A Dog's Life


Yet another day and Sarah woke up with a huge smile on her face, it had been over a week since she slept with Zacky and she couldn’t quite imagine being any happier than this. Then snuggled herself deeper into the blankets and let her eyes flicker open to what was already a rather bright day.
“Morning beautiful,” She gasped not realising Zacky was already up and awake. “Sorry,” He smiled kneeling by the bed side and pressing a kiss on her forehead. “I’ve gotta go, recording today,”
“Oh,” Sarah paused trying to work out what day it was. “That’s cool umm- yeah,” Zacky just chuckled kissing her again and brushing her hair from her face.

“I’ve made pancakes and tea,” He smiled linking his hand with hers. “I didn’t want to wake you until I really had too, you fucking exhausted me last night so I imagined-“ He smirked getting up and walking away. “You might feel it a bit too,” Sarah felt the heat rush to her cheeks as flashes from the night before came into her head. They’d gone to the cinema and it had defiantly got more than a bit heated. “I’ve really gotta go,” He added walking back over with the tray for breakfast in bed.

“But you stay as long as you want and text me if you need me, you’re not working today?” Sarah shook her head, as she pushed herself up in the bed, and took the plate willingly. “Cool, hang as long as you want, then maybe we can grab lunch today?”

“That sounds lovely,” Sarah replied, slowly waking up from her slumber and gazing back Zacky.
“Thank you,”

“Anytime beautiful, have a good day,” He leant in and kissed her once last time before walking away with a smirk on his face. He knew in his heart this girl was it, she was one of a kind and he was planning on treating her like it.

It had been a good old time since Zacky had found someone to really enjoy, someone he would willingly and happily give up time to spend with her. Even Jenny didn’t get those kinds of privileges, particularly as the relationship died on its feet. By the end Zacky would spend more time in the studio than in his own house just to escape her.

This wasn’t the same with Sarah, he wanted to spend yet another beautiful day with her but I wasn’t to be. Brian had pretty much laid down Matt’s law that Zacky would be in the studio today whether he liked it or not. Of course he loved it, but he also loved rolling around in bed with a beautiful naked woman.

It was the age old rock’n’roll problem, sex or music?

Sarah on the other hand was different. She hadn’t been home in days, and Zacky leaving her for the day gave her the chance to escape. Not that she wanted to escape, and she knew if she’d asked Zacky would have taken her back to the flat in a second, of course he’d have offered to come with her and stay. But she wanted some her time, and being around Zacky so much restricted the amount of time Sarah had to just do her stuff.

Simple things like plucking her eyebrows, reading her book, and painting her nails. They were the things that got slightly lost along the way when you ended up bedding in someone else’s bed.
After her eating all of the yummy pancakes Zack had made, she grabbed her stuff and left him a quick note saying she’d gone home but was easily reachable; whenever for whatever he needed. She had bundled on Spike’s collar and left with just her handbag, deciding to walk home but no wanting to burden herself with all her stuff she’d brought for the past few days she’d been at Zacky’s.

Leaving some of her stuff there was a huge decision, and one she hadn’t taken lightly. She hoped and prayed Zacky didn’t mind. Though something inside told her he wouldn’t, he might even take it as a good sign of how she felt about him.

Because if there was one thing Sarah did know, it was that she liked him.

Hell she liked him a lot, a lot a lot!

He made her happy, brought a smile to her face and had turned this year around for her.

She was just hoping when she got all better and things got back to normal, Zacky wouldn’t change his mind.

Why would he?

She was already close to normal, or at least to her normal self. She was never really normal She knew she was thinking too much about it though, and had let herself get wrapped up in the world of Zacky. So wrapped up that when reality hit, it really hurt.

”Hi Sarah it’s Shell, call me, just checking you’re alright. Call me,

Sarah sighed throwing her bag and keys onto the floor and grabbing the phone as Spike ran into the flat. She hadn’t heard from either her sisters since she’d come out of hospital, not that she had expected to hear from Louise, but she’d expected Shell to check in every now and then.

Dialing her sisters number she leant against the wall and waited patiently for her to answer.


“Hi Shell it’s me,”

“Sar! How are you?” Shell sounded positive and upbeat, this relaxed Sarah somewhat.

“Yeah good as I can, healing quickly, getting back into the swing of things,”

“Oh that’s great, really good, I presumed so since you weren’t in last night or the night before,”


“The messages I left on the house phone, you go out?” Shell’s voice was casual and relaxed but Sarah was reluctant to share much.

“Yeah round a friends, sorry,”

“Ah cool, that’s alright just worried, you on the mend now?”

“I think so, cast off soon, less achey more able,” Sarah smiled. “How you doing?”

“Great, works going well, Darren is still here surprisingly counting down the days till Louise leaves!”
Shell laughed and Sarah smiled remembering her sister’s boyfriend fondly; he looked after Shell fiercely and had never been fond of Louise.

“She’s leaving?”

“Yeah her and Cliff-“

Reality hit hard and it really hurt.

Whatever else Shell said had been lost on Sarah, the mention of that man’s name had sent her into shut down . She was numb, angry and upset, confused and completely lost. Why him? Why was he back in herlife?

No not her life, Louise’s life. What was Louise thinking?



“I said did you know?”

“Know what?”

“Oh Sar, Louise and Cliff, they are engaged-“ The phoned dropped out of her hand and she slid down the side of the wall unable to believe the words.

Engaged to that prick?

“Why?” She muttered, distracted by the shouting of her sister through the handset. “Why?” She repeated.

“She says she loves him, and he made a drunken mistake, he regrets it more than anything else, he said some other things-“

“What other things?”

“You gave him signs, Sarah I never believed-“

“Fucking bastard,” Sarah hissed feeling the emotions of old hissing up. Whore, bitch. She tried to hold in the tears as Shell continued to talk, trying to make everything better, but she had stopped listening ages ago.

When her sister wished her goodbye and told her not to worry about a thing, Sarah put the phone down and curled up tightly on the sofa. She wasn’t sure what she was crying for, if it was because of Cliff, it was because her sister believed him over her, or because it was all just so shit. She imagined it was a mixture of the three. She heard the soft patter of paws, and felt the warm body heat of Spike as he jumped carelessly onto the sofa and nestled up next to her. Absentmindedly her hand fell to his soft fur, stroking him gently, as she stayed close.

That was the thing about dogs they knew when you were upset. Spike seemed to know exactly how to make it better or at least be there to comfort her.

Sarah kept her phone close by her, though she didn’t want to talk to anyway, deep down she wanted Zacky to whisk her away but she knew today he was busy. The past few weeks he’d been there to pick her up when she was down, make everything better, and support her threw the accident. Now she’d have to do it for herself.

“Right Spike,” She whispered sniffing loudly and grabbing her phone. “Who needs men?” Spike looked up watching her as she dialed an oh so familiar number and took a deep breath in.


“Hey Tay it’s me, how do you feel about getting off you face tonight?”

“Well I feel a little excited, happy and confused,” Taylor chuckled down the phone. “What’s the plan?”

“Bar 8pm, I’ll text more details,”

“Ooookay,” Taylor sounded a little dubious. “Are you gonna tell me why?”

“Do you always have a reason for drinking?”

“No, point taken,” Taylor chuckled. “Just like to know what I’m getting myself in for,”

“Debarchy and bitching,”

“Okay that I can deal with, see you at 8pm, in heels!”

“Heels,” Sarah laughed hanging up and throwing herself into deciding what she’d wear tonight!
Alcohol solved everything right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it takes me a month between updates due to the shocking world of work ;)

Thanks for reading! xx