Status: Updates in progress

The Fallen


"Tomato soup? Really that's so plain wouldn't you rather have-". The waiter was smiling brightly at the two offering a rangecof platters and choices. Gerard was over going the menu still after Frank ordered the cheapest thing he could afford on the menu, the clothing he bothered from Gerard hung off him, as he looked at Gerard during the cab ride here he looked at least five years older than him he hides it well with concealer, they made small talk about the weather not really chatting. Frank felt that it wasn't going to work a friendship but he could hope. "Frank, are going to eat your soup or state onto space?" Frank jerked himself out of his thoughts seeing Gerard's order was no where in sight. He cautiously blew on the soup before he felt his insides warm up after being drenched in the rain, he wanted to pick up the bowl to drink out of it instead he held back taking awkward sips as Gerard watched him.

"Where is your food?" He said after the uncomfortable silence in the loud restaurant. Gerard's eyes rolled as he replied, "there's nothing that appeals to me after seeing the waiter's nails caked in some sort of brown residue and I'm afraid it wasn't chocolate, he smiled too much, desperate for a tip his right hand he kept rubbing meaning he's itching for some sort of fix, drugs I assume he doesn't like his job that much I wouldn't either if all I wanted was to get high." He took a sip of his water as Frank struggled to keep his mouth from hanging open. He knew Gerard was smart but after that.

"How did you know that?" Frank pushed his soup away placing his elbows on the table.

"It's simple Iero, you just have to see the desperation in their eyes, and I wouldn't dare order anything else unless you'd like a surprise in your meal." Frank looked up to see the waiter was standing over the two tossing the check at them before he shoved violently into Frank's chair. Gerard tossed a ten on the table before gathering his jacket and scarf. Frank followed suit with his borrowed Ramones sweater. He caught a glance at the waiter as the walked towards the exit, the waiter silently mouthed something cruel he couldn't make out. He paused to say what when Gerard gripped onto his arm taking him out into the cold night.


"What do you do for a living?" Frank asked he was struggling to keep his arm linked around Gerard, he was freezing Gerard was his main heat source he could feel already a cold was building inside him.

"I'm a consultant for the police department some of Jersey's finest can't solve a simple case without the help of someone far more brilliant." He chuckled at his joke.

"For a consultant you seem full of yourself." Frank tried to laugh with him only he slipped onto a mud puddle once again soaking himself in the process. "For a certain veteran you seem to be a huge klutz, how did you mange the war without blowing yourself up?" Gerard stood over Frank before pulling him up. "For your information I was a doctor, I saved lives!" Frank over dramatic felt the mud inside of his shirt and he could taste it.

"Don't be silly Iero, it's just a joke." Gerard smiled before linking his arm with Frank. Frank huddled closer to him struggling to stop shivering.

"We should get you home, no sense in walking in the rain." He hailed a cab ushering himself and Frank inside. "Thanks, I'll pay you later." Frank stated before Gerard shook his head.

"You are clearly in no state of income, your hair hasn't been properly cut in ages, your clothing that you wore was fading and your shoes are held together by superglue. There is no need to pay me back." He rested against the seat stating out the window.

"Where to?" The cabbie looked at the two men.

"Bakers street." Gerard simply said as the cabbie nodded driving, the faint background music was soothing to Frank, he could feel himself grow tired as each street light flooded on him. He rested his eyes listening to Gerard's humming it relaxed him into a calming sleep.


"Mr. Iero? Are you alright?" Frank heard a voice but his eyes were still closed. "He's fine just a bit under the weather. He felt a hand shift under him signalling that someone was moving him. "No no Mrs. Hudson I don't need any required help I'm fine." Gerard's voice echoed off the walls.

He felt himself being carried into a warm doorway he barely opener his eyes to see Gerard was indeed back at home, with him. He saw Gerard carrying him into a darken bedroom with a theme setting the walls were plain white the queen sized mattress looked unused he spotted a suitcase and a few other items that looked similar to his own. Had Gerard sent for Frank's things already? He closed his eyes again he slipped back into sleep.

Gerard laid the smaller man onto the bed taking off his shoes and chucking them into a corner. He threw a blanket over Frank sensing he was our for the evening he walked out of the bedroom into the study where he took out his canvas and found his stash of prescription pills a combined white and blue pills shook in the bottle, he took out four he was tired but he wanted to paint his new subject.

He held back his head tossing the pills in with a quick sip of whiskey he cringed feeling the pills slowly go into work. "Happy Gerard, happy." He mumbled stupidly. He switched on the radio finding a rock station that suited him before going to work on his painting. He sang along to David Bowie's heroes as he felt the paint spatter on him. His head felt heavy he wanted to wake up Frank to show him his new portrait instead he sang drunkly to each song.

He felt better in this state of mind nothing could bother him, when he was staring to fall over causing a large bruise to swell on his knee he took his painting supplies shoving them into a closet before he fell onto the sofa he noticed the clock above the fire place read 4:38 am he laughed quietly remembering he was working on a assigned case in the morning it was over a recent rash of sudden suicides without any warning or any reason behind the deaths the police were baffled. He felt himself slip into sleep as he thought of reasons.


"Hello good morning." Frank helped himself to a decent shower and made a pot of coffee, it was seven am and the smell of coffee woke up Gerard from his slumber on the sofa. He rubbed his face smudging the carefully placed eyeliner from the night before. Gerard felt as if someone took a heavy bat to his back, everything was so loud to him he nodded simply as he poured a cup of coffee.

"Don't talk to me, I'm not awake yet." He held up the cup spilling some of its scolding contents onto him. "Okay?"

Frank stretched his arms revealing a patch of tattoos peeking out, Gerard's hands ached for a sketch pad so he could draw his sleepy friend. Wait his sleepy friend? Frank was sober and more waste than he was. He pushed the thought from his mind.

"So when do you go to work?" Frank poured in coffee creamer in his own coffee.

"Whenever I feel like it." Gerard nearly snapped he hated mornings more than showering.

"Okay, I'll just." Frank started to get up from the table when Gerard grabbed onto his arm.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a morning person, just sit down. I'll go get cleaned up and we'll go to the station."

Frank smiled noticing Gerard still held his grip on him. "Uh sorry." Gerard's voice high before letting go of Frank."I'll do get cleaned uh see you soon." He carried his coffee with him into the bathroom. Frank shrugged before gathering his own clothing for the day. Gerard was weird and Frank liked that about him he imagined him holding onto Gerard's hand as he kissed him. He smiled fondly T the thought, then stopped hoping Gerard wasn't a mind reader, well if he was....he would of rushed out the bathroom. Frank continued with his image as he waited for Gerard, after all it didn't hurt anyone.

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There you go a update I sorta like this chapter it's based loosely off Sherlock and John's first few days and the first season. Thanks!