Status: in progress

Stumbling Upon a Stranger's Grave

Chapter Six

Vic’s POV

I haven’t returned to Kellin’s grave.

It’s been three days since I’ve..kissed him.

How is that even possible?

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I had no idea what was going on in my life anymore..

For the most part, I had kept my promise to talk at least once a day. Today, however, was a completely different story.

I’d locked myself in my room all day, not wanting to see anyone. I just wanted to think.

It was so strange, feeling Kellin’s body against mine. I didn’t even know how that was possible, but apparently it was.

I started feeling bad. I mean, I had just kissed him..then ran. He must be feeling horrible.

I sighed, knowing I’d have to speak to him soon. I mean, I owed him an explanation and I was only here for two more weeks and..


I sat up in bed, almost knocking my laptop over.

I only had two more weeks.

Two more weeks left with Kellin.

I climbed out of bed and threw on the first pair of shoes I could find before slipping out of my bedroom window. I couldn’t be bothered to tell anyone where I was going.

I just about ran the whole way to Kellin’s grave, panting by the time I was there. I leaned my hands on my knees, breathing heavily.

“Kellin! I am so sorry, I-I was just afraid! I hate getting close to people and-and," I sobbed, noticing he wasn’t showing up like usual. “I’ve been screwed over so many times and I wasn’t ready for this and I understand that you hate me and now you’re not showing up!"

I stood crying for a few moments, waiting. When nothing happened, I let out a cry of pain, frustration, and any other acceptable emotion for this situation.

“I understand you hate me, alright? I’ll just leave, I’m sorry. Maybe I’ll come back before I leave in two weeks. Kells..I’m sorry for being such a fuck up," I whispered, turning and heading for the gates.


Kellin’s POV

Three days. He’s kept me waiting for three days. He kissed me so why should I be left waiting here?! This is bullshit! If I could leave this cemetery, BOY he would have gotten an earful by now. I leaned my back against my tombstone and sighed. Maybe it’s me. It probably is, I mean, why else would he not have come back?


My head snapped up, seeing Vic run though the gate and stopping in front of my grave. He was breathing heavily and leaned his upper body onto his knees. Had he been running? When he looked up, he didn’t know it, but he was staring into my eyes. His face clearly shown sadness and regret. Before I knew it, tears had begun to stream down his face.

"Kellin! I am so sorry, I-I was just afraid! I hate getting close to people and-and," he cried, “I’ve been screwed over so many times and I wasn’t ready for this and I understand that you hate me and now you’re not showing up!"

I didn’t appear to him just yet. I wanted to hear what else he had to say. He knows I wouldn’t do something like that. It pissed me off that he didn’t bother to even come and ask or try to explain himself earlier. Tears still running down his face, he let out a yell of frustration and stood straight up.

"I understand you hate me, alright? I’ll just leave, I’m sorry. Maybe I’ll come back before I leave in two weeks. Kells…I’m sorry for being such a fuck up," he said, making his way to the gate.

I cant let him leave. I’m angry, but I don’t hate him.

Focusing my energy, I made myself visible, “Why did you leave me for three days?”

He whipped around and a small smile formed.

“I was afraid you wouldn’t like me that way and I’ve been hurt so many times I just…. I wasn’t sure – “

“You really think I would do that to you?” I asked, frowning.

He looked down, “I wasn’t sure. I’m not exactly good at these kinds of things.”

He looked so cute and fragile. I couldn’t help myself.

“Come here.”

I focused my energy and made my way towards him. I felt the peak and wrapped my arms around his torso. He shivered at the sudden cold but wrapped his arms around my waist and cried into my shoulder.

“I’m so s-sorry Kellin. I –I didn’t m-mean it.”

“Shhh, it’s okay. I really like you, y’know that? I liked kissing you, and I’d like to do it again sometime.” I cooed, running my fingers through his hair.

I pulled him to the ground so that he was in my lap this time. He rubbed his eyes and wiped the remaining tears away, sniffling. He’s so adorable. It’s almost like he’s an abandoned little puppy I found on the side of the road.

“You know you’re adorable, right?” I blurted out.

He looked at me in confusion, “Are you kidding me? I’m a mess.”

“A cute mess,” I giggled, “You should see yourself.”


We both looked up to see his little brother walk in.

“Vic!” he called, shutting the gate behind him, “What are you –“

He stared at me in horror.


Vic and I jumped up. I lost my focus, considering he just scared the crap out of me, and turned invisible.

“M-Mikey! It’s okay! Just calm down.”

“IT’S OKAY?! YOU’RE TALKING TO A FREAKING GHOST THING!” He yelled, staring at the space that I’d previously taken.

“His name is Kellin.” Vic said, rolling his eyes.

What have we gotten ourselves into?
♠ ♠ ♠
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