A Dog's Life


“Caramel nut latte, with extra whipped cream and a shot of caramel!”

“I’m going to get fat!”

“I doubt that very much,” Zacky chuckled passing the paper cup to Sarah and sitting on the bench next to her. “You’re looking better every day,”

Well he would know, the past two weeks she’d seen Zacky every weekday at the park with the dogs. Nothing about the routine changed, from that very first Monday when she went on her own; Zack had always been there in the morning. Then he’d started bringing her treats from the coffee shop he stopped at each morning. She’d had to ban him from bringing her pastries, because there was no way she’d work off the calories.

“Thanks,” Sarah replied a smile gracing her lips; she had the colour back in her cheeks and looked so much better for it. Yes every now and then she really did feel like she’d been hit my a tone of bricks; or a very expensive BMW. However, for the most part she was getting better. There was a sneaking suspicion that Zacky might have something to do with that.

Spike came running up as Zack had settled down, playing with the other two dogs but more importantly scrabbling around for Zacky’s attention.

“Attention whore,” Sarah muttered to Spike as she sipped her latte, the sugar and caffeine a welcome jolt of energy.

“What can I say the dudes like me!”

“The ladies too right?” Sarah smirked watching people walking past and gazing at Zacky. This was a common occurrence for their park dates, other woman would gaze over at Zacky with intrigue. Not that Sarah could blame them, he was gorgeous, and she was just a little protective. Not that she had any right to be.

Though Taylor had pointed out numerous times over the past few weeks, why would a man spend so much time without motive?

“Well yeah, all the ladies love the Zacky Vee,” He smirked, flashing her perfect teeth and sending a wink her way.

“Cheese, too much of it,” Sarah added, taking another sip of her coffee. She always tried to play it cool with Zack, be herself and let him see that. Even if inside her stomach did these pathetic little flips every time she flirted or showed an ounce of interest. “Don’t you ever get bored of all that attention?” She mocked him sarcastically.

“God Jenny use to say that all the time,” He replied with a shrug of his shoulders. “I do, but I ignore it,”

“Sorry,” Sarah muttered feeling guilty for bringing up something about the ex. She knew if anyone mentioned Cliff she was likely to break down. She closed her eyes and blocked the memories out leaning back on the bench and just nodded as Zacky carried on talking. He was saying something about Jenny, about how they’d met because he was getting loads of attention. He’d stumbled into the dinar to get away from the fans and she’d been there, grabbing a coffee and doughnut. Sarah had seen that one before; falling in love over a bitter drink and sugary snack.

Wasn’t that what was happening to her right now?

Developing feelings while doing the very same thing; just in a park. Was that just repeating history for Zacky? Did he hit on every girl who liked coffee and sweet treats?

“You know what I mean?”

“Yeah,” Sarah muttered with a nod taking another sip of her coffee she’d nearly finished it. As soon as they finished their drinks, they’d walk slowly round the park and then call it a day. The dogs were ok with this, but more than anything Sarah wanted to be back to normal. Able to give Spike the run he deserved, and able to have her real life back.

She moved to turn to Zack, she could hear him still talking, as she moved the familiar ache in her ribs kicked in. God what she would give to not feel like a patient anymore.

“She was just one of those girls that wanted, I dunno everything? Maybe not everything, but I guess all that the same time what she did want, ya know! It just-“ He paused as he gaze fell on Sarah.


“I’ll be fine,”

“You don’t look fine!” Zack replied putting his coffee down and moving closer to her. Spike and the dogs were trotting around, Zacky took one precautionary glance to check they were okay before checking Sarah. “You really don’t,”

“I just ache, I think I need to go home,”

“Done too much?”

“I attempted some sewing this morning got a bit carried away hunting through the material chest,” Sarah muttered remembering the moment she’d felt the ache kick in then.”Spike-“

“Hey don’t worry I’ll sort the dogs, you worry about you,” Zacky smiled holding hands out to help her up, his gazed fixed on her eyes as he pulled her gently. Sarah felt herself lose balance and falling into his chest; though she didn’t bother pushing away. Zack held her and for the first time in a long time, someone was hugging her, someone that wasn’t her mum or Taylor or Karl. Someone who made her feel wanted or admired in a very different way.

Zacky didn’t bother to let go, having Sarah this close to him was comforting, welcoming and it felt right. He felt the distrust, dislike and disloyalty of Jenny seep away. Sarah wasn’t that girl, Sarah was someone new and someone different.

Someone he very much enjoyed spending time with and talking too…

…Talking too… His mind flipped back over their conversations.

“Fuck,” He muttered, more to himself than Sarah. Her head moved back and gazed up at Zacky, the most intimate position they’d shared in a while. As Sarah looked up at him, Zacky gazed down still holding her closer. “I was fucking going on about her again,” A scowl was slowly etching its way across his face, but Sarah shock her head, slowly raising her finger tips to almost smooth out the creases of anger.

“It’s ok,” Sarah’s voice was but a whisper, her eyes holding a glint of understanding and sadness. She’d been there, she’d had ex’s who’d really messed her around. She understand the need to moan and bitch, she understood Zack’s pain.

She half wondered if he’d understand hers?

Would he understand how alone she felt, just like him, now that her sister was gone?
Zacky smiled, seeing the pain in her eyes, catching her hand as she brushed fingertips gently against her face. He moved her hand towards his lips, placing kisses across her knuckles. She relaxed in his grip, biting softly on her lip, shocked at the act of affection he was showing her.

“Let’s get you home,”



“Do you have to leave straight away?” Her features had softened and Zacky could see the weakness she kept hidden.

“Nah,” He shook his head dropping one of her hands but keeping a tight grip on the other. “I’ve got afternoon plans for you,”


“Secret plans,”

“Oh what?” Sarah pouted, the intimate moment breaking into a friendly playful mood. “Come on!”

“No way,” He chuckled calling out to the dogs as he lead Sarah slowly out of the park. “But if you’re a very good girl, there might be a chance for some supernatural,”

“YES!” Sarah did a little fist pump with her free arm. Zacky just laughed and lent closer, his lips almost pressed against her ear.

“But you have to be a very good girl,” Shivers ran down her spine, as Zacky chuckled his warm breath cascading over her exposed neck.

Though his laughter stopped as cold specks of water started to hit his neck.


“Spike come on!” Sarah called the dark clouds starting to rush over the once blue sky.

“You up for running?” Zacky joked as the dogs were running towards the pair, he grabbed the leads quickly hooking them up and then wrapping them around his wrist. “Mine’s closer,” He added shrugging his jacket off and handing it to Sarah. “Don’t you dare refuse, just fucking take it, you don’t wanna end up in hospital again!”

“I know,” Sarah muttered the rain drops getting faster and harder as they walked slowly towards the park entrance. Zacky wrapped the jacket around her and lead them home.

The walk to Zack’s was a good 15minutes, even if it was closer than Sarah’s. It only took five for the rain to completely soak through their clothes, Sarah’s hair was drenched, the dogs were whining and Zacky looked like a drowned rat his t-shirt clung to his body.

Sarah would have enjoyed the view if her teeth weren’t chattering like mad and Spike wasn’t constantly shaking over her.

“Dogs in back,” Zacky shouted ushering the dogs through a gate and chucking a set of keys at Sarah.
They’d stopped in front of a large detached house, a simple garden path lead up to a porch, and a fence hid the back garden from view, a tall wooden gate clearly leading to the garden. The dogs were pushed through there, while Sarah was sent up the pathway towards the front door.

She pushed the first key into the huge wooden door, and had to really force it to unlock it. When she fell through she was greeted by a huge entrance hall with beautiful stair case up to a second floor. Sarah gasped, the door shut behind her and a pair of arms wrapped around her waist.

She knew Zacky’s band did well, but this, this was not what she had expected. This might as well be a mansion.

“Fucking Californian weather,” Zacky muttered his fingers playing with the wet fabric of Sarah’s t-shirt. “You need to get this off,”

“Bit forward!” Sarah laughed turning in his grip to realise just how close he was.

“I’m serious,” He smirked, letting go and pointing to the stairs. “Upstairs, bathroom finally door at the end, make yourself at home, get warmed up!”

“I’m on it,” Sarah smiled.

“You need any help I am more than happy to,” There was a dangerous look in his eyes, a look Sarah had seen on men before; but never had it looked as sexy as it did right now.

“I’ll umm yeah, maybe,” She barely whispered, earning the famous Zacky Vengeance smirk that made girls panties melt.
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