Status: in progress

Stumbling Upon a Stranger's Grave

Chapter Seven

Vic’s POV

“What the fuck is going on?" Mike shouted at me, gesturing to where Kellin was a moment ago. I could sense Kellin’s fear behind me even though I couldn’t see him. It was crazy how close our mental connection was.

“Nothing, Mike. Can you please calm down and I’ll explain everything to you?" I asked quietly, not wanting him to yell anymore.

He took a few deep breaths and then nodded. “Before you say anything, is this where you’ve been going the past couple weeks?" he questioned. Slowly, I nodded.

“Yeah," I answered. “I’ve been coming to visit Kellin."

He shuddered, probably remembering how Kellin looked and then how he just disappeared. It was kind of comforting, in a way. I still kind of thought that I was mentally insane for seeing Kellin, but now that Mike had seen him, I felt better.

But then again, it panicked me. Because now I have to explain why the fuck I was talking-no, cuddling- a ghost.

“Okay, explain this all to me, please," he said, rubbing his eyes. “I’m half praying that I’m asleep right now."

I chuckled softly, shaking my head. “You’re not. Sit with me?"

He looked hesitant, but he finally did beside Kellin’s grave. “I remember seeing this grave the first day we were here," he whispered. “Holy fuck is this trippy." He glanced over at me. “Can he…you know…come back?"

I nodded, looking to the right of me where I could feel Kellin’s presence. After a moment, he was visible again. He was transparent this time, and he gave Mike a shy smile and wave.

“Hello," he said softly.

Mike gasped and jumped back a few inches, but then got himself under control and moved closer. “Woah, that’s so…weird," he said in wonder. “Oh, but hi. I’m Mike, Vic’s currently freaked out little brother."

Kellin cracked his usual smug smirk. “I can see that," he chuckled. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to possess your brother or something. I would have done that by now if I wanted to."

I raised a brow at him. “Are you saying that I’m not worthy of being possessed?" I teased, making him grin.

“Yes. That is exactly what I’m saying."

I opened my mouth to say something back before Mike cleared his throat.

“Guys? Still not comfortable about this whole thing," he reminded us. "Please, can you explain what the actual fuck is going on?"

I smiled softly at him, racking my brain for ways to explain all of this. “Um, remember the second time we came to the cemetery?" I asked Mike. He nodded, hesitantly. “Well, that was the first time I saw Kellin. I wasn’t sure if it was real or not; I thought I was finally insane. So I came back the next day, by myself, to see what was going on."

“He was terrified," Kellin threw in gleefully. “He almost fainted."

I frowned at him. “I’m glad that fact amuses you."

He shrugged, still grinning. “I remember that we both exchanged life stories. But it was interrupted when you came to get him."

“So you two were talking while I was standing right there?" Mike questioned in disbelief. Kellin and I nodded at the same time.

“Just let me finish," I said lightly. “I had kinda made a promise to myself that I would go back and talk to him. I mean, he interested me. I wanted to know what else he had to say. But I felt like I was fucking insane. That’s why I completely shut down again. I didn’t want any of this to slip out and then end up in a mental asylum."

“That makes sense," Mike nodded. He didn’t look as freaked out as he did before. In fact, he was starting to act like himself again. “What happened after that?"

“Well, I came back," I said, stating the obvious. “The only reason I started talking to you guys is because of him. That day, he made me promise to talk to you guys at least once a day. And I did."

Mike looked over at him. He smiled after a moment. “Thank you, Kellin," he said softly. Kellin smiled back and nodded.

“No problem, Mike," he answered. “Can I tell him some of the story?" he asked me excitedly, like a child. I smiled at him and nodded.

“He came back the next day," Kellin stated happily. “It was really late, maybe midnight. He was excited, and I remember appearing out of nowhere because I wanted to scare him." I growled lowly at that, remembering the heart attack he gave me.

“I think I like you," Mike said, grinning at Kellin.

“Great, two people to cause me to have panic attacks," I grumbled. Kellin ignored me, continuing on.

“Anyway, he told me what he had said to all of you that day," he continued, smiling softly as he looked at his lap. I noticed the slight blush on his face and smiled a little, looking away so I wouldn’t get all flustered.

“I noticed that he was shivering-I guess it was cold. I asked him if he wanted me to try and hug him, because I had heard it was possible, but never tried it."

“Do you really have to tell him this?" I whined.

“Yes, he does," Mike said, sticking his tongue out at me.

“But anyway, we focused together and I wasn’t transparent anymore. I kind of jumped into his arms before I could lose my focus," Kellin blushed. “I-um-I kind of looked at him and looked away and then-um-we-uh-we kissed.."

“Leave it to my brother to get action from a ghost," Mike teased.

“This doesn’t bother you?" I questioned.

He thought for a moment, and then shook his head. “No. I think it just kind of scared me at first," he admitted. “I mean, wouldn’t it have scared you?"

“Probably," I admitted. “After we kissed, I kind of freaked out and ran. I mean, you know about my past relationships," I whispered. Mike nodded, looking sympathetic. “Three days passed and I was so guilty, because I ran without telling him anything. So I ran here about a half hour ago and we made up and now we’ve come full circle," I finished.

“That’s cool," Mike breathed. “But…we leave in two weeks. What are you going to do then?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then opened them again. “I don’t know, Mikey," I whispered, looking over at Kellin, who was already staring at me while biting his bottom lip nervously. “I don’t know."

Kellin’s POV

“Well there’s got to be something we can do.” Mike said.

Vic sighed, “I don’t think so, Mikey.”

“Wait so you’re leaving in two weeks?” I asked, sadness coursing through me already. It’s too soon. I don’t want them to leave. Especially not Vic. I-I think I’m beginning to love him….

“Hey! Actually, I was in the library –“

Mike was cut off by hysterical laughter from Vic.

“L-Library? You’re k-kidding me right?” he said between laughs.

Mike glared at him, punching his arm, “Anyway. I was saying a found some weird book in the library and it had instructions for a time machine. Maybe if we got Kellin to help us power it with his ghost energy stuff we could go back in time and bring him back here!”

“Mike, that’s insane.”

I shrugged, “It’s possible, I suppose.”

Vic looked at me incredulously, “Are you serious?”

“Mhm, I mean if the book is for real, then yeah.” I nodded looking into his eye.

“Sweet! So when is this going to happen?” Mike asked, bouncing in place.

“Well, that’s the tricky part…. We don’t wanna mess with the fabric of time….”

Vic and Mike watched as I paced back and forth across the cemetery. Then it hit me.

“Of course! Okay remember how I told you that I died in a fire because I couldn’t figure out how to get around that beam?” Vic nodded but Mike just raised a brow.

“Tell him later, Vic,” I continued, “Okay, so just get there on that day and save me from the fire, but make sure no one sees you. That way, they’ll still assume I died in there and you can bring me to the present day so I can be with you.”

Vic shook his head, “This is crazy…… but it’s worth a shot.”

Mike grinned, getting up and dragging Vic with him, “C’mon! Let’s go and get some rest. We’ll see Kellin tomorrow – Bye Kellin!”

I smiled in response and waved, watching as they exited the gate. I’m so excited. What if this actually works out? I’ll get to spend my life with Vic and die happily. Maybe that’s how I’m supposed to go. Maybe if I do this, next time I die, I’ll be able to pass on. I laid back against my gravestone, listening to the crickets around me. I yawned and closed my eyes, letting myself drift to sleep.