Status: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Steal Your Heart


Four months had passed since I left Arizona. Four months of wondering how I would explain to everyone back home why I just took of with nothing but the clothes on my back and what little money I had.

Every time I picked up the phone letting it ring till someone answered, I would panic and immediately hang up. No matter the protests that came from Nick or his mom, I was too much of a coward to explain to my parents, my sister and my (ex) boyfriend what was going on with me.

Laying on Nick's bed, I started at the ceiling trying to sleep, but no matter what I did, I struggled to keep my eyes shut.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" Nick knocked on the door softly, then slowly opened it all the way.

My stomach that once lay flat, was now swollen and filled with life. In order for me to properly see Nick's face I had to look over my huge belly. I struggled to lift my head up, but as I did so, I felt a sharp pain resonating from my right side, shooting all the down my spine and stopping in my toes.

I yelped loudly, tears streaming down my face asking, "W-what's wrong?" as
Again I attempted to sit up, but that only caused another series of shooting pain down my spine.

Nick quickly stood up digging into his back pocket to pull out his phone. His fingers glided over the screen that lit his face up and I wanted to tell him that I was fine now, but the tears from another convulsion, blurred my vision and I soon lost track of where he went. All I could hear was the sound of him speaking, I was just unable to make out any of his words.

My skin began to prick causing each bone in my body to ache as another series of searing spasms ran down my back. However, this time it was different. I went numb to the pain, like there was no longer any feeling in my legs. All I did was close my eyes sighing in a bit of relief waiting for any sounds of Nick returning to me.

It felt like day's had passed before I heard his voice again, but I just couldn't seem to open my eyes that now felt heavy. I struggled for a while, then came to the conclusion that it was just better that I kept them closed and fell back into a deep sleep.

A buzzing noise filled my ears, that soon turned into a soft and steady beeping. Yet again I struggled trying to open my eyes, but no matter what I did I just couldn't do it. I felt something in my hand, I just couldn't figure out what it was. I was beginning to get frustrated. "What is wrong with me!?" I thought to myself.

The soft and steady beeping, was now beginning to get rapid and the object I felt in my hand had vanished. A frantic voice filled my ears and I began to panic.
I wanted to yell out. I wanted to open my eyes. I wanted to know what the hell was going on.

"Maddie, if you can hear me I need you to squeeze my hand." An unfamiliar voice said to me as

I once again felt something in my hand. "Sir, put your hand in your wife's hand and speak to her."

Wife? What?

Then I heard Nick whispering in my hear. "Madd's please give us a sign you are still in there." His speech was soft and raspy, "Please Maddie." 

I didn't understand why Nick sounded so sad, but I attempted to squeeze his hand. I forced myself to grasp it with all my might, I just wasn't sure if I was successful.

There was a slight pinch somewhere on my arm, causing me to let out an unruly sound escape from deep down in my throat.

Something soft and warm pressed against my cheek, then I heard as Nick muttered, "Oh, thank God!" in my ear.

Still I didn't understand my surroundings, though, before I could even make sense of them, exhaustion swept over me.
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the next few chapters are going to be flash's about time i start explaining things.

let me know what you think