Sequel: Family Goals

Keep It Kasual

Chapter 10

8:15 Sunday morning and what did I hear through the baby monitor a babbling baby boy. I groaned and rolled out of bed. Kris and I had slept apart last night by agreement. I padded into Alex’s room and was met by a happy squeal, to which I couldn’t help but smile. “Come on big boy, it’s your big day.” Half asleep I changed him and we padded out to the kitchen.

After I sat him in his high chair I turned to look at the coffee pot, empty. I groaned and fixed that problem immediately. As it brewed, I made a scrambled egg for Alex and got some formula ready as well. I also got out one of the banana purees from the fridge. Once I was ready, I sat down to feed the center of today’s attention.

Kris joined us a few minutes after Alex started eating. Kris poured the first cup of coffee and leaned against the counter sipping it. Mornings were normally pretty quiet until Kris and I had fully woken up. Today was an exception to the rule, however.

We both looked up at the knock at the door. Kris shrugged, set down his mug, and walked over to the door. As he opened it a wealthy older couple came is with bright smiles. The impeccably dressed woman came over cooing. “Où est-il? Où est mon petit-fils? Là, il est. (Where is he? Where is my grandson? There he is.)” Her face fell as she spotted me and she asked the obvious question. “Qui êtes-vous? (Who are you?)”

I was in the middle of spooning some of the puree into Alex’s mouth as the time she came around the corner. Mind you, I know what I looked like. My hair was still mussed from sleep and I was still in my pajamas. What mattered most to me was the happily eating baby boy though. My brain kicked in and I answered her. “Je suis Kalista, je suis la soignant de Alex. Veuillez pardonner mon apparence, obtenant Alex nourri était plus important que moi-même ce matin. (I am Kalista, I am the caregiver of Alex. Please forgive my appearance; getting Alex fed was more important than myself this morning.)”

The woman looked confusedly at Kris and then back at me. He closed the door and came closer. “Elle n'est pas couché Marie. Catherine et moi avons rompu peu de temps après Alex est né, elle est restée sorte je pouvais lien avec mon fils. Il ya quelques semaines, elle m'a appelé et m'a dit qu'elle allait lui donner en adoption. Kalista m'a aidé non seulement en devenant le fournisseur de soins de pour Alex mais aussi en aidant le déplacer lui ici. (She is not lying Marie. Catherine and I broke up shortly after Alex was born; she stayed so I could bond with my son. A few weeks ago, she called me and said she would give him up for adoption. Kalista has helped me not only by becoming the care provider for Alex but also by helping him move here.)” Shock and horror flowed across the faces of both Marie and the other man.

They all took seats as I continued to feed Alex and try to stay out of the way. Kris had gotten them both some coffee, as well as me, and was now telling them just how well I fit with them. “Kalista est une personne merveilleuse, Alex adore déjà elle. Elle est bilingue sorte son anglais sera meilleure que la mienne. Cause d'elle je n'ai pas à vous soucier de lui pendant que je travaille. Je sais qu'il est sécuritaire et bien soignés, Mario approuve même d'elle. (Kalista is a wonderful person, Alex already adores her. She is bilingual so his English is better than mine. Because of her I do not have to worry about him while I work. I know he is safe and well cared for, even Mario approves of her.)”

The man sighed. “Pourquoi est-ce que notre fille ne nous dit pas la vérité? Pourquoi de nous pensons que vous étiez encore ensemble? (Why did our daughter not tell us the truth? Why let us think you were still together?)” Kris just shook his head.

The door was unlocked from the outside and low and behold Catherine came in. She hadn’t even turned around when she started calling out. “Kris? Tu es réveillé? Nous devons parler, c'est vraiment important! (Kris? Are you awake? We need to talk, it's really important!)” She then turned around and dropped everything in her hands. “Maman, papa vous êtes en avance! Quelle merveilleuse surprise. (Mom, Dad you are early! What a wonderful surprise.)”

I felt the tension rocket up as things dawned on her. That’s when the man continued. “Bon Matin Catherine. Imaginez notre surprise de découvrir ce matin que vous avez menti à nous au sujet, eh bien, tout. (Good Morning Catherine. Imagine our surprise to discover this morning that you have lied to us about, well, everything.)” Cat began to try and explain but her cut her off harshly before she said anything. “Ne vous embêtez pas. Je vois bien que Kris a mis Alex bien-être avant toute autre chose par l'embauche de cette belle dame. Elle a, à son tour, a évidemment prend des bien soin d'Alexandre. (Do not bother. I see that Kris has Alex welfare before anything else by hiring this beautiful lady. She, in turn, obviously takes good care of Alexander.)”

Marie moved closer to me and in halting English asked me some questions. “ ‘e does no’ cry too muc’ does ‘e?”

I smiled. “No ma’am, only when he needs something or is separated from me for what he think is too long.” Kris and I both chuckled, remembering the trip from Toronto to Gatineau. “He’s a very good little boy, even my maman says so and she has raised three hockey playing boys.”

Her face lit up at what I said. “He’s almost done with his breakfast, if you would like to see his room I’ll gladly show it to you.” True to form, after finishing the scrambled egg and puree Alex did not want any more solid food. I grabbed a wipe and attacked his hands first. “Give me those hands.” I said like I did every time I fed him. Once his hands were clean I attacked his face. “I’m gonna get you. Oh yes mon petit homme, that face is mine.” As I cleaned up his face, he giggled like a crazy boy. Once that was done and he was reaching out and wanting out of his seat. Taking him out I turned to his Grandmother and spoke. “Would you please grab his bottle and I’ll show you his room.”

As we left for Alex’s room, I heard Kris and the others start up a conversation. Getting into his room, I showed off all the hard work we had put into it. “T’is is lovely!” Marie exclaimed. “Who chose t’e theme?” She sat in the glider I chose because I got tired of sitting on the floor.

“Kris liked that this was the only one with hockey in the sports. We worked together on most everything else. The crib will be able to convert to a toddler bed and eventually to a full size bed so he will have plenty of grow room.” Alex was squirming to be let down so I put him down. Wouldn’t you know it; he crawled straight for his grandmother and bottle. It wasn’t fast but it was forward movement. She gasped as she watched him unerringly move towards her. “Would you like to give him his bottle? That’s normally the next part of his morning routine. We sit in that chair so that he makes a positive connection between his bottle and his room. Also helps when he’s hungry in the middle of the night.”

Marie lifted him into her lap when he was close enough. “Je vous remercie. Merci d'aider Kris et pour amener Alex dans une maison sûre. Aller douche, je vais lui donner son biberon et tenir mon petit-fils. (Thank you. Thank you for helping Kris and for bringing Alex into a safe home. Go shower, I will give him his bottle and hold my grandson.)” She found a couple clean burp cloths and held Alex close. “Bonjour, mon petit, faire tu sais qui je suis? Je suis votre grand-mère et Je t'aime beaucoup. (Hello my small one, do you know who I am? I am your Grandmother and I love you very much.)” She gave Alex his bottle and he completely relaxed in her arms. I smiled and left the room.

When I returned 15 minutes later I heard her singing to him. I tapped on the door and poked my head in. “Tout va bien? (Everything okay?)” She looked up and nodded. I came in, all dressed for church. “Je vais chercher ses vêtements ensemble pour plus tard. Je vais le changer lui en eux juste avant le baptême. (I'll get his clothes together later. I'll change him into them just before the baptism.)” She nodded as continued to sway and hum, keeping Alex happy.

As I gathered not only his baptism suit but also clothes for church beforehand, I felt Marie watching me. When I was nearly done, she spoke. “Vous êtes une bonne mère. Catherine, pour tout ce qu'elle a essayé, n'était pas. (You are a good mother. Catherine, for everything she tried, was not.)” Her voice kind of broke as she continued. “Seriez-vous ... Voulez-vous s'il vous plaît faites de votre mieux pour les aider? Je sais qu'il Catherine a blessé deux d'entre eux, je vois déjà les guérissant avec la façon dont vous vous déplacez autour d'eux. Alex ne parlait pas la dernière fois que Claude et je l'ai vu. Après que vous quitté la salle, il a laissé la bouteille aller et dit maman. (Would you ... Would you please do your best to help them? I know that Catherine has wounded the two of them, I see the healing with how you move around them. Alex did not speak the last time Claude and I saw him. After you left the room, he let go the bottle and said mama.)” I blushed and looked at the floor, she went on. “Je ne suis pas contrarié par cela, ne vous méprenez pas. Je préférerais qu'il lui appeler quelqu'un que les qui le mérite. Maintenant que nous connaissons la vérité, nous allons vous soutenir si vous et Kris décidez de couper les liens avec Catherine. Tout que je demande, c'est que nous arrivons à continuer à le voir quand nous le pouvons. (I'm not upset by this, do not get me wrong. I would rather call he that someone who deserves it. Now that we know the truth, we will support you if you and Kris decide to cut ties with Catherine. All I ask is that we get to continue to see him when we can.)”

I caught Kris standing in the doorway. He smiled at me and took up the conversation. “Madame, nous n'aurions jamais vous sortez de la vie d'Alexandre. Vous êtes sa grand-mère et grand-père. Sa mère de naissance peut ne pas vouloir de lui, mais vous le faites. La famille est importante, je le sais. Kalista et je n'aurais jamais vous empêcher de le voir. (Madam, we would never have you out of the life of Alexander. You are his grandmother and grandfather. His birth mother may not want him, but you do. Family is important, I know. Kalista and I would never stop you from seeing him.)” I couldn’t see her face as she turned to face Kris, but I could read her body language. Pure relief. “Kallie, seriez-vous prêts à envoyer des mises à jour sur Alexander à Marie Claude et alors que nous sommes à Pittsburgh? (Kallie, would you be willing to send updates about Alexander to Marie and Claude while we are in Pittsburgh?)” I smiled and nodded, he was right family was important and they were family. “Bon, je vous remercie. (Good, thank you.)”

Marie took Alex’s church clothes and the boy himself. “Je vais robe Alexander pendant que vous finissez de se préparer. (I will dress Alexander while you finish getting ready.)” She took him out with a smile and a much different attitude.

Kris took my hand. “Come, I will get your jewelry for you.” We went into his room and while I waited he went into his closet and came out with a medium size flat jewelry box. He opened the box and laying inside I saw a full set; necklace, earrings and a ring. They were a two-toned set, Rose Gold and Silver. The silver was a heart set with diamonds and the rose gold was an infinity symbol wrapped around it. It was a lovely set. “Let me.” He put the box in my hands and put the necklace on me. As I turned and let him get a good look Kris whispered. “Si belle. (So beautiful.)” I blushed and picked up the earrings. Before I could pick up the ring, Kris had it in his hand. He gently took my right hand and placed the ring on it. “Ils vous rendre encore plus belle. (They make you more beautiful.)” He lifted my hand to kiss the back of it but I stopped him by taking my hand back. I put my left hand on his cheek which made him look up at me. I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss.

He broke the kiss after a few seconds. “Thank you. Hopefully today will go smoothly even though it’s started oddly.” He leaned his forehead against mine and sighed. “Come on, time to get moving. Don’t we have to swing by your folks place before mass too?” He sighed heavily as we stood there. “Come on its one day. At least her parents seem nice. Her mom seems to like me, or at least how I care for Alex.”

“T’ey are good people. Alex is t’eir firs’ grandchild so I understand why t’ey wan’ to keep contact.” He went into his closet and grabbed his jacket. He came out in his blue and white plaid jacket. I was surprised that it worked so well with his white shirt and blue slacks. “T’ey do not judge on looks as much as Cat does. Claude knows t’at you can no’ judge based on outward looks, he and Marie are self-made people. T’ey will look at who you are and w’at you do, you do somet’ing t’at t’ey t’ink is _very_ important. You care for their grandson.” He put a hand on my back and steered me out of the room. “Let us go and get t’is day started.”

We came out to see Claude playing peek-a-boo with Alex while Catherine looked bored sitting at the island. Marie lit up as she saw us coming down the hall. “Les deux d'entre vous regardent incroyable ensemble. Kallista J'adore que vous avez coordonné vos accessoires à assortir. (The two of you look incredible together. Kallista I love that you coordinated your accessories to match.)” I blushed as she gushed over me.

“Merci madame. Je pensais que le blush serait adoucir la robe et ce juste allé à partir de là.. (Thank you ma'am. I thought the blush would soften the dress and it just went from there.)” Cat snorted as I spoke which made Marie throw a look her way.

Claude looked up from his game and smiled. “Bien-aimés, les avez-vous parlé de ce que nous demandons? (Beloved, have you talked about what we ask?)” She turned and nodded at him. “Bon. Kristopher, si vous vous inquiéteriez pour commencer le processus je peux vous garantir elle a va signer les papiers. (Good. Kristopher, if you would care to start the process I can guarantee she will sign the papers.)” Kris just nodded as Alex began calling for me and trying to wriggle free.

I crossed to the couch and picked him up. “Are you ready to go?” He giggled and tried wrapping a hand into my shawl. “Non, Alex. Don’t hurt my blanket.” I gently unwound what he had gripped from his hand. It wasn’t a blanket, true, but sometimes you had to use terms the child would understand. Instead he laid his head on my shoulder and babbled softly. “Grab his bag and let’s go while he still happy.” Kris held up the Ju Ju Be PackaBe bag we had just gotten in the mail after tons of research. We both really like it. We had chosen some contrasting accessories that would be easy to find in the light colored interior.

“Wha’ ‘appened to t’e bag I got?” Catherine asked as we were walking out the door. It was the first thing I heard her say since seeing that her parents were at the house.

“If you wan’ it back, we will gladly give it to vous. We needed somet’ing that neit’er of us would feel oddly abou’ carrying.” Kris then snapped his fingers and went back into the house for a moment. He came back out shortly there after. “Can no’ forget ‘is lunch.” He had the Fuel Cell we had gotten in the Mint Chip color to coordinate with the Paci Pod and Be Neat Bibs.

We got to the church on time for our pre-mass meeting with the deacon. That’s when Catherine all but pushed me out of the way. I got to hold the bag and Alex and walk around while Kris and she got the paperwork squared away. When Kris came out he whispered to me. “Flower and Vero are ‘ere. T’ey are Alex’s godparents. Vero would like to speak wit’ you.” He nodded towards the door he just came out of. “Estelle is being baptized today too.”

I handed Kris the bag and coaxed Alex to turn and step to his papa. “Do you have any idea what she wants?” He shook his head and I sighed. There was only one way to find out. I took in the dark carvings within the Basilique Notre-Dame De Montreal, it was quite peaceful at the moment.

I knocked on the door and was bade to enter. When I did I saw Vero and Marc-Andre sitting with the deacon and someone I didn’t know. “Kalista, Merci Dieu. (Thank you God.)” She handed Estelle to Marc and came over to hug me. “We ‘ave a problem. The person who was going to be Estelle’s godmother we found out is no’ Cat’olic and t’ey will no’ allow ‘er to stand. I know t’is is _very_ short notice but would you be Estelle’s godmot’er?”

Relief flooded me. This I could do easily. I went over and picked up Estelle, who babbled at me. I looked at the Deacon and gave my answer. “I would be very happy to have this delightful girl as one of my goddaughters. I am the godmother to my best friends’ daughter Ava; they live in Toronto. I went through the baptism program 2 years ago there.” I heard both Marc-Andre and Vero sigh in relief.

The deacon just nodded. “If you have gone t’rough t’e program in Toronto t’en you know the godparents role already. I know you ‘ave been coming ‘ere for a little over a mont’ and ‘ave not missed any important Holy Days eit’er. You are more t’an acceptable. Please sign the register.” I shifted Estelle to my hip and bounced her a little bit. I then signed the register where I needed to. I was now her godmother and only had to declare such in front of everyone after Mass.

The other guy turned out to be one of their oldest friends, Victor, as we came out of the office he turned to me and spoke. “Comment est-il que Marc-André trouve les plus belles filles et pourtant a seulement été avec Véronique? (How is it that Marc-André find the most beautiful girls and yet has only been with Véronique?)” Marc punched him lightly as we came around the corner and saw Kris and Alex walking the hall.

Vero leaned up and whispered in my ear. “Il est votre garçon et son papa, ils regardent si bon aujourd'hui. C'était votre fais? (There is your boy and his papa, they look so good today. It was your doing?)” I turned my head and gave her the ‘shut the hell up’ look; unfortunately for me it made her laugh. “Ne me mens pas Kallista, j'ai vu comment vous comportez deux quand vous pensez que personne ne regarde. Nous allons devoir vous regarder attentivement lorsque nous revenons au Pittsburgh. Les garçons ont peuvent essayer de voler des vous à partir de Kris. (Kallista Do not lie to me, I saw how you two behave when you think no one is watching. We'll have you watch carefully when we come back to Pittsburgh. The boys may try to steal you from Kris.)”

I rolled my eyes at her as we came up to Kris and Alex. “Mamamamama.” Alex babbled as I got close. I handed Estelle to Vero and knelt down. There was no doubting that Alex wanted me as he unsteadily toddled towards me with his hands gripped on two of Kris’ fingers. When he got to my hands Kris let go and I stood up and threw Alex into the air slightly. He squealed happily and cuddled close. “Come big boy, we need to find seats for this big day.”

En masse we made our way to the entrance and found all of the friends and family waiting for us there. Of course the first thing out of Marc-Andre’s mouth were introductions. “Ma famille, c'est Kallista. Elle est notre plus récent amie, mais nous sommes sûrs qu'elle sera une bonne une. Certains d'entre vous savent Kris, Kallista est le dispensateur de soins pour son fils Alex. Elle sera également la marraine de Estelle. (My family this is Kallista. She is our newest friend, but we are sure she will be a good one. Some of you know Kris, Kallista is the caregiver for his son Alex. She will also be the godmother of Estelle.)” Kris elbowed me a little and when I turned, he grinned at me. He had known, the rat. Both sets of their parents came over and hugged me tightly, thanking me for helping Marc-Andre and Vero out with this.

Soon enough we truly did need to go into the Nave and find our seats. Kris made sure that I stuck with him on our way up to the front. Kris whispered in my ear after we were seated and had Alex entertained. “I am sorry you can no’ be t’ere wit’ us w’en it is Alex’s turn. Vero and Flower were so worried abou’ who to ‘ave as Estelle’s godmot’er I knew if you were acceptable you’d do it.”

I chuckled quietly and laid my head on his shoulder. It wasn’t meant to anger anyone but apparently it did anger Catherine who came up and sat down on his other side. To keep an eye on things, I quietly asked Kris what I was thinking. “Pourquoi est-elle si jalouse? Elle a rompu avec vous, elle n'a pas le droit de l'être. (Why is she so jealous? She broke up with you, she has no right to be.)”

Kris kissed my forehead as it lay on his shoulder, he then whispered back to me. “Je pense qu'elle est jalouse parce que la famille elle abandonna est heureux. Ne vous inquiétez pas pour elle, bientôt, elle ne sera pas question du tout. (I think she is jealous because the family she abandoned is happy. Do not worry about it soon; she will not matter at all.)” He pulled me close and tickled Alex’s side. The young boy turned in my lap and grinned at him. “Vous êtes la mère d'Alex, il le dit et je suis d'accord. Bientôt Personne ne contestera. (You are Alex's mother, he said, and I agree. Soon one will argue.)” Before he could say more it was time for the Mass to begin.

It was a lovely service; and as I was used to, completely in French. As people began to exit after the final hymn, we moved to be near the baptismal font. We weren’t the only ones to do so either. Kris had Alex as I worked to change him into his baptismal suit. He only squirmed a little bit, which was good. After he was changed and looking _so much like his papa’s son, I pulled out my camera. “Allons-nous prendre une photo de la façon dont vous et votre beau papa êtes Alex? (Let us take a picture of how handsome you and your dad are Alex?)” We had found out he was a little ham when it came to my camera. There were a few pictures taken, including by Kris’ phone that he handed to me.

The Priest came over shortly after and the baptisms began. Kris and Marc-Andre had flipped a coin to see who would go first and Marc-Andre won. So while I got to officially become Estelle’s godmother, my heart broke a little bit because I could see Kris holding back Alex from getting to me.

Then it was Alex’s turn. I picked up my camera and took pictures. I had a few moments when I needed to dab at my eyes but I caught all the important parts on film. After Alex was fully baptized and now a member of the church; he would only stay still for a few pictures afterwards. Fortunately no one wanted to upset him so once he said they were through, they stopped.

Marie pulled me aside and asked me if I would take one special picture for them. One of Kris, Alex and Catherine and not one people would expect. I didn’t have to get their faces. I looked down the aisle and saw Kris walking Alex at the back of the Nave. Catherine was walking down to talk to Kris it looked like. Kris was showing Alex the Chapel of Notre-Dame du Sacré-Cœur. Catherine knelt down and I was able to snap them from the rear, the perfect picture of the faux happy family. I showed it to Marie who kissed my cheek and thanked me. “I’ll send it to you tonight.”

We got home with just enough time to change and go over to Kris’ folks place for a reception. We had packed my car for this afternoon, meaning we had the play yard for his nap and the stroller in case as well. What I didn’t expect was Kris having gotten a travel high chair as well.

Pulling into his folks driveway, Kris stopped me just after I turned off the car. “Attendez une minute s'il vous plaît. J'ai quelque chose à vous qui affecteront où nous allons partir d'ici. Demain, peut-être mardi, je vais commencer le processus de résiliation des droits parentaux de Catherine à Alexandre. Je t'aime Kallista, Alexander le fait aussi. Aimeriez-vous être sa maman pour de vrai? (Wait a minute please. I have something in you that will affect where we go from here. Tomorrow, maybe Tuesday, I will begin the process of termination of parental rights of Catherine to Alexander. I love you Kallista, Alexander does too. Would you like to be his mom for real?)”

I was floored, but there was only one answer I could ever answer. “Je t'aime aussi Kris, Alex aussi. J'aimerais être sa maman pour de vrai. (I love you Kris, Alex too. I want to be his mom for real.)” I leaned over the consol, pulled him to me and kissed him with my heart as well as my lips. Forget what we agreed to, I had fallen hard for this man and his son. There would be nothing better for me than being a family.
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Please forgive me if the French translations are off. I'm honest that I use a translation program and welcome corrections as long as they are not nasty in nature.

Notre-Dame Basilica Yes, this is not only where Marc-Andre and Vero got married but also the location for Alexander's actual baptism.

Here is Kallie's outfit for Alex's baptism. For those wondering what Kris wore that is here it is not my picture, I got it off of and it was also posted on Kris' official Twitter page @Letang_58

The diaper bag they got is [url=] here
. They got the black and silver one second from the right hand side.

The Paci Pod is there and the color is the 5th one from the left on the top row. Here are the Be Neat bibs, they are the same color as the Paci Pod and it's the 4th one from the left on the top row. Finally the all important Fuel Cell that Kris went back for, Also the same Mint chip on the top row.

As always I do love hearing what you have to say, even if it's bugging me to death on Twitter (you know who you are ;P ).