Status: Finished

Scream for Me Baby, Just Like She Did.


Kayden groaned as she shifted, her took in a long breath as her hands moved to rub her eyes, her mouth opened wide to yawn when she sat up slowly. Her hands ran through her hair as she began to take in her surroundings. She was no longer in the room filled with interesting torture devices, but in a room that looked more homely and almost felt safe, and she had been sleeping in a soft bed with a cozy blanket.

Kayden tossed the blanket off to the side and dangled her legs over the side of the bed, her eyes still filled with sleep. Kayden yawned again as she pushed off the bed, her arms stretching over her head causing her back to pop. Kayden’s mind was blank she didn’t know where she was and her mind hadn’t produced what had happened the day before. She rubbed her eyes again finally wiping the sleep from her eyes.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her waist from behind causing her to jump at the sudden contact. She looked down at the arms before glancing back to Teegan, she felt sick all of the sudden. Kayden almost turned to stone for she stood incredibly still and barely a breath left her body as Teegan pushed himself against her backside.

Kayden could feel a burning sensation on her collarbone and just below her navel now that Teegan was against her. Teegan then moved till he was in front of her, his hands resting on her waist as he crooked his head to lean his forehead against her own. Why was he enchanted by her beauty, all he had wanted to do was have his way with her then dispose of her, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so, he brought her back to his room and gave her clothes and let her sleep in his bed.

Teegan didn’t even touch the fact he had put his own mark on her when he bit her last night. How would both the markings react to each other? The marking Loki had placed on her was paled over but the marking he had put on her was strong and bright. Kayden let out sniffle as she closed her eyes then feeling of Teegan near her made her feel like her senses were going mad, never did she feel this way with Loki, and it scared her even more.

Teegan watched Kayden for a minute before placing his hands on her shoulders and pushing her back till she was at arm length, his eyes focusing on her as he did so. He had an unreadable expression on his face, his hair had fallen in his face, almost framing his oddly colored eyes as he continued to stare at Kayden. She almost felt like he was looking inside of her, searching for questions and answers, she felt every uneasy as she swallowed whatever saliva that had been produced in her mouth.

Teegan’s brows furrowed as he studied Kayden more, he was trying to find answers but when he couldn’t find them a rage boiled over inside of him and he released Kayden. He then turned to the side before he moved his right hand across in front of him, letting his hand linger over his left shoulder in as an open hand, he struck Kayden across the face with the powerful backhand. Kayden let out a cry her body losing balance and her falling to the floor in a heap with cry.

Teegan then bared his fangs cursing at Kayden before pulling his foot back and launching another attack against Kayden, his foot landing harshly against her back. Kayden cried out again, sobs ripping through her as the pain in her cheek and back pulsated. Teegan let out an animalistic growl and grabbed a fist full of Kayden’s hair, dragging her out of his room and throwing her into the torture room. He then moved himself into the room, picking Kayden up and placing her in a chair.

“You’re my little play thing now.”

His voice sounded dark and horse, his attitude changed from gazing to a vicious stare, almost like he was about to feed from her. His eyes darkened when he looked over Kayden again, his hand moving o caress her cheek and down her jawline softly before his fingers clenched around her throat. Fear and panic swirled in Kayden as he moved her hands over Teegan’s, trying to pry his grasp from her neck. She would have cried if her air supply wasn’t cut off.

“You do as I say and I don’t want any lip? You got that sweetheart?” He bared his fangs as he loosened the grip on her neck, his fingers moving to her jawline again. Kayden could only nod, as he gasped for air.
“You see, I marked your pathetic ass last night and I’m not sure why... Maybe it’s because I wanted to hurt Loki and take away something of his? Maybe it’s because I didn’t want Loki to keep you to himself?”

He reared his hand back and slapped Kayden across the face then across the other side, causing Kayden to scream out in pain.

“That’s right, scream for me baby, just like she did.” Teegan’s laugh filled Kayden’s ears before a searing pain tore at the skin on her arm, causing her to black out.