It's All About the Lyrics, Baby

To Be Loved, What More Could You Ask For?

"Come on."

Nicole looked up to see William smiling at her, his hand held out for her to grab.

"Where?" she asked, smiling.

"We are going on a double date." Brendon smiled, his arm around Jessica's waist.

Nicole frowned "I don't go on dates."

William pulled Nicole up from the couch and wrapped his arms around her waist "Our half will be an un-date" he smiled and kissed her cheek.

Nicole smiled at him, she really didn't understand how he put up with all her crap. He just put up with all rules and constantly shoving away. It scared her to be able to see how much he cared for her more and more everyday.

"Alright." she kissed him, "I'll let you get away with it this time."

William fake gasped with a smile "Progress!"

"Don't push your luck." Nicole smirked, slipping her shoes on.

"Always." William smiled back.


"I suck at bowling." Nicole pouted as William tied the bowling shoes on her feet for her.

"I'll help you." William smiled "We can play on teams and my awesomeness will make up for you sucking."

"Most guys wouldn't ask a girl to make up for sucking." Nicole smirked, causing William to blush.

"I didn't mean it like that." he stumbled quickly over his words.

Nicole kissed his nose "I know sweetheart."

"Did you just call him sweetheart?"

William and Jessica both gave a Brendon a look that screamed 'Don't point that out!' Nicole ighnored the entire situation and looked at score board on the computer.

"What names are we doing?" she asked, looking at the other three.

"Cereal names!" Brendon answered instantly.

"Okay you fruit loop." Jessica smiled.

Nicole entered in fruit loop for Brendon.

"Okay Jessica, William pick names."

"But I didn't pick fruit loop." Brendon pouted.

"Jessica picked for you." Nicole smiled.

"Alright," William grinned, "Then you are frosted mini wheats."


"Because you are so short and Mini." he chuckled.

"Alrights Sugar Puffs." Nicole smiled typing in the two names.

"And Jessica is my Honey Bunches of Oats."

Jessica grinned at him as Nicole typed it in and they submitted the names.

"Not to brag." William smirked "But I am awesome at bowling."

"That's because you're so tall and such long arms that you could probably reach the end of the lane without even throwing the ball."


"Who had this idea in the first place?" Nicole pouted, looking at the score board.

The teams were about even but that was only because Jessica and Nicole both sucked equally as bad.

"We are a point ahead." William smiled, sitting down next to her.

"But only halfway through the game." she answered.

William rolled eyes. "Stop pouting and just enjoy the game." he smiled and smacked her ass as she stood up to take her turn.

Nicole turned and gave him a playful glare before walking over and picking up her bowling ball.

"Stop standing like that." a voice chuckled in her ear, causing Nicole to jump. William now had one hand on her hip and the other on her arm holding the bowling ball. He used to foot to gesture her into a less pigeon toed wide stance. "Now aim," he smiled "Don't just throw and pout when you don't make it."

Nicole scrunched up her nose and allowed William to guide her hand as she swung. However when her arm swung back she hit herself in the leg with the bowling ball. "Jesus Christ." she hissed.

"You have to let go." William chuckled "Try again."

"Holy crap!" Nicole screamed excitedly, jumping on William. He caught her easily as she wrapped her legs around his waist and hugged him. "I got a strike!"

"Yes you did!" William smiled and kissed her, before setting her down on her feet.

"Well of course when he pretty much threw the ball for you." Brendon teased.

Nicole stuck her tongue out at him as her only response.

"What do you guys want to do after this?" Jessica asked, as Nicole sat down next to her.

"I'm starving." Nicole pouted. "Let's find somewhere to get some eats."

"Why do you add a random 'S' to some words?" William chuckled, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

"Because I am awesomes." Nicole smirked, and kissed his cheek.


"I don't know what I want." Jessica mumbled starring at the menu.

"Wanna split a sampler?" Brendon smiled at her.

"What's that?"

Brendon leaned closer to her and pointed out the appetizer that has a selection of basically everything on menu.

"Alright." she smiled and kissed his cheek.

The two set down their menus, but still sat cuddled together on their side of the booth.

William looked over at Nicole hopefully "Do you wanna share something?"

"Nope." Nicole answered, not looking up from her menu.

William pouted and Jessica glared at her friend.

"Will you give the guy a break?" Jessica snapped.

Nicole glared at her friend "I didn't do anything."

"Stop trying to be unemotional and just be nice to him for Christ sake! He just wants to share a meal with you! He is just trying to be cute."

"Maybe I want my own fucking meal." Nicole growled "Mind your own fucking business." with that Nicole slammed her menu on the tabled and stormed out of the restraunt.

"Shit." William hissed. He quickly pulled on his jacket intent on following Nicole.

"You know she isn't going to get any better." Jessica sighed.

"Did you know I don't care?" William snapped. "I am prepared to deal with it because I think she is worth it. You setting her off is not helping!" with that William was also gone.

Jessica looked down at her hands in her laps and tired to hold back the tears that were welling up in her eyes. Brendon wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him.

He kissed her temple. "It's okay, he knows you are just trying to help."

"I didn't mean it to come out like that." Jessica sniffed a little.

"I just am stressed out about us and I don't want to see them hurting each other."

"Us?" Brendon asked, frowning "Why are you stressed about us?"

"You're leaving in a week."

Brendon let out a sigh "Do you think I'll forget about you?"

"I don't know."

"Whatever this is." he smiled "I'm not letting go of it easily. We can try long distance. I'll come to Chicago whenever I'm free and I'll call you everyday even if you don't want to talk to me."

Jessica smiled weakly.

"Alright Honey bunches of oats?"

Jessica laughed and kissed him "Okay."



Nicole looked from her seat on a swing to see William jogging towards her. She let out a sigh and kicked the dirt as well as her short legs would allow her. Nicole avoided William's gaze as he reached her.

"I thought I'd never find you."

"Yeah." she answered simply, still not looking at him.

A few seconds later she felt William push the swing. He didn't say anything, just pushed her softly. Nicole let out a soft sigh, relaxing into the back and forth of the swing.

"Sorry about the scene back there." she sighed again "Jessica is right, you deserve better."

"No I don't."

Nicole leaned her head back and frowned at him. "What?"

"It doesn't get better than you." he smiled and stopped the swing just long enough to give her a quick kiss. He resumed pushing the swing slowly.

"I'm so horrible to you." she sighed "Don't you want a real girlfriend? Someone who wants to do all those cute mushy things with you?"

"I want to do those things with you." he answered, simply.

"But I can't be that person for you right now."

William stopped the swing, pulling it up high, so she was close to him. He kissed her cheek softly "I can wait."



"You're perfect."

"So are you, babe."