Status: Going through editing

Good vs Bad


In my world it's split so easily. Either you're good or you're bad.

Bad is the best. We'll chose bad together.
Choose good. Good is what you need.

There's no in between.

Good shall prevail. We are what makes the world work
We'll destroy you. Bad will always succeed. We are so much better than you stupid heroes.

You spend your first 15 years on earth as equals, learning about good and bad. Then when you reach 15 you choose.

You will make the right choice. I know you will. Bad is the right choice and the only right way to go.
Don't listen to that snake. Good is the right choice.

There's a test of course to check where you fit in but everyone always finds their home.

You'll find your home. If not, I heard it's really easy to cheat.
Cheating is wrong and untruthful.
Well maybe, but how else are you supposed to get what you want?

That voice in your head, the one that tells you what to do, is what determines that.

Thats me good.
Shut up you prude. I'm the voice. I'm bad and you'll choose me.

Adults tell me that voice is either bad or good. It's the way the world works.

Well I'm the right voice. Ignore the other one.
Don't. He's trying to deceive you. I'm the right true voice.

Everyone fits in. After the test you join the villains, the bad ones or heroes the good ones.

Heroes. You will pick heroes.
No. She will pick villains. We rule.

They battle all the time trying to learn right and wrong.

Bad is the best. We are the true human nature. We are right.
No humanity is kind and just. Good is our true meaning.

Every one is blessed with a special power.The second you make the choice, your power changes slightly to fit your choice. I am blessed with energy.

Fire. Warmth is what the world needs. You will warm everyone's hearts.
Ice. We will freeze the good out of the earth once and for all.

Your power changes along with your looks and some even say personality. You become a true hero or villain.

You want to be a villain. I know you do.
No! She'll be a brave good hero!

I'm Hope. I'm about to be 15 and I have a secret. I don't have one voice. I have two.

I'm the right one.
We both know that's a lie. Shut up.
Look who's talking about lying, Mr.We-are-the-best! You lie to a poor innocent girl?
I didn't lie! It's true! The fact you're too dense to understand is not my problem.

More than anything I want to be normal. I want to find a home, a family.

Good shall give you a warm home.
Bad. Bad shall make you strong. You will enjoy bad.

"Are you okay? You look kind of scared." Rei's sweet voice cut through my thoughts.

It's sweet she cares about you. She's a charming young lady.
Ha! She must be plotting against you. Don't trust her. Be on your guard.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just nervous for tomorrow." I answered.

You will chose bad. Don't worry.
Follow your heart to good.

"Don't be. I'm sure you'll find what fits you. I can't wait to go to be a hero. Saving people. It's a dream."

Stay away from her. Go away. Fight her. Stupid heroes don't know anything.
Ah lovely girl. You'd have such fun together in the Heroes Course.

"C'mon you know villains are the best right?" Seth said.

I like this guy.
Oh I pity him. Poor boy. You should help him make the right choice.

"Are you serious? Heroes are what's right in this world." Rei stated.

Anger flashed in Seths dark eyes. "Hell no. Villains all the way. We'll kick your ass."

Exactly. Villains kick hero butt.
Dear we both know that's a lie.

"We don't want to kick ass. We're doing good which is more than you can say."

Exactly. Good does good.
Who cares? We have fun!

Looking at Seths angry face I said trying to make peace "Well chose whatever you'd like tomorrow but stop arguing."

"Well what are you going to chose Hope?" Seth asked.

heroes heroes heroes

"I er I-" I couldn't think clearly.

Seth cut me off by saying "Whoever it is is extremely lucky. Energy. That's a insanely rare talent. Better than fighting." Seth was a talented warrior. He could look at a person and immediately spot out his weakness. Villains could use someone like that.

Ah don't be jealous! Energy is great! You'll have a amazing time with the villains. Your power is useful.

If he'd choose heroes it would change into spotting peoples needs. He didn't even consider it.

He's making a mistake.
Or the best choice ever.
He'll regret it.
No one ever regrets villains!
Right cause so many die in training.

"So what are you thinking of choosing? Seth asked again.

"Stop nagging her. It's her choice. You'll know tomorrow." Rei seeing how uncomfortable I was protected me.

She's right. How rude could you get to force it out of you? That's the people you'll deal with in villains.
Shut up. He's making you powerful. You have to man up and make the right choice.

The bell rang symbolizing the end of the break. I walked over to my last lesson of the day "History of Villains through the Years".

Ah we we're quite amazing. And we're even better now
Look at them. Ruining the world with their greed.
You mean creating it.

The teacher drowned about dictators through time and ending her speech by saying "In the olden days awful wars existed, most of them because of good vs bad. Nowadays we are so much more smarter. We separated. We created two completely different life styles. Now everyone's happy. Occasional battles and arguments occur but we are happy. Tomorrow you make a choice. Will you join the Heroes Course or the Villains Training Camp? I as a proud graduate from the Villains Training Camp suggest it strongly. Quite a learning experience. But it is your choice. Listen to the voice inside of you. Decide fully and wholly. I know you'll do what's right for you."

Shes right. Villains is the right choice for you. Villains is what you need.
She's right. Listen to me. Heroes should be your choice.

The teacher dismissed us and I walked with Rei and Seth to our Home Room. There are 400 kids in each age groups, 40 in every Home Room. That's where we sleep, study, relax and basically live. Its a large, comfortable room with bean bags all over the floor, a tv, and 40 beds lined. The color arrangement red and blue fit both the heroes and villains as blue is the villains color and red is heroes.

Red is my favorite color.
Blue is so much better.

I sat down with my friends and we watched some tv. Soon enough we went to sleep. I couldn't sleep at all, tossing and turning. I don't know what I'll chose. I just don't know.

You will. Good will welcome you home.
Villains are where your true self is.

Finally I woke up. I brushed my long wavy blond hair, put on the black suit we were supposed to wear on choosing day, ate a quick breakfast downstairs and arrived at the testing room. I still had absolutely no idea what to chose.

Good. You know you want good. Good is what's best for you. You'll be a amazing hero.
Bad. Villains is what fits you. You'll find a real home there.

The voices in my head wouldn't stop arguing.

But I'm right.
You're a liar.

Heroes or villains? My mind couldn't stop running through them. Heroes work for everyone else, helping others, being noble.

Perfect for you. Helping others is the true point of life.
No! Help yourself.

Villains weren't bound by most rules. They did whatever they wanted, without conscience morals or scruples.

And that's the good way to live, free of it all.
That's awful. Not caring about anyone else but yourself.

If villains crossed a line, or hurt the society, heroes would fight them.

And lose
We won the three last wars, in case you forgot.
Those don't count.

Morals or freedom? Others or yourself? Good or bad? Heroes or villains?

Villains. That's what you want Hope. It's what you need.
Heroes. You'll love it

"Hope?" the tester said. My palm were sweating. I was so scared, so torn between indecision. Heroes or villains? My mind kept asking.

Heroes. Villains Heroes VillainsHeroes. Villains Heroes VillainsHeroes. Villains Heroes VillainsHeroes. Villains Heroes VillainsHeroes. Villains Heroes Villains
Heroes. Villains Heroes VillainsHeroes. Villains Heroes Villains

"Well Hope,.what will it be? The prim lady wearing red, sitting in her desk, with her brown hair in a perfect bun asked.

Heroes. C'mon Hope, heroes. It's what you want.
Villains! We want you! You want us!

"I-I" I stuttered.

"Just let yourself say it. Relax. It'll come out."

"I want heroes." I said ,surprised it came out of my mouth.

"Very w-"

"No! I want villains! Heroes suck!" I said suddenly.

"That's ok. I'll sign-"

"No heroes! Stop that! I want villains. You liar. I want heroes. They're the best. Heroes are not the best. Heroes are stupid losers. You don't know anything! Shut up ok? I know so much more than you know! Ha as if! We both know that's a lie because you're a liar! I want villains. Stop that! I want heroes! I want! I want! I want!" I screamed.

I felt like I couldn't control anything. The voices were arguing, tearing me apart.

The lady looked shocked, just speechless. "Well dear. Just sit down."

I sat down on the small chair as she called someone muttered softly into the phone. After a few minutes of uncomfortable awkward silence a tall man wearing blue, entered the room.

"So Hope. Having problems choosing?" The man asked looking friendly. He opened a door in the side of the room and gestured for me to follow him. "This is our choosing room. I want you to sit down wherever you want, close your eyes and just think about what you want. Call out when you have a certain answer."

One side of the room was painted purely blue, with slogans such as "Bad is Free." The other half was painted red with slogans on the wall such as "Do whats truly right. Good is Right." Feeling torn, I sat down right in between, on the line between good and bad. I closed my eyes.

Now you've gone and done it. It's not too late Hopey! You can still pick Villains and be happy.
I've done it? You ruined everything! Just give up. She doesn't want bad. She knows good is right. Don't you Hope?

I felt the conflict that had been tearing me apart for the past 15 years rise up again. The familiar sweet caring Hero voice against loud energetic Villain voice. It would never stop.

Now now be positive! Choose bad. You'll feel better.
More lies? She wants good. You'll chose good.
No she won't! She'll chose bad! Choose bad. You want bad.
You want good.You want bad.You want good.You want bad.You want good.You want bad.You want good.You want bad.

I couldn't think. I couldn't focus. The voices were yelling, telling me what to do. I wanted to listen, I really did but they were always conflicted, never agreeing. Nothing made sense. I couldn't hear anything but the sound of the voices, screaming. I was sick of it. Just that. I was sick of the shouting in my ears, my thoughts telling me what to do.

You want good.You want bad.You want good.You want bad.You want good.You want bad.You want good.You want bad.You want good.You want bad.You want good.You want bad.You want good.You want bad.You want good.You want bad.

"STOP!" I yelled not caring about who'd hear. "Stop! Be quiet for once! I can't think!"

Silence met me for the first time in years. I'd shocked the voices into silence. I let myself think. Good or Bad? Villains or Heroes? I didn't know. I wanted the right way. I wanted freedom. I wanted right.

Bad gives you all of that and more.
Stop! You're wrong! You're lying! Just like good says! You're a liar! I answered him for the first time.

Good job Hope! Now just pick good. Good is the right way.
No! You're a liar too! How can it be right? It's exactly the same! I answered.

I stared at the thin line between the blue and red in the room. So clearly separating them. So different. Then why were they so alike? Why were they both manipulating liars? Staring at the line for too long made it blur together, making it one even mess of a color. They were the same. They were mirroring each other. Acting the same.

I remembered the man telling me to think about what I want. What do I want? What do I Hope, not influenced by good or bad want? I wanted to be away from it all. I wanted to find my own definition of good and bad.

I wanted to be free and right,good and bad,a hero and a villain, all at once. I am. I am not purely bad or purely good. How can I be when they don't exist? When they're the same?

I made my choice.