Coffee Shop Soundtrack

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

Half awake I buried my face into my pillow and sighed, i have to be at work in fifteen minutes and don't want to be alive today. Today is finally the day Pierce The Veil come to a town relativley near me and i managed to get a ticket but i'm not allowed the night off, so instead i decided to wallow in my own pity. Pierce The Veil are what keeps me alive and i have to miss thier only show here for years. Fuck sake.
I pulled myself out of bed and rumaged around for some decent clothes to wear, i found my grey star wars sweater and black skinnies and put them on. My long black hair was started to curl, so i straightened it and put it in a high pony leaving my fringe to fall to the side of my face. I blackened my blue eyes and walked out the door of my very small apartment. Rather than go to college like all my other friends, i decided to move away and try to pursue my dreams of being a musician, but ended up working in a coffee shop not far from where i live. I searched my bag for my ipod, so i had something to take my mind of my crappy life and the last song i was listening to continued to play. Bulls In The Bronx. Perrrfectt. I couldn't believe my luck, i hate my boss, my job and right now my life.
I strolled into work five minutes from when my shift usually started but my fellow workers just decided to harass me.
"Sydney, people need serving, hurry up!". I don't want another day, like this especially when i know i could be preparing for the best night of my life. Sigh. I put my bag and jacket in my locker and walked to back into the shop and let myself in behind the counter. I don't actually understand, why i needed to ruch 'cause there is nobody waiting. My boss approached me, he has this look where you know that what he's about to say isn't good. "Sidney" I looked up at him and half smiled.
"What have i told you about those snake things?" I stroked my lip rings with my tounge "Oh these, yeah sorry. Snakebites by the way". I hate having to keep taking these out, it gets painfull after a while. Yet again, i was waiting at the bar ready to serve someone but the thing about working this morning shift on a wednesday, it was dead and i always had nothing to do, like now. Just left to stare out the window. God it's hot in here, i started rolling my sleeves up to my elbows and looked down at my wrists, my scars covered with all my braclets, my favourite one being my PTV one obviously, my past covered up by my future.
An hour ticked by and there was still nothing to do, there was hardly anyone in the shop, it was still six thirty am, so not really shocker.
There was some commotion going on outside that was making a lot of noise, Jade, Phil and Dan (people who i work with) ran outside to see what it was.
"Some bright green bus, thing trying to park up that's all" Dan reported. At least i might have something to do now, if there's going to be a bus load of people. Looking outside the window opposite me and i could vaugely see the neon green bus, that almost looked like PTV's tour bus. Hang on. It is!
"IT'S THE BOOGER!" ahh jeez, that obviously sounded weird to anyone who is not a PTV fan. I could barely conatin myself. Stop being stupid Sydney, probably just crew needing some coffee, the gus aren't probably even in there. Sure enough, it wasn't the four amazing sexicans i had spent a lot of my life worshiping, but just a crew member.
"Hey there, what can i get you?" even being this close to a member of crew was exciting but extremely depressing, i could have been there tonight.
I made him his order and as i charged him for his money, he looked down at my wrist and smiled at me, i started to go red, i could feel my cheeks burning.
"Nice bracelet man, thanks for the coffee"
"Thanks! You're welcome" i shouted after his as i watched him walk out the door. I let out a gentle release of air.
"Do you mind telling me what that outburst was about Syd? hmm?" Jade asked. I started laughing. I turned my back to the counter to face her. "Well, the booger is that bright neon bus, a tour bus and it belongs to only the best band in the world." i noticed i was waving my arms about with excitement and put them down by my sides, Jade looks completley lost right now.
"Ya know, Pierce Th-"
"Let me quickly just serve this guy, one sec" My back still against the counter, i started to stare and our price listings.
"Four please" i know that voice. I spun around and almost passed out. Vic bloody Fuentes. He smiled and me and nodded his head.
"Hi" Hi? freaking hi. Sydney grow a pair. Jade jumped in. "I'll bring these over in a sec, actually Syd, would you mind, I need the loo" she handed me steaming coffee. I'm still in shock, as Jade moved out of the way, there they were. All four of them aitting around a table near the window. Jaime, Tony, Mike and Vic had joined them. My hands are shaking so bad, i'm amazed i didn't spill all the damn coffee. I walked over to there table, my hands still bloody shaking.
"He- here's your cof- coffee!" i can't even speak properly, that probably think i'm really stupid.
"Sydney" i managed to say that fine.
"I love your sweater Sydney!" I suddenly realised i had my star wars sweater on and Tony Perry Complimented me! I gave him a big smile. I raised my arm to adjust my fringe.
"Nice bracelet, you coming to our show tonight?" Vic asked. Okay i think i'm gonna die. Vic just made conversation with me. It was so overwhelming, i was trying so hard to resist but it was so hard. Tears broke free from my eyes and i immediatley covered my face with my hands, pulling my sleeves down. Vic stood up and put his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to upset you, i just assumed you were a fan, that's all"
I uncovered my face and sniffed.
"That's the thing, I love you guys, you're all my entire life but after i brought a ticket for the show, my boss said it's either the concert or my job and i need my job. I'm out here in America by myself" Next thing I knew, i was in a group hug with Pierce The Veil. Best.Moment.Of.My.Life.
I quickly ran outback to grab my phone and asked if i can take a picture. They agreed, even better i got a group photo and got to take a selfie with each member of the band. Friggin awesome.
"Sorry Sydney but we have to go set up soundcheck and everything now" Mike apologised. "Really wished you could come" and he had an arm around me. Oh my god!
"Next time we're thirsty, i dunno 'bout you guys, but sure as hell coming to grab some coffee" Jaime winked at me. In turn they all hugged me as they left Tony who i recieved a hug from last took my hand and kissed me on the cheek.
I was in such awe, i didn't realise my hand, wasn't empty. I opened my palm and looked down at it. It was a small threaded bracelet, with 'turtle' stitched into it. Tony Perry just gave me his bracelet. I placed it on my right arm, that was free of bracelets. This one was special. I turned around to go back behind the counter,back to reality more like. "Are you okay?" Jade was pulling a mock concerned face at me. I silently nodded. I'm still holding my breath, i don't want to let go of the moment.Ever. I looked down at my Iphone and changed my lock screen to my selfie with Tony and made my wallpaper the group photo. That was never going to change. I slid my phone into my pocket and restedmy elbow on the counter and placed my head in my hands. I watched the bus pull out, watched my hero's leave whilst i was stuck here. Fabulous.