

I was in the middle of my seventh grade year when my father made the choice to pack up and move to the middle of nowhere. He and my mother had just divorced and my brother decided to live with my mother, so I chose my dad. A decision I soon came to regret as we made the trek from the city of Seattle to little Sundance, Wyoming.

Aiden is beautiful, and has been since the day we met. She's tall and thin. She has big dark blue eyes and blonde hair. She has big pouty lips and a complexion most girls would die for. She was a free spirit; never caring what anyone said about her. She was outgoing and almost too friendly, and she almost always got her way.

My father and I moved into the house across the street from hers. Her mother was the first of our new neighbors to welcome us to the neighborhood. While her mother hung around the kitchen flirting with my father, Aiden quickly friended me. She offered to take me under her wing and show me the ways of the school - if only I truly understood what she met.

I could never quite grasp why Aiden wanted so bad for me to be her friend. I am tall, skinny, and awkward. I'm not beautiful in the way that she is, nor am I at all interesting. I was plain in every form of the word. My natural mean mug kept most away and my personality did not in anyway make up for my lack of taste. But against all odds, Aiden chose me, and from that on, we became best friends.
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