Status: Updates in progress

The Fallen


Frank was drenched in sweat once again after a nightmare that drove him to his medicine cabinet to rummage through until his hands fell upon a cold medicine he shrugged as he choked on the gagging taste. He looked around the empty rundown apartment, his eyes flicked to the one empty twin sized bed. He felt his leg twitch reminding him he needed sleep, he wished the nightmares would go away he could take pills like his therapist suggested each time he brought up his dreams, then again he didn't want to be one of those doped up veterans who talked nonsense about the government. He sighed wishing his pension paid him more so he could afford a better flat. He heard sirens outside his window he walked out his bathroom and collapsed onto the creaky bed only for the leg to give out beneath him. He cursed throwing his pillow and blanket onto the futon in the living room. He fell back into a dreamless rest. Nothing exciting ever happened to Frank Iero he was doomed a lonely life.


"How are you getting along?" Frank was staring out the window watching the rain slide down not listening to her.

"Mr. Iero if you don't want to talk, we can try a different method." He heard the drawer pull open beside her and he knew she was once again daring to write out a prescription. He rolled his eyes seeing her shove her pad and pen back in the drawer.

"I'll talk. It's just I have been thinking of moving somewhere better, my bed broke last night and I can't afford a new one." Frank watched her write down on her yellow notebook not glancing at Frank once. "Maybe you should get a roommate." She suggested as she folded her hands resting them on the notepad.

"Me get a roommate? Who could share a room with me?" He chuckled lightly.

"Well Mr.Iero I'm sorry to say this but our time is up. It's best you start keeping a journal or maybe start a blog. So we can keep up on all your adventures." She stood to walk him to the door.

"A blog? Nothing ever happens to me. I just go on walks, play guitar, eat and go to therapy sessions." He added as she ushered him to the elevator.

"You never know Frank. Life always is full of surprises." She said as he steeped into the elevator watching her walk back to her office. He felt his stomach rumble and decided a quick lunch in the park would help.


"Frank? Is that really you?" Frank felt a hand tap on his shoulder to see a old friend Ray Toro smiling at him.

"Oh hey Ray, I was just eating a.-" He held out a apple to Ray as he shook his head.

"An apple? I doubt that's going to fill you up. Come on we have much to discuss I'll buy you lunch." Ray tapped his feet waiting for Frank to follow him.

"So where are you living these days?" Ray asked.

"It's liveable I guess." Frank didn't want to say how shitty his life truly had been since he was discharged from the war.

"Liveable? That's all?"

Frank looked at his friend noticing his smile grew as they got to the hotdog cart. "I'm not hungry I'll just get a water."

"Suit yourself," Ray ordered himself something to eat while Frank sat at the park bench. He wished he hadn't run into Ray who seemed so happy compared to himself.

"So your home is liveable?" He handed Frank a water bottle before taking a bite of his hot dog. "Ever thought of sharing a flat with someone?"

Frank twisted the label off the water bottle before realising Ray was offering him a new place to live. "I have thought of it. But everything is too expensive and I can't find the right person to share it with."

The two sat in silence before Ray took his hot dog wrapper tossing it into a wastebasket. "I think you should meet someone, he's a old friend of mine." Ray continued. "He's actually not that far from here he's working on a case in the morgue with Molly Hooper."

Frank not knowing what to do followed Ray to his car. After all if this friend was someone Frank needed to meet maybe he could find a new home aside his rundown home.


"Ah, Mr. Way are you done?" Molly was holding out her clipboard rubbing her tongue over her lips tasting the strawberry cheap lipstick wishing Gerard would notice her.

"I'm quite sure you're going to need a break soon." Molly commented on on Gerard's progress.

"Molly please stop buzzing around me, it's distracting." He waved a hand at the girl before she ran off.

"Gerard it's the buzzer for the door." She mumbled as she buzzed in two men walked into the room.

Gerard felt eyes on him as he turned see Ray and his newly found friend, his hair dangled in his face the droplets of rain stuck to his sweater Gerard jumped off his barstool to welcome the two men.

"Now Frank this is Gerard Way and Gerard this is Frank I think you should become roommates." Ray clapped his hands in delight.

"Roommates? I barely know the man!" Frank staged whispered at Ray.

"Oh shut it Iero meet me at 221 bakers st later this afternoon, and don't be late." Gerard held out a scrap of paper at Frank before turning on his heel and leaving Frank flabbergasted.

"Another thing he does whatever he wishes." Ray commented.

"I can see that." Frank reread the address until he knew it by heart, he wanted to know more about whoever Gerard was.
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Okay will add more if anyone wants it