Sequel: 8 Billion
Status: In progress?

Population 801

chapter nine.

"Fine" Vic told Kellin from his spot beside him. Kellin stared at the boy next to him confused; he wanted Vic to tell him but he didn't expect that he really would. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" Kellin asked, standing up with the help of Vic. "I thought you were going to tell me what's going on with you? I thought I was finally gonna get to figuring you out."

"Look Kellin, if I'm gonna trust you then you have to trust me too. So we're going to your house to get your car." Vic said walking down the street towards Kellin's house. Kellin was still in shock, but he followed anyways. The entire way there was silent but Kellin didn't really mind the serenity. He took the time to look at the boy he'd been away from for some time.

Vic had changed slightly since him and Kellin stopped talking, not like Kellin had, but he had changed nonetheless. His bottom lip was blistered, indicating that he had been biting at it. Kellin knew that Jack did this when he was anxious about something and began to wonder if maybe Vic was worrying while they were seperated. Vic's hair was slightly damp and Kellin assumed that meant that he was a night showerer. He was wearing sweatpants and a black v-neck t-shirt and Kellin could see his chest which was slightly more pale than the rest of his body. Vic noticed his staring and let a smirk sneak onto his face.

"Glad to see you back to your old self." He said, pulling Kellin out of observation mode.

"What do you mean?" Kellin asked, stopping dead in his tracks. "The only reason I changed in the first place was because you thought something was wrong with me."

"Where did you get that idea?" Vic asked, turning to look at the younger boy. "Kellin I didn't stop talking to you because I didn't like you. I stopped because of me, it was my fault. But this hair and these clothes and no camera, that's not you." He said gesturing at Kellin from head to toe. He then reached up and brused Kellin's hair over, restoring his old part. "See that's more you. And even if it wasn't I wouldn't want you to change just because I left. That's just dumb, Kels."

"I didn't know what else to do." Kellin said quietly, mostly to himself, staring at his shoes. Vic just smiled at him and continued walking, Kellin following close behind.

Soon enough they reached Kellin's house and entered the garage. Kellin grabbed the keys from their hook by the door and began to walk to the drivers side.

"Nope." Vic said grabbing the keys. Kellin was quick to argue but Vic shot him down. "I said you would have to trust me, Kellin. This won't work unless you do."

"What won't work? Are you a rapist? Is that what you're going to tell me because if it is then, dude, I really don't want to know." Kellin joked.

"No, I'm not, now get it." He said jumping in the car and adjusting the seat. Kellin hesitantly got in and put his seatbelt on.

"I've never seen you drive before. This isn't really safe." Kellin said, still unsure about letting Vic drive his car. Vic just laughed and backed out of the garage, hitting the button to shut the door after him. "Are you at least gonna tell me where we're going?"


The rest of the drive was in silence. Kellin looked outside as it started to snow lightly. He was sure that the guys would be calling him but he didn't really mind, he was with Vic. He was about to find out what Vic had been hiding. But what was it that he was hiding? And did Kellin really want to know?

Have you ever heard a scary noise while you're home alone, and you really want to know what it is, but at the same time you are terrified to know the truth? The curiosity is killing you, but the result might kill you even slower, more painfully. That was about how Kellin felt about learning about Vic. Part of him wanted to know what Vic's hard exterior was made of, but another part of him was scared to get to the interior. He wanted Vic to remain the intriguing mystery that he was on that first day of school, but he also just wanted to skip to the last page and find out the big secret.

Kellin remained lost in his thoughts until he noticed a familiar sign.

"Why are we leaving Denning?" Kellin asked suddenly. He had never been farther than his little pullout, but he wasn't in control right now.

"Relax Kellin." Vic said, pushing on the throttle more. Kellin started to panic, the pullout was about a mile away and judging by his speed, Vic didn't have any intention of stopping there.

"Vic." Kellin said nervously. They passed the clearing and were now about 10 miles out of town now. "Vic, where are we going?"

"We're leaving Denning, Kellin. Just like you always wanted." He replied, going a little faster. They were getting farther and farther out of town and Kellin was shaking in the passenger seat.

"Vic I think we should turn around." 15 miles out.

"Vic stop the car." 18 miles out.

"Vic go back." 20 miles out.

"VIC PULL OVER NOW!" 23 miles out and Kellin finally lost it. He screamed at Vic, who finally slowed and pulled over. Kellin was crying in the seat next to him and as soon as the car was in park Kellin got out and walked to the edge of the nearby woods. Vic stayed in the car for a few seconds allowing Kellin to cool down.

Kellin stood on the side of the road, running his fingers through his hair and pushing his head between his knees until he finally fell to the ground, sobbing. He continued to sob until he heard the car shut off and felt Vic's strong arms wrap around him. They stayed like that, Kellin sobbing and Vic holding him, for what seemed like hours.

"Why did you do that?" Kellin finally asked, keeping his cheek pressed against Vic's chest.

"To show you the truth." Vic said, pulling Kellin away to look at him. He wiped a few tears from the pale boys face and continued his explination. "To show you that you're scared. You're terrified by the real world Kellin and that's why you never left. You've had countless opportunities to leave and you never took them. Because you're scared. Well I'm scared, too, Kels. I'm scared to open up and I'm scared to let you in because everyone that I've ever held close to me has been taken away from me. I understand why you're scared of the real world because I've been there and it is scarier than Hell, Kels."

"I don't want to be scared, Vic." Kellin said, looking back at a now teary eyed Vic. "I want to be the fearless photographer that travels the world but I can't. I can't do it. I'm going to be stuck in Denning just like everyone else because I am just as terrified as they are."

"But you have something they don't..." Vic said, looking down at Kellin and smiling.

"I have you?" Kellin said, laughing at the cheesiness. Vic just held him closer and laughed slightly.

"I was gonna say ambition but yeah," He said and kissed the top of Kellin's head, "You got me, Kels."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay guys.. So I think my writers block is gone for the most part. Hopefully. I guess you guys will be the judge of that.


Thank you to those of you who stayed with me through that and to the subscribers and recommendations that I lost- you suck.

But to the rest of you, I love you, and I hope you enjoy the chapter(: