Sequel: 8 Billion
Status: In progress?

Population 801

chapter six.

"Some things just fit together; certain notes and rhythms that enhance each other when played simultaneously. These are called harmonies. Every piece of music has four parts- melody, harmony, counter-melody, and accompaniment. No one part is more important than the other, but one part can be more important to another part than it is to the other three." Mr. Tarson droned on in the front of the class while Kellin sat in the back next to Vic. Vic sat writing lyrics and Kellin was busy trying to make his pencil look bendy using optical illusion.

"Mr. Quinn!" Their teacher called from the head of the class. "Care to reiterate what I just explained?"

"I would love to, Mr. Tarson, but I wasn't paying any attention to what you were saying." Kellin said honestly. He didn't see a point in making a fool out of himself, everyone knew he didn't want to be there.

"Well I suppose I can reexplain it for you in detention. A half hour after school should suffice, don't you agree?" Kellin inwardly groaned at the thought of spending any more unnecessary time in confines with Mr. Tarson, and outwardly groaned when he remembered he was supposed to go to the lake with Vic after school. Vic kicked him under the table to warn him not to push it. "I suppose you're right, Kellin, better make it 45 minutes."

"Sure thing, Mr. T!" Kellin jokingly shouted down the tiers of the classroom. He looked at Vic who was trying not to laugh at the smaller boy. Kellin looked over and Vic and noticed the way he looked when he tried to hide his smile. Half of his mouth would curve upwards, while the other half would still try to fight it. His eyes squinted like he was grinning furiously but in reality he was trying not to do just that. Kellin could see the wrinkles that developed at the corners of his eyes and the dimples on his cheeks. He also saw Vic blushing which probably meant he had been staring.

"Capturing again?" Vic asked. Kellin nodded, embarrassed. "Why do want to capture this moment you just got 45 minutes of your life taken away!"

"No reason. Do you just want to hang out another day? I know we were supposed to go skating." Kellin said pulling out his video camera. He figured since there was nothing better to do in this class he could find something. Vic got a mysterious look in his eyes and grabbed Kellin's camera.

"No, come to think of it, I don't need 45 minutes in my life either." With that he winked and opened the camera and jumped on the desk.

"Hey Mr. Tarson! Is it true that you were a stripper in college?" Vic asked filming their teachers reaction. "Cause I need some tips!" With that Vic pulled his shirt of his head and started swinging it around over his head. I don't think I've ever seen Tarson move so fast up those tiers before he pulled Vic down and shoved him in his seat. Vic quickly put his shirt back on and filmed the teacher's outburst from his lap.

"Victor Fuentes I have never had such rude behavior in my classroom ever! You can join Mr. Quinn after school and you can spend half your passing period in here with me!" He turned on his heel and headed back down the tiers muttering "Ridiculous!" under his breath.

"Where did that come from?" Kellin asked astounded. Vic had quickly gone from being this shy new kid, to being a crazy outgoing bad-ass, and now back to staring at his hands and avoiding eye contact.

"I don't know. I had to do something to be able to get detention. Plus, you needed footage." Vic shrugged and continued writing. Kellin leaned over to try and see but Vic shut his notebook. "Kellin I told you this already, you can't read me lyrics."

"Why not? I still barely know anything about you, Vic. Except now I know that you have abs." Vic blushed and laughed slightly.

"Maybe one day." With that he ended the conversation. Kellin didn't bother him again while they attempted to listen to Tarson's lecture on the four elements of music. Halfway through though Kellin got two things; bored, and a horrific idea. Put those things together and you usually have a terrible outcome. He scooted his chair over beside Vic's and grabbed his video camera. He turned it to Camera mode and flipped the screen around.

"What are you doing?" Vic asked, pretending to be interested in the lecture.

"We're gonna take pictures! It'll be fun. Just look at the screen and make a funny face!" Kellin said demonstrating but sticking he tongue out and taking a picture. Vic soon joined in and before they knew it they had taken about 20 or so selfies on Kellin's camera.

Kellin looked up and the clock and saw that he had about 20 second to do go through with his plan. It was now or never. He kept taking picture, their heads so close together their cheeks were touching, and Vic didn't even notice what was going on until Kellin turned his head and took a picture of him kissing Vic's cheek.

Vic looked at Kellin with wide eyes before turning to look at Mr. Tarson, who was packing up and not paying any attention to his students. Deciding that it was his turn to make a move, he turned his head as well and connected their lips. It was a sweet and innocent kiss and both of them were currently in shock by the other's actions. Neither moved during the kiss, making it awkward and slightly humorous, but neither wanted to stop the kiss. They pulled away when the sound of the bell shocked them both. They sat in shock, staring at each other and trying to collect their own thoughts, when Mr. Tarson screamed up at them.

"Mr. Quinn! For someone who has no interest in my class you seem to always be the last to leave."

"Sorry, Mr. Tarson. I'm leaving now." He shut his camera, hoping to God that he got a picture of their kiss, picked up his bag, and walked down the tiers.

"Victor, a word." He said motioning for Vic to come down to the main floor as well. Vic picked up his bag and went to talk to the teacher as Kellin walked out into the hallway. Kellin stood by the lockers outside the door and attempted to hear what was going on. After a while, Vic came out of the music classroom with a huge smile on his face.

"What happened?!" Kellin asked, confused by Vic's mood. "Did he yell at you?! Chew you a new one?! Come on!"

"No, he didn't yell at me at all." Vic said calmly, still smiling. "Just asked me a question."

"Which was...?" Kellin said linking their arms and walking them down the hallway.

"Victor," Vic said mimicking Mr. Tarson's voice, "Where did you learn about my past occupations?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so this is kinda really dumb and I apologize. I can't focus on anything right now because I'm in pre-concert mode, ya feel? Bye Lovelys<3