole blushed and looked down at the plate of pasta that was set down


"I told you no." Jessica repeated hands on hips.

"But they want to come over for drinks." Nicole pouted.

"You've had enough to drink."

"Nooooo!" Nicole wined, causing both boys to laugh.

"It's alright." William smiled and kissed Nicole's cheek. "I'll see you later yeah?"

Nicole beamed at him, pulling out a sharpie and scribbling on his arm.

"It was nice meeting you." Brendon smiled as Jessica tried to figure out what William and Nicole were whispering to each other. She was not bringing that boy home.

"You too." Jessica smiled politely. "Nicole time to go."

"Wish it had been a better situation to meet under." he smiled awkwardly.

Nicole smirked and grabbed William by the back of the neck, pressing her lips against his. She pulled back and smiled, as he watched her skip away towards the cab, shocked.

"See you later," she winked, climbing into the cab followed by Jessica.


That Morning

"Watch out for the cat!"

"What? Jesus Christ!"

Jessica got up from her place on the couch "Are you okay Nicole?" It was not Nicole she saw however, it was a shirtless William. William was holding his foot and Magnus was disappearing around the corner.

"Nicole Elaine!" Jessica yelled, "Did you sneak William in here last night?"

"No." she heard her roommate call back.

"Then why is he hopping on one foot in our hallway?"

"Because I snuck him in early this morning." she smiled appearing in the doorway to her bedroom. She was wearing a pair of shorts and William's missing shirt.

"What is the difference?"

"Two AM is in the morning not last night." she smirked.

"Can I have my shirt back?" William asked, no longer holding his cat attacked foot.

"Nope." Nicole smirked "Souvenir!"

William smiled and kissed her forehead "Can I have your number then?"

"Nope!" she answered, before shutting her bedroom door again. She opened it again a second later "Oh and William."

"Yeah?" he asked looking hopeful.

"Your hips don't lie." she winked and shut the door again.

William looked over at Jessica, eyebrows knit together "Was she serious?"

Jessica shrugged "Probably, but you don't really need her number now that you know where we live. Just knock on the front door and ask her in person."

"I was also asked to get your number."

"By who?" Jessica asked, looking at him suspiciously.

"Brendon, the guy who was at the bar with me last night. God this jacket looks stupid with no shirt under it."

Jessica looked at the leather jacket William had thrown on. He was right, it did look weird.

"Go steal one of her shirts."

"She shut herself in her room. I doubt she is going to let me in there to steal a shirt."

Jessica rolled her eyes before exiting into the laundry room. She search around for a moment before pulling out a plain black shirt of Nicole's and her black skeleton vest.

"Here." she smiled handing them to William. "That vest is Nicole's favorite. If you take it with you she will be calling you within the week to get it back."

William smiled clutching the vest "You are helping me why?" he chuckled "You didn't seem very keen on Brendon and me last night."

Jessica shrugged "Maybe you could be good for Nicole."

"Maybe Brendon could be good for you?"

"I don't think so" Jessica smiled "but nice try."

William shrugged before pulling a sharpie out of his back pocket and walking over to Nicole's door.

"You that is dry erase right?" Jessica asked as she watched William write across the white board hanging on Nicole's door.

"Yeah but she can't just erase it this way." he smiled, pulling on Nicole's black shirt. "She can't just ighnore me."

Jessica read the board as William exited the apartment. He had written his name and number, under his number he had also written a message.

'I have your vest and am holding it ransom. The price for IRS return is a double date. You, me, Brendon and Jessica. See you soon Doll Face.'

Jessica sighed. That settled it, Nicole was not getting her vest back because Jessica was not going on a double date.