Status: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Steal Your Heart


The car ride from the airport was supposed to be awkward and filled with shame. Instead it felt like no time had passed, like I hadn't disappeared in the middle of the night four years ago.

For a moment I fell into my own world before I felt a pair of eyes on me and caught my mom staring at me from the corner of her eye and I knew she was just making sure that I was really here next to her. I didn't blame her.
She had been driving for about a half hour and never asked where I was or why I had left. My mom only asked I had been up to, but more importantly how I was doing. To be honest, I felt guilty for not opening up to her. But how was I supposed to tell her what had really happened the night I'd left.

Sitting still in the front car seat, I watched as the cars around us flew down the freeway and counting each exit waiting for ours to come up.
I drew anxious as my mom took the exit and drove closer and closer to the street I had grown up on.
Within moments a flood of memories came back as she passed by my old high school and I caught a glimpse of teenagers walking down the street laughing. I remember being happy like that once and I sort of wanted that back.
As my mom pulled into the driveway of my childhood home, it took every ounce of strength I had not to look across the street at the house I once spent all my free time at. I wanted to believe that there was no chance that he would be home, but deep down I knew that bright yellow car that sat in the driveway was his.

"Maddie?" My moms sweet voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
I looked at her, she had the trunk open and one of my suitcases sat on the driveway.
I pulled my sweatshirt closer to my body, before walking around the car to pick up my second bag out of the trunk and followed her inside of the house.

Little had changed from what I had remembered. The only difference was that my mom and dad had gotten a new television for the family room as well as a new sofa. Glanced around looking at the new photographs, smiling as I saw a few of my cousins who now had young children, my parents on vacation somewhere but the photo that caught my eye was of my youngest sister at was probably her first day of college. She looked so beautiful, grown up and happy. The thought of not being here for her made me sad.

Footsteps coming from the stairs made me look up. I saw my dad in his reading glasses, his afternoon pants and a cigar in his hand walking down the step. He strolled right past me into the kitchen before walking back to where I was standing.

His smile was curled into a wide smile, "My Maddie! I am so glad you are back my darling. I have missed you so much."
My dad gave me his biggest bear hug that I missed so much.

"Daddy, I've missed you so much! How is Riann doing? Does she know that I am home?"

Dad nodded his head, "She is heading hear after work. But I think your mother has told the whole neighborhood that you were coming back."
I really wasn't surprised, I only hoped that word never got to the one person I didn't want it.

After several more minutes standing in the foray with my father, mother had told me to go up to my room to get settled back in and ready for dinner in an hour.
I was so relieved to be back home as I made my way back to my old room. Again nothing had changed like I had expected it to. My room was still the way it had been after four years. Dust had collected on the dresser and my old desk.
I'd noticed that of all the things I'd once had on my wall were replaced but what was kept still hanging was my high school diploma in its silver and red frame, a picture of Riann and I when we were younger and an old article clipping from the Phoenix New Times that featured his band. I walked over to the clipping reading it and smiling widely at the memory.

I sat wondering how everyone had been doing. I wanted so badly to call my old friend, but I couldn't bring myself to pick up my phone and dial her number. I sat and wondered if HE had ever thought of me or if HE had never gave a shit to think of me after I just left him high and dry.
I just wanted to take everything back, because it was the time when I was the happiest, but if I had stayed I wouldn't be the person I am know.

Coming back was a mistake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a filler.
Next chapter will be great.
Please let me know what you think.

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