Lose Your Mind


"So, what do you guys want to do?" Jenna asked.

"Let's do something crazy," Harli said, "Or stupid, I really don't care which."

"Like what?" Ben asked.

"I don't know. Sacrifice puppies to Satan?" We all stared at her. She frowned. "What? I was joking."

"Weirdo," Jenna mumbled. "I know, let's go to America!"

"You're joking. right?" I asked. "The five of us just came from there."

Harli nodded. "Yeah, and you know I don't have the best memories from there."

"Come on guys, it'll be fun. We can go to Vegas. Harli, you're single now, you can go fuck as many guys as you want. And so what if you guys just were in America? There's a lot more we can do there than here."

"She's got a point," Sam said.

I sighed. "But we were just in Vegas for over a month recording."

"Wait," Harli smiled, "I have an idea."

"What is it?"

"One of my old friends from Baltimore, his dad owns this RV rental place. We could have a road trip."

Danny shrugged. "That's like touring though."

"Except you don't have to work. Listen, I have a ton of cash in my bank account now, and it's burning a hole in my pocket. This could be a lot of fun. I did this one summer with a few of my friends. We didn't have plans to where we were going, so we just took turns driving. We found some of the coolest towns. If we do this, we can meet some chill people and discover new things. Try new things. Have you ever had a fried Oreo?"

"Harli, that sounds so repulsive. Why would someone eat that?" Jenna sassed.

"That's what I thought, too. But everyone else was trying them, so I did, and they're actually pretty good."

"Whatever. It still sounds disgusting, but I'm down. How about you guys?"

"It sounds like it could be fun," Cameron said, and the rest of us agreed.

"Cool," Harli smirked, "So how about we leave for Baltimore tomorrow? I can call my friend and his dad can have an RV ready for us when we get there."

"So soon?" I asked her.

"You have anything better to do? You guys are already packed, and it won't take me and Jen that long. I say let's go for it."

I nodded. "Fair enough."

"Where should we go first?" Jenna questioned.

"Wherever the roads lead us. That's part of the fun, babe."

"So we're really doing this?" Ben asked.

Sam answered, "I think we are."

"Cool," Danny began, "But what should we do right now?"

Harli shrugged. "You boys want some cake?"