Status: on going


April 5, 2000

April 5, 2000

Hello, my name is Lydia Summers otherwise known as Lily. I am 11 years old and I decided to write in this diary I found lying around. I have never been into writing but I think I’m going to try it out. The last of my close friends, Belle, moved away with her new family yesterday and it has been awfully quiet despite the endless rambles of the other children here. I just hope that I gain a new friend soon or I'll be finding myself talking to you, my dear diary. You know I never told anyone this but I sometimes miss my parents but then my teacher tells me they're in a better place and that comforts me a bit. But that doesn't mean I can't miss them right? My dad never lifted me on his shoulders to watch the fireworks or taught me how to ride a bike and my mom was never there to help me bake cookies or read me bedtime stories which leads me to feel jealousy towards other kids who do have parents. This day has been quite uneventful, I hope it turns out to be better later on. Until next time, Lily.

I look down at my first entry and just trace the words that have finally made their way out of my mind and into these pages. Suddenly, a shout emerges from downstairs.

"Kids!" Ms. Dasher calls. "Time for lunch!"

I close my diary and put it under my pillow. When I open the door, I am greeted by a bunch of kids scurrying as fast as they can just to get to the scrumptious meal prepared on the table. They don't notice me in the hallway and continue to bump my shoulder. In the sea of chaos I make my way to Ms. Andrews, my favorite person in this household.

I realize Ms. Andrews is talking to someone so I turn around to leave but she eyes me just in time and calls out my name.

"Lily!" I stop dead in my tracks and slowly turn around.

"Yes Ms. Andrews?" I smile.

"I want you to meet Kennedy Brock." She lays her hand on the shoulder of a boy that has brown hair, hazelnut eyes and a gap between his two front teeth. He looks about my age and probably new to our home. "Lily, Kennedy. Kennedy, Lily."

"Hello Kennedy." I say sheepishly and extend a hand.

"Hello Lily." He shakes my hand, "I hope we make great friends." And smiles, revealing his gap.

I chuckle and so does Ms. Andrews. "Come, let us eat some roast beef."

"That's one of my favorites!" He jumps up and down. Ms. Andrews ruffles his hair and leads him downstairs.

I follow behind them and smile to myself. My wish came true I have made a new friend and his name is Kennedy Brock. I guess my days of being an orphan will be eventful after all.
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This is a really short chapter but it's sorta like an introduction and I don't know why I'm not really satisfied but that's alright I've been meaning to post another story for a while now. So Kennedy Brock and Lily Summers are orphans ok uh comment and subscribe I guess yay thank you all c: