Status: I am having major writer's block so I wrote a Castiel one-shot 'cause I've always wanted to write about him. (✿◠‿◠)

Angels Lie to Keep Control


I had noticed him in the dark corner half way through the movie. The fact that David hadn't noticed him came as a surprise to me. His stare was fixed on us, it was pretty hard to miss.

"I had a great time, David." When the movie was over I quickly stood up and led him to the front door. Ready to get this night over with. "Too bad it has to end so soon." I turned a light on on the way to the door and looked back at te corner from before.

Castiel wa gone.

A small smirk placed itself on his lips. "Well," he wrapped his arms around me and pulled my body closer to his. "The fun doesn't have to end just yet. I can always stay the night."

His face inched closer to mine until his lips were a few centimeters away from mine, hinting at a kiss. I contemplated on it, taking one last look at the corner to make sure Castiel was really gone. My lips grazed his and my arms wrapped themselves around his neck.


I pulled away from David and we both turned our heads in the direction of the noise. There sat Castiel on the couch with a newspaper in his hands, skimming through it.

"I-I think you should go. I'll see you tomorrow?" I called after David who closed the door in my face. "You have got to be fucking kidding me." I cursed under my breath.

I thought I was free, finally done with all the crazy stuff in my life, when the Winchesters and Castiel left town. I guess I was wrong.

"What are you doing here now?" I snatched the paper out of his hand and stood in front of him, demanding an answer. "What could have possibly happened now?"

Confused could be one way to describe how I felt.

But annoyed would describe it best.

I took closer look at him and noticed he looked like a mess. "Cas," I reached over for a cloth and poured some water from a glass on it. "What happened to you?"

He too the wet cloth and rubbed some dirt off of his face. "I don't know what happened or how I got out." When the dirt was off and he was as clean as he could be, he handed me back the cloth and mumbled a quick thank you.

"Got out?" I took a seat next to him, leaving a bit off a distance between us. "Got out of what? Heaven? Hell?"

He folded his hands in his lips and stared off at the space in front of him. "The place I got out of is heaven compared to hell." He took a deep breath in before turning to look at me, "I got out of purgotary although I'm not exactly sure how."

I nodded, taking all the information in. "Okay, purgotary. You were in purgotary." I said out loud for clarification, for me mostly. "Where are Sam and Dean then?" My eyes searched around the apartment, expecting them to jump out any second.

"They don't know I'm back."

"Then why are you here? Why aren't you with them?" Now the confusion was really settling in. Shouldn't the Winchesters supposed to be taking care of him?
♠ ♠ ♠

This is like post-purgotary castiel c:

I'm just gonna make this like three parts okay?