Status: in progress

Stumbling Upon a Stranger's Grave

Chapter Five

Vic’s POV

I sat in the bathroom, staring at my reflection. You can do this, I tried to tell myself. It’s just a few words for your mom. You can do this.

You can’t do this, the nasty voice in my head sneered at me. Do you really think you’re brave enough to say something after not speaking for years? You’re pathetic. You’ll probably stutter, or say something stupid. And who says that they even WANT to hear you talk again? Who says that they miss you?

I closed my eyes, shaking my head. “It’s not true," I whispered to myself. “It’s not true.."

Why was I stupid enough to promise Kellin yesterday to speak to my family once a day? What possessed me to even think I was capable of doing this?

But who says he would even know if I kept my promise?

I shook my head again. No, I wasn’t going to break my promise. I wasn’t a person who did that kind of stuff. I kept my promises, and I didn’t like lying. I was too much of a goody two shoes, honestly.

“Vic! Are you done yet? I have to pee!" Mike shouted.

I took a deep breath, calming myself down. Starting with Mike would be easier, considering that I had already spoken to him.

I opened the door, smiling slightly at him. “Yeah, I’m done. Sorry," I answered, walking past him. I smiled and let out the breath I had been holding as I made my way to the kitchen. That wasn’t so hard.

I spotted my mom, making Mike and I breakfast. I felt some of my anxiety come back as I sat at the counter, watching her bustle around the kitchen. Okay, so maybe this would be harder than I thought.

It took a while for her to notice me, but when she did she smiled. “Hi, Vic," she said warmly. “I’m making pancakes. Does that sound good?"

I nodded, knowing what I wanted my first words to her in years to be. “Mom? I love you," I said quietly, watching her intensely for her reaction.

She froze, turning back to look at me. I could see that she had tears in her eyes, and a smile was forming on her lips. “Did you just talk?" she asked softly, walking towards me until she was in front of me. She took my face into her hands as a tear rolled down her cheek. “Did you just say something, Vic?"

I nodded, smiling a little. Believe it or not, I could feel a few tears pricking at my eyes. “Yeah. I said I love you," I whispered.

She crushed me into a huge hug, making me smile and hug her back. “It’s been years since I’ve heard that from you, mijo," she whispered. “I love you too."

“Sorry, I know I don’t say it, but I really do mean it," I mumbled, pulling back to look at her. “I’m going to try to speak more, I promise."

She nodded, giving me a huge kiss on the cheek. “I miss your voice, Vic. I miss you singing to us on family nights. I’m so glad you spoke today, even though you made me all emotional first thing in the morning."

I grinned at her and she continued making breakfast, asking me questions that didn’t require long answers. She knew that it was hard for me to speak, so she didn’t want me to be uncomfortable. She gave me the option of answering yes or no, or a huge detailed explanation.

Mike walked out into the kitchen and I turned to give him a small smile. “Hey, Mikey," I said quietly. The smile on his face was enormous, and he ran forward to crush me in his arms.

“You’re talking! You’re actually talking! Please tell me this isn’t a one-time thing," he pleaded, looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I smiled at him, shaking my head.

“Nope, it’s not. I’m going to try to talk to all at least once a day," I whispered, looking down. “I made a promise and I intend to keep it."

I lied awake in bed that night, thinking about the whole day.

When my dad had come home, I immediately ran up to him and told him that I missed him and loved him. The smile that lit up his face was worth every moment of doubt and nervousness I had felt up until that moment.

I wanted to tell Kellin all about it, but it was late. Midnight, I think? I’m not sure. All I know is that everyone in the house is asleep, and I felt bad for not going to see him today.

I knew he was lonely — he even told me so. There was no one there with him, no one to visit him. I was the only one.

I was starting to make myself more and more guilty, and I finally climbed out of bed, slipping on a pair of shoes before making my way to the front door. I opened it quietly before sneaking out, and then ran into the darkness in the direction of the cemetery.

I listened to the quiet slapping of my Converse on the pavement as I jogged and the sound of my slightly ragged breathing in the dead of night. It was sort of relaxing, if I’m being honest.

I reached the cemetery and opened the gate, and slipped in. I ran to Kellin’s grave, sitting down by it.

“Kellin?" I whispered. “I’m sorry it’s so late, but there’s so much I want to tell you."

Kellin’s POV

The gate creaked as I was dozing off a bit. My head snapped up. I already knew who it was. Vic practically sprinted to my tombstone, sitting down immediately.

"Kellin? I’m sorry it’s so late, but there’s so much I want to tell you." He kept his voice low, but there was honestly no need to.

I chuckled, and made myself visible. He had sat down right in front of me without even knowing it. His mocha eyes widened as he slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle a little scream.

“Was that necessary?!” he asked, removing his hand.

I shook my head, “No, but you did wake me up, and I thought it’d be funny.”

“Wait… ghosts sleep?” he asked, lifting a brow.

“Well, duh. I have way too much time on my hands as it is. I mean, I don’t require sleep like you, but it’s nice to take a nap every once in a while.” I explained.

“Sounds peaceful,” he smiled. I noticed he was shivering… is it cold?

“Yeah, sometimes. So what happened with your family today? You keep your promise?”

“That’s why I came here! Okay s-so I talked to my brother first, but it was kinda subtle and then I told my ma I loved her and she was so happy. She hugged me and started crying. So then my dad came home and I t-told him I loved him, too. You shoulda seen his face, Kells.” He was smiling brightly through his shivering form. I realized he was in pajama pants and a shirt with no sleeves. How silly of him. I wonder if I could hold him somehow…. I mean, I’ve heard of it but never tried it….

“That’s amazing, Vic. I’m glad you –“ then it hit me.

“Did you just call me ‘Kells’?”

His eyes widened, “U-Uhm… I think so. I’m s-sorry! I didn’t mean to!”

“It’s okay! It’s just that it has been quite some time since someone’s given me a pet name.” I laughed, thinking of Annabelle.

“Ok-kay.” he blushed. He’s shivering pretty badly now. It wouldn’t hurt to try, would it?

“You’re cold, huh?”

Vic lifted his brows, as if just realizing his current state, “Freezing, a-actually. I’ll b-be fine, though.”

“I could try to hug you – that’s it, if you wanted to.” I blushed, looking away.

“Yeah! That’d be c-cool. But h-how do we, uh, d-do that exactly?” he asked, looking puzzled.

“Well, I’d have to focus on my inner energy. I already kinda have to for you to see me, but I focus on your name to do that, so maybe if you focus on my name and figure, we can do it. It can’t last too long though because focusing energy like that is really difficult for me. It’s different for humans, though. You do it all the time without even realizing it. Your imagination and dreams are very unique and very special. You concentrate your energy most while dreaming.”

“That’s a-amazing! Okay, s-so just focus on you, right?” he asked, close his eyes and holding his arms out.

I giggled, “Yeah, I mean, you don’t have to close your eyes though.”

He blushed, opening them, “H-Heh, yeah..”

He watched as I focused on my core, repeating his name over and over in the back of my mind.

“You l-look… human now, not tr-transparent anymore. That’s –“

I knew that I’d reached my peak. I pushed myself into his arms quickly. He was so soft and warm even if the night air had a chill to it, he kept warm. I’d forgotten what it was like to touch someone else.

He gasped at the contact, “Y-You’re freezing!”

He folded his arms around me, and held me as if he were cradling a child. I look up into his eyes, now noticing his lips. I blushed, looking away. He noticed, and caressed my cheek, turning my face so that I was looking at him again. That’s when he tilted his head down, pressing his lips onto mine. My thoughts went haywire, and I kissed back but it was short lived as I lost my focus, and then lost my form.

“V-Vic, why did you –“

He jumped up, his legs moving right through me. I raised myself up, now floating lightly above the ground.

“I – I just – I don’t know..” he looked panicked, and before I could speak, he ran to the gate.

“Vic! Stop! Come back!” I called as he flung open the gate, slamming it behind him. I heard his footsteps as he ran away from the cemetery.

Fuck. What just happened? He kissed me and he was the one to run? What the hell? Maybe he just doesn’t like me. Am I not attractive enough? Well, I guess so since he kissed me. I mean it’s not like I didn’t want to kiss him – I did, but that’s the thing. I’m dead and he’s not. Maybe that’s why he was shocked.

“Ugh, I hate being dead.” I muttered, floating to my grave and letting myself fall onto the softest patch of grass. I just hope he comes back… I mean he kissed me. So, he has to… right?