Tear Drops on My Wooden Stakes

Chapter 3 : Witches the Judgy Bitches

Chapter 3 : Witches the Judgy Bitches

Back in Black, I hit the sack
I been too long but I’m glad to be back
Yes, I am
Let loose, from the noose
That’s kept me hangi…

I slammed my fist on the snooze button before snuggling deeper into my blanket. I was just about to fall asleep when my wooden door sled open, letting the morning’s cold breeze in. I had a small hunt down in Pennsylvania and came back late last night. Not feeling like getting a lecture from my darling uncle at such a late hour, I decided to crash in my shack. I realize now that it had been a bad idea.
“Rise and shine, Persephone!”
“Go, away,” I groaned pulling the blanket over my head only to have it snatched away from me. “Stefan!” I moaned in protest.
“Come on! Get up, it’s time for school!” he shook my shoulder. I half-heartedly swung my fist at him. He dodges it easily, chuckling as he grabbed my fist and pulled to make me sit up. I squinted at him in a death glare.
“I hate you”
“Love you too,” he passed me a Starbucks cup of coffee as he pushed me towards the bathroom.
Stefan and I? Well, I guess you could call us friends now. It’s weird I’ll admit, being friends with a vampire or a vegetarian as I liked to call him. He wasn’t so bad. Broody he might be, but he’s got his times where he’s a sarcastic pain in the arse.
I got out of the bathroom towel drying my hair, “remind me again why you keep asking me for lifts to school when you’re a hundred something vamp with super speed?”
“Because your car is awesome” he replied, opening the shack door wider. I pulled my hair into a messy bun before starting the car and drove out the door before stopping to wait for Stephen to get in.
As soon as he slid the door shut, Stefan jogged to my car, but before he could get in, I drove forward a bit waiting for him to catch up before repeating it again with a teasing smirk on my face. Using his super speed, Stefan was sitting in my passenger seat with the seat built on in seconds.
“Nice try!”
I rolled my eyes, “buzz kill”


It was third period and I was already bored outta my mind. And what’s worse, I have history next. I felt someone leaning on the locker next to me.
“So, ah, apparently Bonnie’s witch powers are starting to develop and now she’s couscous of me,” Stefan said as he crosses his arms across his chest.
“Poor Stefie,” I said in monotone.
“So, Elena had this dinner gathering idea tonight at her house, where she, Bonnie and I could talk and become friends” I hummed in reply, “and she may have invited you too,”
I paused, turning to him with a blank look, “I sure hope you told her no,” He shrugged giving me a guilty look, “you did tell her no, right, Salvatore?!”
“Not exactly,”
I snapped my locker shot, “Damn it!” I started marching to History class, “No! There’s no bloody way in hell I’m going”
“Per, Common!”
“No, no, no, oh and did I mention, NO!”
I cut him off, “No bloody way!” I marched inside the class making my way to my seat. Stefan followed putting his books on the desk in front of my seat.
“I’ll make you a deal”
“Well in that case, hell no”
“I’ll personally pay for any car damage,”
“Yeah, it’s still a no… Wait” I paused narrowing my eyes at him, “how much we talking here?”
“What do you have in mind?”
I chewed on the inside of my mouth as I thought about it, “Okay, how about you pay for all my car bells for three years” I bargained, “including gas for my car AND Bike”
“You got a bike?”
“Almost done with it, but that’s beside the point. So what’s it gonna be, Salvatore?”
“Fine, deal,”
I smirked, “glad we could come to an agreement,” I took my seat feeling triumph.
Soon enough my uncle started the class and my excitement turned into bored-ness soon enough.
“WWII ended in…? Anyone got anything, Miss Juan?” My uncle droned on but when he didn’t get an answer from her he glanced at me, expectedly.
I huffed, cursing the day I was stuck being taught by a relative, “1945!”
“Correct. Pearl Harbor? Anyone?” he glanced around the half asleep class before his eyes settled on Elena who was chatting quietly with Stefan, “Miss Gilbert?”
Elena looked at him like a deer caught under headlights, “hmm?”
“Pearl Harbor?”
“December 7, 1941” Stefan answered instead.
“Thank you, Miss Gilbert!”
I could hear the smirk on Stefan’s tone when he replied with, “anytime!”
“Very Well,” Instead of reprimanding him, my uncle kept going with class, “the fall of the Berlin Wall”
“1989. I’m good with dates, sir” he said almost cockily.
“Are you now? Well see, keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act?”
“John F. Kennedy’s assassination?”
“Martin Luther King?”
“Roe VS Wade?”
“Brown VS Board?”
“The Battle of Gettysburg?”
“Korean War?”
“1950 -1953!”
“HA!” my uncle cried happy to finally find a fault, “it ended in ’52!”
“Actually, sir, it was ’53!”
My uncle turned to me and I nodded, “it’s ’53!”
He gritted his teeth, “someone look it up, quickly!”
Some students skimmed through their books while others took out their phone to use Google.
“It was 19… 53!”


“Mr. Lockwood, is there anything you’re good at? ‘Cause it isn’t history and it sure as hell isn’t defending the ball”
“Yes, Coach” he grumbled.
“Now do it again,”
I stood next to him, holding a clipboard in my hand, “you know, you’re a bit grumpier than usual,” I mused, “it doesn’t, perhaps, have anything to do with, I don’t know, an incident in one of your classes today?”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about?”
I chuckled, “yeah? I mean it’s okay to be grumpy, no one blames you! You did get owned by one of your students,” I saw Stefan approaching, “and would you look at that! Speak of the devil and he shall appear,”
My uncle glanced at Stephen before turning back to his team acting impassive. I smirked at his childish act.
“Varsity trials were last spring, Mr. Salvatore”
“I wasn’t here then, sir,” Stefan replied
“And you’re not here now as far as I’m concerned” My uncle bit back. I raised my eyebrows. Ouch. His pride must’ve been more hurt than I’d have thought.
“Mr. Tanner, I realize that you and I didn’t get off to the best start and I want to apologize for that,” Stefan said sincerely, “I’ve played football before. Wide receiver, mostly, and I’m pretty good”
“Well, I won’t be asking you who won the Super Bowl in ‘71” my uncle replied sarcastically.
Apparently Stefan didn’t catch his sarcasm as he said, “’71 was the …” he caught my uncle’s and I’s matching looks as he trailed off, “sorry, I, uh, I understand”
“Just to see you get knocked on your ass. Persephone fetch him some gear,”
“Sir, yes, sir,” I smirked, “common Salvatore, before he changes his mind”
Ten minutes later, Stefan came out and was practicing with the rest of the team. I took my usual place beside my uncle. From the corner of my eye, I could see him nod now and then impressed with Stefan.
“Got to admit, he’s good,” I mused.
“He’s not bad, needs more practice though”
I smirked, that was as much of a compliment anyone’s gonna get outta my uncle.


I parked the car on the Gilbert’s house’s driveway, “can’t believe you dragged me into this,”
“Stop whining!”
“You stop whining,” I spat as I cut off the engine and got out. Locking the car, we marched our way to their front door. Stefan reached over and pressed the doorbell.
“You bloody owe me, Salvatore” I hissed as the door opened revealing Elena whose eyes were on Stefan.
“Hi,” she breathed.
“Hi,” he replied, stuffing his hands in his pockets. I stood awkwardly as the two gazed into each other’s eyes, dreamily. I cleared my throat which thankfully broke them out of their la la land.
“Hey,” she flashed me a heisted smile, “glad you could make it,”
“Well, I couldn’t refuse a generous offer, could I?” She opened the door wider.
“Please come in,” I entered followed by Stefan. I shrugged off my leather jacket as Stefan took it out of my hands to put it on the hanger. Footsteps sounded as Bonnie emerged from the kitchen, “hey, table’s ready”


The four of us sat on the dining table in silence. Elena tried her best to start a conversation but each try ending up with a one worded answer from Bonnie.
“So, uh, Stefan tried out for the Team today,” Stefan sent me a grateful look. I smirked with a wink in response.
“I imagine Mr. Tanner must’ve given him a hard time,” Elena said, glancing at Stefan.
He shrugged, “well, he let me on the team, so I must’ve done something right,”
“Bonnie, you should have seen Stefan today,” she told Bonnie excitedly, “Tyler threw a ball right at him and…”
Bonnie cut her off, “yeah, I heard,”
“Well, I didn’t,” I bit out, annoyed with her bitchy mood. Elena looked at me appalled.
“Uh, well, Tyler threw a football at Stefan who had his back to him at the time talking to me,”
“Did it smack Stef’s head,” I cut in flashing a wink and a smirk Stefan’s way. He smiled gratefully for lifting the mood especially since Elena giggled in reply.
“God, no, He caught it.”
“It was like he had super senses or something,” she said, as I shared a glance with Stefan, or something, I thought. “And then he threw it back to Tyler with such strength that Tyler barley caught it,”
I glanced at Stefan, “well, that explains why Tyler kept targeting you during practice,”
Elena turned to Bonnie to try to get her to talk, “Bon, why don’t you tell them about your family?”
“Uh, Divorced.” She replied, grumpily, “No mom. Live with my dad”
Elena widened her eyes at her with a fake smile plastered on her face, “no, about the witched,” well, that got my attention. Elena turned to Stefan and I, “Bonnie’s family has a lineage of witches. It’s really cool.”
Bonnie gave Elena a look, “Cool isn’t the word I’d use,”
“Well, it’s certainly interesting,” Stefan cut in, determined to get her approval which in my opinion it’s bloody imposable. Witches were known for holding grudges and being a bunch of judgy bitches. But maybe since Bonnie’s still hadn’t discovered her powers yet, he might get a chance to win her over. “I’m not too versed, but I know that there’s a history of Celtic druids that migrated here in the 1800’s”
“My family came by way of Salem,” Bonnie said.
“Really? Salem Witches?”
“I would say that’s pretty cool,”
“Really? Why?” she asked curious.
“Salem witches are heroic examples of individualism and nonconformity”
She smiled, “yeah, they are,”
Ten points to the vampire!