Status: in progress

Stumbling Upon a Stranger's Grave

Chapter Two

~~~~Vic’s POV~~~~
“Vic! Do you want to go walking again?" Mike asked me eagerly, leaning over the counter where I was eating a sandwich.

I shrugged, knowing he just wanted to hear me speak again. And I honestly couldn’t blame him.

“Come on!" he whined. “You wanted to go back to the cemetery, right? Then let’s go back! We can look at the graves, discuss how we think they died…or not," he sighed when I gave him a look.

“What about Mom?" I croaked quietly. I didn’t miss the happy look in his eyes, but he continued.

“What about her?" he questioned. “I don’t see what she has to do with this. It’s not like she’ll care if we go on a walk."

“I think she would if she knew where we were going," I said quietly, my voice cracking in various places and a little discomfort here and there. I cleared my throat, reaching for a glass of water.

“Then we won’t tell her," Mike replied simply. “We’ll tell her we’re going to the library or something like that around sunset-a couple hours from now-but we’ll really go to the cemetery."

“Okay," I answered, my voice cracking once again going high at random like I was going through puberty all over.

Mike and I looked at each other with wide eyes before laughing loudly. “You sound like Justin Bieber!" he gasped, holding his stomach.

“Shut up!" I yelled, my voice cracking horribly and making him laugh even more.

“I’m s-sorry, Vic," he chuckled, calming down. “But drink some water, you sound horrible."
“Be careful! Don’t get hit by any cars!" our ever-worrying mother called after us.

“Don’t get raped!" our father called with a grin on his face. I smiled when I saw Mom start scolding him. It seems like our father is a teenager like us sometimes.

“I love our parents," Mike sighed, a smile on his face. I looked at the ground, smiling.

“Yeah," I said softly. “I love them, too."

“You should tell them that," he said quietly. “I know they want to hear it."

“I don’t know, Mikey," I sighed, it was easier to talk but my voice was scratchy and still quiet. “You’re the first person I’ve talked to in years."

“But they’re your parents!" he exclaimed, stopping in front of me. “You can’t be scared to talk to them."

“Well, I am," I whispered. “I’ll try to get over it while we’re here, okay? Come on, the cemetery is right there."

“Remind me while we’re coming here again?" Mike asked, turning to look at me. I shrugged, opening the gate and slipping in.

“Because we’re stupid. Come on."

We stepped inside, going to where we left off yesterday. I honestly don’t know why I wanted to come back. This place is creepy as fuck, especially when it’s getting dark out.

Mike read the names and dates out loud to himself while I stayed quiet and trailed after him, hoping we could go home right about now. I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching us…

“Look over here! Hello!? I’m over here!" I heard a voice yell. I turned to Mike to see if he heard, but he didn’t seem like he did. He was still talking to himself.

“Over here! Please, look over here!" it pleaded. I turned in the direction of the voice, locating it at a grave we had already passed.

Kellin Quinn Bostwick
April 24, 1915- May 21, 1932

I tilted my head, doing the math in my head quickly. He had just turned 17, just a year younger than myself.

‘What happened to you?’ I thought to myself.

“Come on, Vic," Mike said, appearing next to me. “Let’s go. I’m starting to get creeped out."

“Yeah," I whispered, following him. “Me, too."

When we got to the gate, I heard the voice again. “Wait! Come back," it begged. Instinctively, I turned toward the grave I had just been standing by and gasped.

I caught a quick glimpse of a boy with black hair and pale skin. I couldn’t see his eyes, though.

I looked at Mike to see if he saw it, but he wasn’t even paying attention. I turned back around and the boy was gone.

‘Great,’ I thought to myself as we jogged home. ‘I’m going crazy.’

~~~~~~~~~Kellin’s POV~~~~~~~

I want someone to visit again, dammit. Where’s that tan guy? Geez, this is utterly boring. How long have I been sitting here now? Hours? Days? Weeks?


Right on cue. That was the gate. I looked to it hopping off of my grave in anticipation. It was them! The tan boy and the other tall one, too. They’d come back! I waved my arms frantically, trying to get their attention.

The taller one passed me over, “Kellin Quinn Bostwick…”

He just continued on.

I looked to the tan boy again, finding him suddenly quite beautiful. Now that I’m a spirit, I can see human auras, and his was weak, but intriguing all the same.

"Look over here! Hello? I’m over here!" I yelled, hoping they would hear me.

The taller one was completely oblivious, but the other looked in my direction. I saw surprise flash across his face. I tried again.

"Over here! Please, look over here!" I’ve been so lonely.

"Come on, Vic. Let’s go. I’m starting to get creeped out." The taller boy was convincing him to leave again.

Now that I knew his name, maybe calling to him would be easier.

"Yeah me, too." Vic said, his voice barely above a whisper and moved towards the gate.

“Wait! Come back, Vic!" I begged.

He whipped around and gasped, looking in disbelief. He saw me! He really did!

Vic looked to the taller boy and when he looked back in my direction, he frowned. He turned back, walking out of the gate again.

Great, now he really won’t come back. Nice one Kellin.
♠ ♠ ♠
Vic's POV is written by

xoxoxo <3