The Moon Invites Madness


“Sam, just kill the damn thing instead of staring at it like a maniac!”

Diana watched Sam from the other side of the room, concerned. He was just standing there, staring at the demon they had captured the day before. They had already tried getting information out of the creature, but he hadn’t known anything useful. So why were they still holding it?

“If you won’t do it, I will.” Diana hissed, getting annoyed. Sam hadn’t spoken a word for the past five minutes; he just sat in front of the demon with a crazed look on his face. It was uncomfortable to watch.

She sighed. Picking up her own demon-killing knife, Diana walked up beside Sam and the demon. The creature stared up at her with loathing in its eyes; Diana just scoffed.


Diana sunk her knife into the demon’s chest. The demon gasped in pain as an orange light appeared under the skin, as if its insides had been electrocuted. Then it went limp, dead.

“What the hell, Diana?” Sam asked, annoyed, snapping out of his trance.

“There was no reason why he should have still been alive.” She replied, wiping the blood off her knife.

“We could have used him!”

Diana rolled her eyes. “We tried, Sam. He didn’t tell us anything. He didn’t know anything.”

“And how would you know that?”

The younger hunter didn’t reply. Sure, she didn’t know it for sure. But she was almost positive they wouldn’t be able to get anything out of him; they had been trying for the past day. Instead, Diana ignored his question and stalked out of the room. She ran into Dean making his way down the stairs to the cellar they’d been holding the demon in.

“What happened? Did the demon talk?” Dean asked eagerly.

“No, it’s dead. Your brother is freaking me out though.” Diana muttered darkly, glancing down the stairs.

“What? What did he do?”

“Nothing – yet. But something is seriously wrong with him, Dean. He’s not right.”

Dean tensed up. “You can’t come back after years and expect to find the same Sam you fell in love with, Diana. He’s been through a lot. We all have.”

She could only roll her eyes. “You’ve been through just as much and you’re more or less the same. He doesn’t get any special treatment because he’s your younger brother. Just believe me when I say something is terribly wrong. When you finally figure it out, you’re not going to be happy.”

~ ~ ~
Diana had never enjoyed hotel showers. They always felt cramped and dirty to her, so she always rushed through showering. Once she had washed her hair, Diana turned off the water and reached out from behind the curtain for her towel. Surprisingly, it was handed to her. She murmured, “thanks,” and wrapped the towel around her body.


Ripping the curtain open, she saw a tall, confused man in a tan trench coat. Her blood went cold as she stared at him in fright – he stared back.

“Hi.” The man said in a deep, gruff voice.

Diana’s eyes went wide. “What—hi?” She all but shrieked.

“Sam! Dean!” The hunter screamed frantically. “There is someone in the bathroom with me!”

The man didn’t even react to her screams for help. He simply moved away from the door as loud footsteps came running to the door. It was only seconds before the door burst open, revealing two hunters brandishing large knives.

Dean took one look at the man and sighed in defeat, lowering his knife. “Damn it, Cas.”

“Cas? Who the hell is Cas?” Diana cried out.

“My name is Castiel. It’s…nice to meet you.” The man spoke again, grabbing her hand and shaking it.

Diana ripped her hand from his grip and stared at him in disbelief. “What—what is he?! There is no way this freak is human!” Her voice was still frantic; she was in shock over what had just happened. How often does a woman find a man in the bathroom while she takes a shower?

“Cas, get out of here. Diana, we’ll talk about it when you’re, uh, dressed.” Dean told her, pulling “Cas” out of the bathroom by the arm.

Sam lingered by the door. “Are you alright?”

Diana glared at him and slammed the door.

She took her sweet time getting dressed and combing through her wet hair. She was pissed about what happened; who the hell enters a bathroom while the shower is on? And why hadn’t Sam and Dean told her about the man? There was something sketchy going on, she knew it.

Diana peeked out of the bathroom door and saw the three men sitting on the couch, watching TV. Castiel turned towards her and waved. She blinked in surprise and walked towards them, pulling up a chair from the kitchen table.

“Alright, someone tell me what’s going on. Seriously, what’s wrong with him? I think he’s mentally insane.”

“I am in perfect health, Diana.”

She groaned. “Great, the nut case knows my name!”

He narrowed his eyes in confusion. “I know everyone’s name.”

“Cas—just shut up for a minute, would you? She’s about ready to rip your head off.” Dean turned to look at him with an incredulous look in his eyes.

“I don’t think—”

“Cas!” Dean hissed at the man, who seemed to shrink into the couch.

“Sam, what’s going on?” Diana turned to her old friend, figuring she might get an answer out of him without having the insane man start talking again.

Sam seemed hesitant to tell her. He glanced over at Dean, who merely shrugged carelessly.

“Well, Castiel is an angel.”

Diana raised her eyebrows, amused. “Bullshit.” She said, wondering who came up with the awful joke.

“No, it is true. I am an angel of the Lord. I healed you and I appeared in the bath—” Castiel began to speak again, in that weird, gruff voice of his.

“Don’t talk about it!” She hissed, glaring at him.

Then she leaned back and crossed her arms. “I don’t believe it. You’re delusional.”

Sam shook his head. “Diana—it’s true. We tried everything on him. He’s the angel who pulled Dean out of Hell.”

Diana blinked. “What—Hell? Dean was in Hell?”

“Good job, Sam. Now she thinks we’re all crazy.”

“You died and went to Hell? What else happened in the past four years?”

“Well, we killed the demon that killed our mother and both of us died and now Dean has an angel following him around.” Sam listed the events as if they were commonplace.

Diana sat silent for a moment. “Alright,” She muttered, mostly to herself. “If I believe in monsters, I might as well believe in angels.”

She leaned forward and stared at Castiel curiously. “So, what’s God’s stance on demons?”

Castiel looked troubled by the question. “I do not know.” He told her after a short delay.

“He just lets them roam around, then? Perfect. We’ve got ourselves a God that doesn’t care.”

“It is all for a purpose, I’m sure.” Castiel told her pleasantly, a smile on his face.

“We’ve also got ourselves a brainwashed angel. Is he always like this?”

“Ignorant, naïve…pretty much.” Dean told her, smiling slightly.

Diana had a feeling that Dean liked the angel more than he let on. She wasn’t sure how long they had been in contact, but it certainly seemed as though they had enough time to start becoming friends. She was still wondering why an angel had pulled Dean out of Hell. That was topic for another day, she supposed.
♠ ♠ ♠
the part with castiel in the bathroom is just hilarious to imagine. hope you enjoyed!

also, i forgot to mention that i re-wrote chapter one. a lot is the same, but there are some parts that are different.

please comment! :]