

I’m sixteen now and have been friends with Aiden for almost three years. Everyone liked Aiden, she is careless, free-spirited, and everyone wanted to be around her. All the girls wanted to be her, and all the guys wanted to be with her. What was not to like about her?

I think she gets annoyed of me, but she puts up with me. Most of the time I think it’s because she’s bossy and pushy and I’ll do whatever she wants to do. I think I might actually
hate her most of the time, but I couldn't stop being her friend even if I wanted to, she just wouldn't let me. She does things I would never do, and I admire her for it. I think my admiration for her often took place for my judgment.

I was content spending my first Saturday night of the summer doing nothing but reading, but when Aiden came around begging me to go to a party at the Devil's Tower, how was I supposed to say no? I’m not really the social type, and I knew I would have to lie to my dad to go, which I hated doing, but she begged and begged and promised she’d stay with me the entire night, so I agreed.
"Awesome!" She cheers through the phone. "Please change your clothes." She sighs and I glance down at my baggy t-shirt and leggings combo. "I can smell your laziness from here." She says before hanging up.
I toss my phone on my bed and stand in front of my closet, looking for something decent to wear. My wardrobe consisted of black, black, a little grey, and more black. I don't know what she is expecting me to wear... I settle for a grey t-shirt dress, my favorite green flannel, leather jacket and tights. I slip on a pair of black boots and accessorize with scarf. I slip my phone into my pocket before heading to the living room.
"Hey dad, I'm gonna go to Aiden's for a bit." I say and make a swift dash to the door.
"Alright, bye honey." He says and I hardly doubt he looked up from his newspaper.
I walk out the front door to see Aiden standing with Christine, whom I guess was our ride for the night.
"I know it's an outdoor party, Tate, but it's like 85 degrees outside and you're going to have a heat stroke." Aiden says with an exasperated look. I shrug, and hold my tongue - her outfit really wasn't better. She was wearing floral print pants, a lacy orange crop top, and ridiculously tall sandals. She looked as though she had just stepped out of a 70's movie, but I stop myself from saying anything.
"Ready?" Christine asks. I never really liked her, and I know the feeling is mutual. She tries way too hard to fit in. She's always snooty, the only perk is she has her own car and is always willing to drive if Aiden asks her to.
We finally arrive at the party. I follow Aiden to a cooler, she grabs two beers, handing one to me.
"Just drink it," She says with an eye roll. "Maybe you'll loosen up a bit." She says with a smirk before opening her can and taking a long swig. I look down at my can and crack it open. I take a small sip and immediately regret drinking the bitter alcohol.
“First beer?" I look up from my phone to see a tall-ish guy standing in front of me. He has shaggy dark brown hair and brown eyes.
“What?” I ask.
“Beer? I'm guessing by the look on your face that it was your first?" He asks.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Pretty gross.” I reply and take another small sip.
“What’s your name?” He asks.
“Tate.” I reply.
“Johnny.” He says and sticks his hand out towards me. It takes me by surprise at first. Do people still do that? “It’s a handshake.” He says with a slight chuckle. I realize I was staring too long and quickly shake his hand.
“Are you from around here?” He asks.
“Uh, yeah. I live in Sundance.” I reply. I could really go without the small talk...
“Oh yeah? It’s a nice town. Kind of small though.” He says. I nod. “I’m visiting some family. That’s my cousin.” He says and nods toward a boy. I recognize him from school.
“That’s nice.” I say and look around for Aiden.
“You’re not very friendly.” He says and nudges my arm. I glance down at the spot and shrug.
“Social gatherings really aren't my forte.” I mutter.
“Hey Johnny!” A couple approach him from behind.
“What’s up?” He asks while doing the half-hearted handshake guys always do.
“Why are you hiding over here?” The girl says, slurring a bit and grabbing onto his arm. I decide this is my chance to get away and make a break for it. I walk out to where the cars are parked. I sit on a rock and decide I'll catch a ride with the next person to leave.