Sequel: 8 Billion
Status: In progress?

Population 801

chapter one.

"And here we have the one- the only- Jesse Lawson! So Jesse, what are your plans for SENIOR YEAR?!" Kellin said enthusiastically as he shoved a camera in his best friend's face. It was Kellin and Jesse's first day as seniors at Hoppus High and Kellin was beyond excited. Being the geek-chic teen he is, he was determined to videotape his entire Senior Year experience.

"Finding some new friends!" Jesse said back, sarcastically mimicking the smaller boys enthusiasm. "Seriously, Kels, you're a dork."

"Ouch, fiesty much?" Kellin said shutting his video camera and linking arms with Jesse. "I just want to remember everything about this year, Man! It's senior year!"

"Yeah it's gonna be the same as Junior year, which was the same as Sophmore year, which was the same as Freshman year. Nothing changes in this town man! Nothing ever will!" Jesse walked down the hall away from Kellin and to the office to get his schedule. He was right, though. Nothing in their small town in Michigan ever changed. They'd had the same people at their school since Kindergarten and frankly, it was getting boring. Kellin hoped that since they were seniors now, everything would magically change.

Jesse and Kellin had been best friends since they were kids, mostly due to the fact that their parents both stayed in the same town after high school. Most people ended up staying in their small town of Denning after highschool because it was 'home'. Kellin liked to think of Denning as a blackhole- time stood still and no one got in or out. Kellin had other plans though. He was going to travel the world and never look back at this hellhole of a town.

After 17 years of being in Denning, Kellin became obsessed with the world outside of Michigan. He spends a majority of his time looking at pictures and videos from far away places. Jesse thought that was why he was so obsessed with video's and picture's, but Kellin just loved looking at things. He loved taking in big scene's and he loved observing miniscule details. He could draw for you every single person in their school's face with excrutiating accuracy- and while it scared some people- no... it freaked everyone out. Kellin was an outcast; his friends were restricted to Jesse, Justin, Jack, and Gabe. Four people all outcasted but sticking together.

For a group of misfits, though, they sure fit together well. They all shared a love of music that was unprecedent by anyone else in their small town. They spent a majority of their time in Justin's garage playing music. Kellin didn't play, no, he took pictures and videos of the band and posted them on the band's website. He also wrote the lyrics but he let Jesse say that he wrote them. Kellin didn't mind, Jesse was happy and Kellin was happy getting recognition for his pictures. Kellin had no desire to be in the spotlight.

Kellin realized he was standing still in the school hallway when his classmate Josh ran into him and screamed "Watch it Quinn!". Kellin shrugged it off and opened up his camera. "So this is it." He said turning around and walking the all-too-familiar halls backwards. "Same school, same lockers, same shit people, same-" He stumbled backwards and realized he had run into someone. "Oh sorry-" He said turning around. He was about to address the person by name, but then he realized this was a completely unfamiliar face.

Kellin stared awestruck at the first new person he had seen since his first day at Kindergarten. This boy was tan, like not Michigan-tan, but tan. He stood slightly taller than Kellin and was much more muscular than the pale boy staring up at him. Kellin moved on from admiring the big picture, and went to look at the details. He noticed that his hair was dark brown and in some places it curled more than others, his eyes were a mocha color but they had specks of gold and black, his lips were a dark pink and his cheeks were slowly turning more red as Kellin noticed that he had been staring at the boy for longer than he should have.

"Sorry, uh, I'm Kellin." He said awkwardly holding his hand out for the boy to shake. He still couldn't take his eyes off the boy in front of him. "Sorry it's just... We don't get a lot of new faces around here and I, uh, I just-"

"It's okay." The boy said looking down. "I'm Vic, and I should probably be going." He said, quickly scurrying off down the hall. Kellin stared at his hand, which Vic had neglected to shake, shrugged, and walked on down the hall.

He videotapped his classmates as he walked; getting the finger from Matty, a wave from Tay and Derek, and a hand shoved in the lens when he walked past Jenna who claimed that 'her dog ate her make-up'. Kellin laughed to himself at his classmates as he walked to the office to get his schedule. After a nice and sassy chat with the extremely rude office ladies, he received his schedule and started making his way to his first period- Biology.

On his way he was met by a very frantic looking Gabe. "Dude, whats up, you look like you've seen a ghost." Kellin said laughing.

"I think I have!" Gabe said in total seriousness. "There's a god damn new kid!"

"Yeah I know," Kellin laughed at how childish Gabe was being about this, not that it was new, Gabe has always been extremely immature. "And he's not a ghost, trust me, I ran into him- not through him."

Gabe and Kellin continued casual conversation like that until they got to their shared first period. Kellin found himself hoping that he might find Vic beyond the large oak door of their classroom, but to his disappointment he found no unfamiliar faces. Kellin didn't know why he was so infatuated with this new character- probably because he was just that; new. But there was something in Kellin that made him feel like this boy was something different.

People don't come to Denning. It's always been that forgotten town in the middle of nowhere in Michigan. No one came in and no one left. That's how it had been for as long as Kellin could remember- but suddenly there was someone new. Someone fresh. But he didn't belong there. Denning is a small, conservative, boring town with a population of 800 that never fluctuated.

'Until now.' Kellin thought to himself while taking a seat beside Gabe. 'Popuation 801.'
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Soooo this is my first independent Kellic and I'm really sorry....