Status: just started.

Wait For It...Or Go For It.

I'm Sorry.

"I'm sorry."
I'm pretty sure it's the most hated phrase in the world. At least it is in my world right now.
Seven letters. Two words. Put it together and you will get heartbreak.
"It was just a kiss."
"A kiss can change a lot of things." Like us, this moment, and whatever happens next.
"I'm sorry."
"I know. That's the fifteenth time you've said it."
He sighed and put his head in his hands. I knew that meant.
When you grow up with someone you tend to pick up on their habits. When you date them you get even closer. You tend to pick up on a few things like their quirky expressions and body language. I have know Clark since I was six years old. I have also been in love with Clark since I was six years old. It wasn't until I was fifteen and I found out he snored when he slept or that he gets really insecure when he's naked that I really found out who he was. He was the love of my life. He was The One...but now I'm not so sure.
"Eden, come on. You can't really blame me."
I just stared.
"Look, we've been drifting apart and arguing over little things." He stared hard at me with his blue eyes. I used to love those blue eyes. Now I kind of hate them.
"I did notice. I just thought we would work through it. Then again, I thought never thought cheat on me but here we are," I replied bitterly.
He looked at me. Blue into brown and I knew what was going to happen next.
He grabbed his wallet and pulled out a twenty. Laying it on the table he look at me one last time before getting up. Running his hand down his face he replied, "I'm sorry I let you down." Then he walked out of the restaurant as if it was that easy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the mistakes.