Sequel: Stealing Glances
Status: COMPLETE- Sequel Stealing Glance is up!

Making Hits for Your Heart

Track Eighteen

Track Eighteen

It was John’s last day before driving back down to Arizona. The two had decided to go for brunch before heading over to Matt Squire’s studio to pay him a surprise visit.

“Is Mr. Squire in?” Jamison called out as she walked into the studio with Matt sitting behind the soundboard on his laptop just lounging around.

“Jamison Jae In Song… where the fuck have you been and why are you just coming back into my life now?” Matt shouted getting up from his seat and embracing Jamison.

“Matt… I’m sorry. I love you.” She said apologetically in a joking manner. “I brought a familiar face…” She pointed as John walked into the studio with a nervous smile upon his face.

“John O’Callaghan… look at you. You got a nice haircut and some fashion sense.” Matt joked, causing John to laugh easing his nervous state of mind seeing an old colleague after all these years.

“Yes I did and it’s been forever Squire… good to see you man.” John said, giving Matt a quick bro hug.

“You two…” Matt pointed at John and Jamison, “I didn’t expect you both to come visit.”

“I thought it’d be a nice surprise.” Jamison shrugged; taking a seat on the plush leather couch that was in the control room as John followed and took a seat next to her.

“It is…” Matt smiled, and then looked at John. “For some reason, I can’t imagine you two as friends… but then again, I kind of still just have this imagine of you with your bad haircut and awkward tendencies.” He teased at Jamison laughed at all the cheap hits Matt was taking at John.

“Still that same guy, just with a better haircut.” John joked going along with Matt.

“Paired with Jamison here… I didn’t see that one coming.” Matt reiterated, laughing to himself as he saw John and Jamison sit next to each other.

“Why is that?” Jamison said, looking at Matt with somewhat confused as why he was so amused by her friendship with John.

“I don’t know… but seeing you two together now. I like it…” He declared, “I was told by Butch you have this ‘cute’ dynamic going on with your banter.”

“Butch is dumb…” Jamison said rolling her eyes remembering back to the conversation she had with Butch about John a few months back.

“You said it, not me…” Matt raised his hands up in defense as John laughed at the conversation going on in the room. “So, how are you John? You seem to be doing well from what I’ve gathered.” Matt looked over at John with a smile.

“I am doing well…” John said, nodding his head in agreement with Matt’s statement.

“Congratulations on the upcoming record and new single… sounds awesome.”

“Thanks.” John smiled, “With the help of this girl here…” He nudged Jamison in the shoulder as she just shook her head in disagreement.

“I pressed the record button…” Jamison said jokingly as she nudged John back.

“You’ve come a long way… I’m really proud of you dude.” Matt said looking at him like a proud older brother.

“That means so much coming from you…” John said looking at Matt thankfully for his encouraging words.

“I’m very lucky to say I was the first to work with you.” Matt said with a smile.

“Gosh, I’d be embarrassed.” John said with a laugh.

“Not at all.” Matt shook his head. “Only ‘cause of your haircuts.” He joked.


“Jamison, you have come such a long way since I first met you when you were 14…” Matt said, looking at Jamison with a smile.

“What is this, Grandpa Squire thinking back on the good ol’ days?” Jamison said, with a laugh as she looked at Matt like he was half crazy.

“Kind of… you’ve both grown up. It’s weird seeing you two on this couch.” Matt said with a chuckle.

Jamison gave Matt a smirk before looking over at John, “We’re not that little shits anymore.”

“We’re big shits now.” John said proudly before stifling a laugh not believing the words that had just come of his own mouth.

“That sounded horrible.” Jamison said bursting into laughter with Matt while shaking her head at John in mock shame.

“I know… but I’ve already said it.” John shrugged nonchalantly causing more laughter from Jamison.

“So, what brings John here with you?” Matt asked, as he pointed at John.

“I brought him with me to a friend’s wedding…” Jamison casually explained before getting up from her spot, “With that being said, I’m going to go get some coffee for you both and a lemonade for me, catch up and I’ll be back…” She gave a quick wave before walking out of the studio leaving John and Matt alone.

“So, you’ve finally met Jamison… and are now friends.” Matt repeated for what seemed like the millionth time.

“We are…” John said nodding his head.

“How is that going for you both?”

“Good?” John looked at Matt, completely unsure on how he was supposed to answer his question.

“That girl is like my sister… take care of her.”

John chuckled hearing Matt words, “Seems like she’s taking care of me a lot of the time…” He said, recalling late nights and talks they had while the recording together.

“That’s what worries me at times… she never takes care of herself. She’s not selfish enough.”

John shook his head, “I told her that the other night.”

“Smart guy.”

“Was she always like this or was it her ex that made her this way?” John asked, inquisitively hoping he wasn’t overstepping any boundaries. But the last few dates he felt he had learned more about Jamison than he did when they lived together for 3 months.

“So you know about what’s his face?” Matt asked letting out a sour laugh, “Mixture… she’s always been reliable Jamison Song and just a good person but I think with all the shit that’s happened with her she feels like an egg that’s afraid to crack. She tries to make people around her happen cause in turn it makes her happy, she uses sarcasm and wit to just try and drown her insecurities. She seems put together—and she is to an extent but she’s too selfless when it comes to work at times and it bleeds into her personal life.” He explained casually like he hadn’t completely dissected Jamison within mere minutes.

“You really know how to breakdown and analyze a person…” John said, letting out a nervous laugh wondering how much Matt could say about John as a person.

“I’ve known her for almost a good 10 years… I know how to breakdown and analyze her. She’s family…” Matt said comfortingly to John he wasn’t some sort of psychoanalyst of some sort.

“She seems to have a good one…”

“Lots of older brothers to beat up anyone who messes with our Jamison…” Matt joked as he put up both his fists.

“She’s lucky…” John said with a smile, really feeling the love and adoration Matt had for her.

“We’re luckier to have her…”

“So, do you know how Jamison and her ex got together?”

“He had some studio time here once, they bonded over Radiohead. He asked her out… she said no. He was persistent… we— Butch, Brendan, me and everyone really kind of just told her to take a chance since he seemed like a nice guy… clearly we were wrong…” Matt said, shaking his head.

“Why did she say no?”

“She said she wanted to focus on work not boys…” Matt laughed, “God, I hope one day she finds someone nice, I hope she finds love outside any 4 studio walls…” He looked around his studio.

John sat and took in Matt’s words completely intrigued by his newly discovered information. He was about to ask more till Jamison had returned ending the conversation much to his dismay.

“I return with coffee and cookies… and cake.” Jamison said, balancing a tray of drink while holding several paper bags. “Despite not being here in awhile Jean still remembers me and gave me free baked goods.” She smiled, looking completely content.

“Thanks.” Matt said as he grabbed his name-marked cup.

“So, what were you two talking about?” Jamison asked looking at the two. “Hopefully taking smack about me…” She said sarcastically.

“Always. All the time.” John said with a smile playing along with her.

“Shut up and drink your coffee…”

After sitting in on a studio session with Matt. The three had dinner together sharing stories about working together and embarrassing tidbits about one other. Mostly sharing old photos of Jamison and John that Matt seemed to have saved on his phone. Jamison and John headed back to Jamison’s house and spent the rest of the evening on the couch mindlessly watching old re-runs of “Happy Days”.

“What are you doing?” John asked, as he looked over at Jamison who was writing something in a notebook of some sorts.

“Writing in my diary about how dreamy you are…” She said jokingly, in a high-pitched voice with a dreamy sigh.

“Oh John, he has such nice hair… such a hot bod.” John said in a mock falsetto pretending to flip his hair.

“And even though his front teeth aren’t real… I think he is the coolest.” She said, still using her high-pitched voice stifling a laugh.

John let out a laugh in completely disbelief at what she had just said before throwing a cushion at her. “You are—“

“Awesome. That’s what you were going to say, right?” She smiled, looking at him completely satisfied with herself.

“You are one of a kind…” He said in defeat.

“I’d like to think so…” She jokingly tossed her hair back, “I was just writing in my songwriting notebook. I have a writing session next week with some people got to get myself ready for that.”

“How does co-writing work for you?” He asked, letting the TV now just be background noise to them.

“It’s a process. Some people are easier to write with then others and honestly, it’s a dicey situation at times. But sometimes it’s great and you create great relationships and music.” She explained, closing her notebook and giving her undivided attention to him.

“So, what do you do when it’s not working with someone whilst attempting to write the next great song with them?” John asked, as he smiled at the latter half of his question.

“I just see it through cause it’s the work thing in me…” She let out a chuckle knowing she sounded like a complete workaholic, “I heard Sia, who has the same manager as me does something awesome where like if she’s not feeling it with the person she’s writing with she’ll just stop in the middle of it and go, “Can we just be friends?” and it’s like… how do you say no to that?” She laughed, recalling the story she once heard.

“That’s great…” He laughed, “Hearing that, I kind of want to work with you…”

“You have.” She teased, looking at him with a faux offended expression like he had forgotten about their work together.

“Beyond the whole producer aspect…” He said, rolling his eyes at her for a smart-ass response.

“Well, The Maine writes their own wonderful songs… I don’t think co-writer is wanted or needed in your band dynamic.”

“I think it’d be interesting to work on something with you… even if it’s just for fun.” He said, not willing to give up feeling like she was just making up excuses.

“Sometimes, I feel the same way about you.” She admitted with a smile.

“Only sometimes?” He joked, as he saw her get up from the couch and disappear into her room for a moment.

“When I can remember…” She said reappearing into the living room and taking her seat again. “This is always a nice reminder.” She handed him a copy of “Exultation” the collection of poems and photographs he had collaborated on with Dirk years ago.

“Flattered you own a copy…” John said, looking at the cover as memories flooded through him.

“I didn’t pay for it. Bob at Fearless gave it to me, thought I would like it.” She sheepishly admitted giving him a smile.

“Thanks Bob.” John said as if Bob were in the room before putting the book down on the coffee table in front of them.

“I actually am curious on how you would do with writing like a story—you know, beyond songs and poems.” Jamison mused, causing John to laugh at her suggestion.

John shook his head in disagreement, “I don’t know that’s daunting…”

“I think you’re more than capable…” She said encouragingly.

“I mean it’d be interesting to do something outside my comfort zone. But what would I write about?” He said, thinking out loud.

“I don’t know I am sure that brain of yours has a million ideas running through it…”

“I do but I guess narrowing that down is another thing onto itself…” He admitted, turning off the TV and facing his entire frame towards her while putting his arm on top of the couch and resting his cheek in the upraised palm.

“What do you feel like writing about lately?” She asked, plotting her feet on the coffee table.

“Relationships? Love? I feel like I haven’t ever touched on that in ways that my friends have—the happy way.” He chuckled, “It’s within me, I’m not as sad as my songs might sound… I like the idea of being happy—despite our newest single telling people otherwise.” He said jokingly causing Jamison to laugh.

“Write about that…”

“Write it with me…” John suggested without any hesitation of thought.

“Excuse me? Say what?” Jamison asked, wondering if she had heard John correctly.

“You should write a short story with me…” He repeated, “We’ve had all kinds of talks about everything and anything—we can put that into a book of some sorts.”

“Um… how about—“

“Yes? That’s what you were going to say, right?” John smiled, feeling smug with himself that he used Jamison’s trick against her. “Hey, you wanted to work with me too… and this was your grand idea. What about all your ‘step outside yourself’ stuff you’re always telling me about?”

Jamison got up from the couch and disappeared into the kitchen and came back out with two glasses of scotch in her hands and handed one to John, “If we’re going to brainstorm… we need booze.” She said, sitting back down on the couch back into her original position.

“Thanks.” John said, before taking a sip of his drink before letting out a sigh and brainstorming in his head.

“What do you have in mind O’Callaghan?”

“I don’t know…” John said, thinking for another moment. “The process of building relationships? The story of two people who meet and how they grow as people through each other—grow together. The process of love...”

“Sounds good…” She nodded, getting up and returning with a notepad and pen handing it John, “Go for it…” Jamison took a seat back on the couch.

“You start it… we’ll work off one another. You write from one perspective, I’ll write from another. It’ll be like a split screen movie on paper… or something.” John chuckled, wondering if he was making any sense as he handed back the notepad and pen to Jamison who just smiled.

“Alright then. What is the scenario?” Jamison asked, staring at the blank notepad before looking at John.

“First meeting.” John blurted out randomly, “You can write the beginning to this adventure…”

She let out a nervous chuckle, “Let’s see where this goes…”

John watched Jamison intently as she was focused on her thoughts staring at the blank notepad before she began intensely scribbling on it. Minutes had passed before she stopped and read her work before handing it to John without a word. John took the notepad and began reading the words written on it…

When you and I met we didn’t have one of those meet cutes like in the movies; where we locked eyes and knew it was forever. It was a lot more boring… it took time.

And I am grateful for that…

We met sometime in the fall. It was a breezy day, but the sun was still shining. I was wandering the streets of an unknown city trying to find a café a friend told me I had to go to. Sadly, this café was in some vague location and was nearly impossible to find on my own. That’s when you came. You asked if I was lost and I embarrassedly admitted I was. After telling you where I was headed you told me you were going to the same place. You lead me to the café with mismatched furniture and that’s when our adventure began…

You ordered black coffee and teacake. I ordered milk tea since I hate the taste of coffee. You told me, “You have taste buds of a 12 year old.” And laughed at your own remark. You talked about your job—musician. You traveled to parts of the world that most people only dream about going to, your home was wherever the tour bus was taking you, where the show was; on occasion it would be this city, and you went on about how you loved the teacake they offered at this café—you always got a slice when you visited this city, and this time was no expectation. There was a semi-awkward lull of silence that was broken by you telling me you were waiting for me to talk about myself.

I wondered if your ears were ready…

“It’s interesting to see this side of you…” John mused, smiling to himself as he read over her words again.

“I never said I’d be good…” Jamison said, with a nervous chuckle sipping on her scotch.

“I like it…” John declared, “Let’s see what I come up with…” He flipped over to an empty page before thinking for a moment thinking what to write.

“Go for it…”

John thought for a moment, taking a sip of his scotch and reading Jamison’s excerpt again before a light bulb lit in his brain and a wave of inspiration hit him before he began writing. He read over his words again before smiling to himself before handing the notepad back to Jamison again.

“For you…” He said, as he handed over the notepad to Jamison. She began reading over John’s words…

I was going to the café I had always went to when I was in this city—they had a teacake I always seemed to crave for when I was in town and I’m not even a teacake kind of person. As I was walking, I saw you. Honestly, it wasn’t initial attraction or anything that lead me to go up to you; you honestly looked like a lost puppy. I went up to you and asked if you were lost and you sheepishly admitted you were. Not knowing if I could help you since this town wasn’t somewhere I was completely familiar with either I still asked where you were going, hoping to be able to help. Much to my surprise, you were going to the same place I was. I took you to the café with mismatched furniture and that’s where you and I began our journey; we went in as strangers and left more than acquaintances and almost friends, but not quite there much to my disappointment; but we had time, and we took our time.

You ordered milk tea since you hated the taste of coffee, ‘How does anyone hate coffee?’ I thought. As we sat down and you drank your milk tea and I had my usual black coffee and teacake I had told you that you had taste buds of a 12 year old. Me being me, I laughed at my own comment as you just gave me a chuckle while nodding your head in agreement. I told you about my job as a nomad musician-- how this was just one of the many cities I was re-visiting for the umpteenth time and how much I loved the teacake they offered at this café. I waited for you to talk about yourself but silence had mourned over us for a moment till I told you I was waiting to hear your story—who you were.

My ears were ready…

“Game on O’Callaghan… I guess we got one page down or one segment or whatever this will be….” Jamison said looking up from the notepad, “I guess this is the start of something.” She smiled.

“Whatever this becomes even if no one ever reads it or anything… I’m really glad I am getting to work with you and experience and explore this endeavor. I think we’ll have a lot of fun with this…”

“I’m sure we will…” She nodded her head reaffirming his words.

“Let’s write a story together and see where it takes us…” John said, looking at Jamison with a smile filled with excitement and hope.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: I am slowly getting back into the swing of things? (I think I’m just telling myself that to feel better). But I hope you all are well, I am slowly getting writer’s block and panicking. I don’t want to go AWOL for months again (but the last one was cause I was travelling)… what to do, what to do? Let’s send me good positive vibes I don’t hit a wall… but I do apologize for the lackluster writing lately, I really came seem to form any kind of coherent thought or sentence. Boo. Sorry for the major suckage that is this story.


Question of the day: If you were writing an autobiography about yourself or had to name a movie that was based on your life, what would the title be?