Lose Your Mind


"And remember, if any of you try to get with my sister, I will cut your penis off." I warned my friends.

Danny laughed. "Come on, James. You should know that if she looks anything like you, we aren't going to want to get with her."

I rolled my eyes at his comment, and unlocked the door to the flat that my sister and I used to share. I hadn't seen her in over a year, but she told me to just use my old key.

I let the guys and myself in, and followed the sound of music playing. I found myself in the living room, and saw my sister and a girl I didn't recognize. They were talking about something, but I couldn't really hear them.

They were too far into their conversation to notice me. I just stood there awkwardly and looked around. I noticed a fairly big wedding cake with some pieces already eaten, and a lot of boxes all over the room. I didn't want to interrupt them, so I didn't say anything. I guess the silence bothered Ben, because he pushed me to say something. He pushed me a little harder than he attended, so when I caught myself, it made a large noise.

The girls both looked up, and my sister, Jenna, smiled. "James!"

She got out of her seat to hug me, and her friend kind of just sat there awkwardly.

"Oh, James this is my best friend, Harli. Harli, this is my brother James."

I gave her a smile and a wave and she smiled back.

"Nice to meet you." She said.

"Nice to meet you too, Harli."

Jenna stared at me for a moment before I asked her, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Are you going to introduce me to your friends?"

"Oh yeah, forgot about them for a second." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Jenna, Harli, these assholes are Cameron, Ben, Sam, and Danny. Guys, my sister Jenna and her friend Harli."

They all mumbled, "Nice to meet you," and then Danny asked, "Not to be rude, but what's with the wedding cake?"

Harli laughed a little. "Not rude at all. It's my wedding cake, my wedding was today."

Only then did I notice she was American.

"Wait, if you wedding was today, shouldn't you and the cake be at the reception?" Cameron asked, clearly confused.

"Well, when I found out my fiance fucked my sister last night, I decided against marrying him. Especially since my sister has herpes. So instead of getting married, I decided to move all my stuff to Jen's apartment, cash in the money on my engagement right, make a fool of my ex at the altar, and steal the cake and wedding gifts and share it all with my best friend." She smiled brightly at him.

"Shouldn't you be crying then or something?" Danny asked.

Sam hit him over the head and Jenna laughed. "My best friend won't let some stupid guy ruin her life!"

"Yeah," Harli added, "Besides, I was being forced to marry him, anyway."

I stared at her with confusion in my eyes.

She laughed. "Arranged marriage! My bad. But yeah, now I have a shit load of money in my pocket from the ridiculous ring he gave me, a delicious cake, and freedom."

"And you don't have herpes!" Jenna added, laughing.

"That too!"

And that's the moment I realized it was going to be a very interesting vacation.