Status: Hey Guys. This is my New Story. Please Give it a Shot? Thanks for all who Read it!!

A HopeLess Romantic

{1} Chapter One

{1} Chapter One-

I walked inside the Classroom, Late. Of course, I didn't have an excuse, So I just had to settle down with the Truth. Funny thing is, It's my First day of school, So definitely, There were a couple eyes on me.

"Sorry Mr. Isis, I won't be Late again" I explained to my classroom teacher.

"Very well, Take a seat" He said.

I looked around and chose a seat right in the middle of the classroom. Which was also next to, Him. I never actually understood the sentence, 'Love At First Sight', But now, Everything became as clear as a crystal.

I walked awkwardly towards the seat, Gasps filled the room as I sat down. God, People exaggerated way to much. This was the First day for everyone, It's not that big of a deal. Of course, I wondered why no one chose this seat First then me.

I looked to my right and saw him, He was staring straight ahead, Like he was trying to avoid me. He was really rude. Being the nice gal I am, I turned to him and whispered.

"Hey, My name's Taylor"

Everyone's heads turned my way and gasped. These people are very dramatic. They all looked at me like I did something wrong. Like I broke a rule or something, Maybe it was because I talked in class? No, These people didn't look like the type of people who cared about that. He finally turned his head and stretched out his hand.


I shook his hand. He turned away after that. And people went back to minding their own junk. The bell finally rang and after I was done pushing through the Huge people, I finally had air. Oh sweet mama!! Air!!

I looked for my locker, 312, When I finally find it I get all of my books and head off to First period. I stopped at a corner to hear the populars talking.

"Dude, Her eyes are so Beautiful and her lips look so kissable, I've never felt this way before" I heard a Male voice say.


I didn't know for sure if he was talking about me. Guess we'll just have to find out. I walked towards my First period classroom, Which is, Biology, I hate Biology. Once I entered the classroom, I regretted not skipping class. There was only one empty chair left. Next to Logan.

He patted the seat next to him, And everybody watched me walk slowly towards the seat. People are so nosy!! God!! I had my head down the whole time, His eyes looked like a puddle of Chocolate. And his smile, His smile was attractive.

When I sat down, He pulled back a piece of my Blonde hair and tucked it behind my ear. His touch sent shivers down my spine. Shivers that are forbidden. Tingles that declare wars. Most of all, Smiles, That declares, More then Friendship.

I can't know that for sure.
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Uh, Hi?

I don't Really Know What to Say, But I don't Know if i Should Continue this Story. I Just want to get someone's Opinion really. Um, Maybe if i could get just One Opinion i won't Feel Bad for putting this Story Up. If you don't Like it than Please don't Say it Harshly.

Or Message it Harshly....