Sequel: 8 Billion
Status: In progress?

Population 801

chapter seven.

Kellin spent all of his next period, Geography, looking at the pictures of him and Vic and smiling to himself. His plan was originally just to kiss Vic on the cheek and see if he freaked out, but it went much better than expected. He kept scrolling until he got to the end of the roll, which happened to be a picture of their kiss. Their actual kiss. Kellin smiled to himself and touched his lips with his fingertips. He could still remember the way it felt as if Vic were still right there kissing him.

"Mr. Quinn." His teacher, Mrs. Rydell called.

"It's Kellin" He called from his seat in the back, muttering 'Jesus fucking Christ' under his breath. What was the worst that could happen? He could get detention?

"Kellin, I'm thrilled that you find the placement of the Solimoes River so endearing." Kellin looked at her confusingly, having no idea what she was talking about. "If you would mind actually paying attention it would be very much appreciated." She turned back to the board and talked more about some rain forest colony that Kellin had zero interest in. Meanwhile, Kellin stared at the clock, willing for time to pass so he could finally be in detention.

Vic, however, was finally beginning to realize the wheels that he set in motion. Since he agreed to try a friendship with Kellin he had admittedly become really attached. He'd undoubtedly begun to care for Kellin as a friend and recently he'd started to develop feelings for him. But Kellin was right, he didn't know anything about Vic. That wasn't fair. And Vic didn't plan on telling Kellin everything- not now, not ever. He couldn't let anyone in. Everyone he gets close to either leaves or gets torn away from him.

There was no way that he could let Kellin think that something could happen, because nothing could. Vic couldn't open up to Kellin and Kellin couldn't figure out everything that Vic had been trying to hide. How was Vic supposed to tell Kellin about everything that he'd been through? Yes, it was a common thing but Vic was taking it exceptionally hard. He lost everything and he's still trying to deal with that. He can't do that with Kellin there.

So after school, as Vic was walking to the music room for their detention, he realized what he had to do. He knew that there was only one solution to this problem and that it would be one of the hardest things he's ever had to do. He had to stop talking to Kellin. He had to isolate himself again. It wasn't fair to Kellin, right? He was doing this for Kellin. He was doing all of this for Kellin. At least, that's what he kept telling himself as he walked into the music room and sat on the other side of the room, Kellin staring at him with a confused look on his face.

"Well I sure hope you two had fun in class today, because now you start my favorite part of the day." Mr. Tarson said clapping his hands together. Kellin muttered something about him being a tyrant but Tarson ignored him. "Now I have stuff for you two to do. Well, not stuff, just one thing. And as soon as it's done you can leave. The snow on the back field is causing complications when it comes to the marching band practice. I'm gonna need it shoveled."

"What?! Don't you have a fricken plow?! You can't expect us to shovel an entire fricken football field!" Kellin said throwing his hands on the table.

"That's exactly what I explect you to do. Have fun boys." With that he opened a closet to reveal some snow shovels and left the room.

* * *

"Are you mad at me?" Kellin shouted across the field to where Vic was. Vic felt a ping in his gut when those words hit him. He wasn't mad at Kellin, exactly the opposite, and that was the problem.

"No, Kels. I'm not mad at you." Vic shouted back, continuing to shovel. Kellin was quiet for a long time and Vic thought that maybe he had just dropped the subject. He didn't think, though, that he would feel a hand on his shoulder spin him around and feel Kellin press his lips against his own.

This wasn't even remotely close to their first kiss. This was less clumsy. They moved their lips together, almost synchronized, and completely melted against each other. Vic forgot all about not wanting to get close to Kellin and suddenly he could only think of wanting to get closer. He linked his arms around Kellin's waist and Kellin did the same to Vic's neck. It wasn't a lust filled kiss it was an understanding. It was both boys telling the other that there was something more there. As soon as Vic realized that, he detached himself from Kellin and took a few steps back.

"Kellin I can't..." Vic started but Kellin cut him off.

"Vic before you start just let me say something- I've read your lyrics over your shoulder before, you know I have, and I know you don't want me to but I did. I've seen what they're about. You're scared and I get that. You're scared that I'm gonna leave or that something is going to come between us but nothing is going to happen. Can you just try?"

"You don't know anything about my lyrics." Vic said, suddenly extremely angry at the pale boy in front of him. "You don't know anything about my writing, you don't know anything about me. Stop trying to get in my head, Kellin. Trust me, you don't want to be there. I tried this whole friend thing and it didn't work. I can't do this. I can't have friends. I broke that promise to myself and now I'm mending it. I'm sorry Kellin." His mood quickly changed as tears fell down his face.

Before Kellin could try to change his mind though, he ran. He ran home and didn't look back. What hurt the most was that Kellin was right. He was scared to care about someone and then have them torn away from him. He couldn't let that happen with Kellin, not like it happened with Mike.
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Woo guess who isn't gonna tell you guys what happened with Mike for like a long time(: Woo go me! I had to sneak some band thing in there because I've spent all week at band camp and it just felt appropriate.