Status: Active as long as I'll have my imaginative mind

Beneath You're Beautiful

You won’t give up?


Everything happened so fast. My thoughts didn’t know what to think first: answer to mom or attack that hell being while he’s concentrated on the surprise faces that came just a second ago.

Just when I was about to jump at my so called father a brilliant idea came to my mind and I smiled devilishly. That caught my father attention and looked at me with scared expression. He must know what is waiting for him. Ha! He should know that before he did what he did. With my best puppy eyes I looked at mom.

“That being, who you decided to marry, happened!” mom rolled her eyes already knew that whatever he did it’s bad, especially when I gave her my puppy eyes. Mom was eyeing me suspiciously but finally sighed and looked at dad with the known expression on her face.

“What you did?”

Dad glared at me but a clearing throat stopped him and both of us watched mom as she moved from behind Sidney toward where we stood: me on the table and dad beside me trying to become invisible. If I didn’t know better I’d think that dad is scared of his own wife. As long as they are married dad never looked as scared as he is now.

Well he did once. When I was five and he tried to teach me how to lick my elbow. Have you ever tried it? It’s impossible; I tried and tried for three months but then finally gave up. Never mind, when mom saw dad when he was showing me how to do it, she was so angry that I remembered that I saw steam from her ears.

I might be a daddy girl but he never missed a chance to tease me and trust me when I say that I hate it each time he did it so I got my revenge on him.

“Don’t believe a word our daughter said!”

Dad pleads but as always mom believes me instead of him. It’s our little secret. When I was a little girl whenever my boys teased me I ran to mom and she scolds them. Each time she believed me, not them. So I might be a daddy girl but I’m a dreamy daughter to mom.

I let out a low chuckle but the moment I did it, Mikhael leaves his seat and stands next to dad. I glared at him, knowing what he’s doing and not liking it at all. “Mom, it’s time to change a side. Look at her! She’s already laughing! She’s guilty!” At the last part he was pointing at me with his finger. At this action he made, I scrunch my nose and looked at him as confused as I could.

“You’re parents never taught you that it’s impolite to point at people with a finger!” I open my eyes wide so he would know how serious I was. Mikhael was staring at me with the same expression as I had on my face. We were having our little eye war when other’s laughing interrupt us and only then I remembered being somewhere else and not in my room.

Both, Mikheal and I look around at staring people and as soon as my eyes meet Malkin’s I burst out laughing. You should see him. He was all red while trying not to laugh at me. But as soon as I started laughing he did the same. Well like everybody else in the room.

When I finally managed to stop laughing and find my breath again, I explain mom what happened.
When mom and Sidney left to the kitchen I couldn’t help but tease my father. He is so easy to tease when it comes to mom. So when I let to slip out comment about what mom want to do with Crosby dad was pretty angry but surprisingly let it go. Well, that’s what I thought. But in our family we work for revenge. And I forget this rule.

About ten minutes after my little joke Vero and I heard a mouse and believe me when I said that you’ve never saw somebody to be so quickly on the table like Vero and I were. Of course when Piotr burst out laughing I knew what he did but thanks God mom came. Otherwise Pens would see a siblings fight. But then again it was all because of my father.

Time flies by and we are still talking about something. Well there’re more than 10 people. After a while my brothers as well as my father start to relax. And that is my time to talk with Sid. Secretly, we go to different room. But nothing special happened. We were just talking as others were. And it felt good.
About an hour later dad wanted to go back at hotel because he was tired. We say our goodbyes. “When are you leaving?” Geno asked while I was hugging him. “In two days.” I say to him. “I’ll miss you and Sidney too.” He whispered and kissed my cheek.
In two days I’m leaving US and going back to Russia for a week or two and then I am in Europe.

Next days I spent in my bed sleeping and sometimes someone lay next to me to sleep.

In Saint Petersburg I get back to my normal routine. Jogging in the morning, breakfast with family, working out in gym, TV, lunch with mom, sleeping, working out at home, dinner, TV, sleep. Well that’s my routine when I’m home.

But from when I come back from US I could write something new to list of my daily routines. Every morning, right after running I call with Sidney. Nobody knows about that because they thought that it stopped when I leave States.

Today morning I woke up a little bit later so when Sidney called I was still running.

“Hi Nadia! I’m sorry; I didn’t know you are still running. I’ll call you later.”

“No Sidney, it’s alright if you don’t mind that I’ll be panting. I’m finishing anyway.” I said laughing. He’s so cute.

“I don’t mind. I’m glad.”

“Glad? Really Sidney? You’re glad to hear me pant? Wow. Good to know. When a match starts?”

“Nadia I’ll be glad even if hear you’re breathing. An hour! Will you watch t?” He is so sweet. Isn’t it? I can bet that he is pouting. I wish I could saw him right now. For the two weeks we’re calling each morning and I have to admit that I fall for him pretty hard.

“Of course I watch. What do you think? That I’d miss it? Yesterday you promised me a goal so I want to see it.”

“Yeah, that goal. I thought you forget.”

“Thought or wish? Come on Sidney, don’t say me you can’t shoot one goal.”

“It’s not so easy, if you want to know.”

“So than don’t promise something you can’t do.”

And on this base we are talking every morning. We continue talking about his match and he asks me about my day and what I’m planning to do. We were talking till I was in front of gate of father’s house.

“Bye Sidney. Good luck and tell guys I said hi. And Geno that I miss him.”

“He misses you too. I swear you’re like a sister to him.”

“Amazing! So I have another brother if I don’t have enough.” I said laughing and Sidney joined me. When we stopped, comes the first time mute minute when we didn’t know what to say and neither one of us wanted to hang up.

“I miss you too” Sidney said after a while

“I miss you, Sidney.” I say with a sad smile and hang up. I’m late for breakfast and guys have to be nervous.

I tried to close door as quietly as I could so nobody heard me but unsuccessful.

“You’ve lost somewhere?” Dad shouts from the dining room. I rolled my eyes and sighed but go to them. Dad is sitting at the head of table with mom at his right hand and Iľja at his left hand. Next to Iľja is Alena who is back from hospital.

I kiss my dad and mom and sit next to mom. I decided that I don’t answer my father even if I want to. Don’t need to be angry so early in the morning. But as usually my father doesn’t have my mind marching.

“I asked you something!” he said little bit louder. I sighed and look at him.

“I woke up later so I went running later and I came back later.” I said like it was the most oblivious thing in the world but tried it with my sweetest voice.

After breakfast I said goodbye to dad who was ready to work and Iľja with Alena who were going to visit her parents, before Iľja leave to Europe.

After shower I go downstairs where I find mom sitting on the couch and watching pre-game. She must have heard me cause she turns her head to me and smiles at me with that sweet smile I get from her.

Like she knows I want to watch it. Well she is the only one who suspects me about Sidney. And right now she is like 98% sure about it.

“Can I watch it with you?” she asked with puppy eyes. I eyed her suspiciously but nod and sit next to her. Mom starts to jump at the couch and I couldn’t believe what I see. Sometimes she is acting like she is 18 and not fifty.

The game starts and let me say that popcorn is everywhere. Now I remember why dad forbids us to watch some match. When we don’t like what we see, we throw popcorn at the TV. Well and now is second break and our TV room looks like after party.

“So Nadia, how is Sidney?” she asked and I gaped at her. I thought she wouldn’t ask now when she didn’t as at the start. But I was wrong.

“He is fine, why you ask?”

“Just curious!”

“You won’t give up?” I asked and I could answer my question instantly. Mom is smiling from ear to ear and shaking her head.

“I’m glad you know me so well. So you better split it out.”
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I'm so sorry for being late but firstly I was ill and then school stuff. Hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think about it ;-)