Status: in progress

Stumbling Upon a Stranger's Grave

Chapter Four

I’ve lost my fucking mind.
What was left of it, anyway.

Seeing ghosts? Talking to them? Internally promising myself that I’d go back?

Insane, right?

It was, but Kellin’s story interested me. Hell, Kellin himself interested me.

I followed Mike back to the house silently, thinking deeply.

Did Kellin find me as interesting as I found him? Or was I just getting attached to someone that was already dead-that might not even be real-like the pathetic person I am?

But would he ever want to see me again? Would he even be there again? This could just all be in my head.

But I wasn’t creative enough to come up with all of this. This couldn’t be my imagination.

This was frustrating.

I huffed, flipping around in my bed. Mike gave me a questioning look and I shook my head at him.

I really wanted to tell him about all of this, but I couldn’t. I mean, what if he told our parents? Telling him would be the quickest way to end up in a mental institution.

But what if I needed it? What if I was truly crazy and needed help? Do crazy people wonder if they’re crazy?

I groaned quietly, punching my pillow n the process. This was pissing me off.

"Seriously, man, are you alright?" Mike asked worriedly, sitting up. I nodded my head, giving him a thumbs up. He sighed. “Come on, talk to me. Tell me what’s bothering you."

"I’m okay," I mouthed. He sighed again, giving me a sad look but giving up.

"Please, don’t go all mute on me again," he whispered, looking in my eyes. “Vic, please, I can’t handle it."

I pretended that I didn’t hear what he said and rolled over to go to sleep.


"Vic, where are you going?" my mom called after me. I cringed internally, turning around slowly.

I had planned to make a quick, sneaky getaway, but noooo, my mother just had to be in the kitchen. I shook my head, then mouthed “a walk."

She looked surprised that I had actually responded, but nodded. “Okay, mijo. Just be careful, okay?"

I nodded, continuing my way out without even looking back.

I jogged to the cemetery, slipping in slowly. I immediately went to Kellin’s grave, sitting next to it.

"Kellin?" I whispered, my voice breaking. I cleared my throat quietly, attempting to talk louder. “Kellin, are you there?"

"You called?"

I jumped, looking all around me. I heard a chuckle right next to me and turned on instinct, just to see him right fucking next to me.

I think I jumped ten feet.

"Holy shit, you asshole! Dammit," I cursed, sitting down and trying to slow my heart rate. He just gave me his signature smirk.

"Even my father didn’t have a mouth like that, Vic."

"Shut up, your fucking fault for scaring the living shit out of me," I muttered, finally looking up into his blue eyes. He smirked again.

"Calm down, at least I gave you a warning. I could’ve just appeared in front of you."

"Please don’t ever do that."

He laughed, sitting next to me. “So…continue our conversation from yesterday?"


Kellin’s POV

“So uh, If you don’t mind me asking….” He started.

I smiled, “How did I die?”

His eyes widened, “I-I mean I was just uh, curious and –“

“I don’t mind! It’s not really that big of a deal, darling.” I replied, kicking myself for calling him that.

Something about him… he’s just beautiful….

“Ha, okay.” he said, apparently not minding it at all.

I began with Jack, telling him about our relationship. He nodded, seeming to understand. I then continued, telling him about my father finding out and moving on to the beginning of the fire.

“So you woke up in a damn fire? That had to have been scary as hell.”

“It looked like hell. My home was engulfed in flames. I had to get my siblings out of there. Anna was the last one to make it out.” I explained.

“But what happened to you?” he asked, his curiosity showing.

I looked into his gorgeous mocha eyes for what seemed like hours before answering. He blushed, looking down.

“I’d helped my sister out of her room and we were running down the stairs,” I began, “She was going pretty fast, too. We were holding hands but the smoke was really getting to me, so I let go, not wanting to slow her down. She was a few feet ahead of me, just getting to the door, when a beam fell from the ceiling, separating us. I panicked. I spun around, looking for a place to escape, but I failed to find one. All the while she screamed my name, telling me to hurry. I told her to just go on without me and that I’d be fine, even though I knew I wasn’t.”

I’d been looking to the sky while speaking, but a sniffle from Vic brought my attention back to him. A few tears escaped his eyes, but he wiped them away quickly, clearing his throat.

“Go on.” He said, not looking at me.

I sucked in a breath of warm, summer air before continuing, gazing off to the side.

“I basically gave up. I just sat in a corner and waited for my death – which came quickly more or less. It was excruciating, but kinda quick, I suppose. I just remember saying my goodbyes, feeling the flames swallow me up and then everything was black. Not too long after, I ended up here.” I finished, sighing, and laying back.

“That’s amazing.” He breathed.

I smiled, watching as he copied my movements, laying down as well. We sat in silence for a few minutes before he popped another question.

“So… where’s everyone else? Can you see them or are you here all alone?”

I felt his eyes, so I turned my head, meeting his stare.

“Yep, all alone,” I said, “Been this way for quite some time now. Honestly, I wish I could move on.”

He frowned, “Oh.”

I blinked in disbelief, “What, you’d miss me?”

He blushed, “Well, yeah. I mean I don’t have anyone around here…”

“What about that guy? Your brother, right?”

“Mike? Yeah, I just – I mean I talk to him every one in a while but I just… I don’t know.” He responded, breaking our eye contact.

“I know it hurts, but I’m sure they love you dearly and would love for you to talk to them more often. Promise me something?”

“Sure, what is it?” he asked, looking into my eyes again. How does he do that?

“Promise me you’ll talk to each of you immediate family members at least once a day okay?”

He looked panicked now, sitting up, “But what if –“

“No buts!” I cut him off, sitting up as well.

He sighed, “Alright. I’ll try.”

I smiled, feeling accomplished, “Good.”

I heard a buzzing sound, and Vic took something out of his pocket. I think I’d seen one before…

He tapped the screen and turned to me, giggling.

“You haven’t seen a cell phone before, have you?”

I lifted a brow, “Cell phone? What the hell?”

“It’s just a smaller version of a phone. You can bring it anywhere to call and send people messages.”

“Like written messages?” I asked, surprised.

He laughed, “Yes. I got one from my mom, telling me to come home, so I’ll see you when I can okay?”

I frowned. I didn’t want him to leave. Why does he have to go so soon? I have so much to ask. Nevertheless, I had to let him go.

“Come back soon, okay?”

“I will.” He replied, now walking to the gate.

“Don’t forget our promise!” I called after him.

He looked back, giving me a quick nod and flashing a perfect smile before exiting the cemetery once again.
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Love this fic so much <3