Status: Work in Progresso.

Finding Kimber

Chapter Five.

Kimber’s first week went slowly, more than she would have liked. She still hadn’t gotten up the nerve to text Beth, so she felt guilty every day in homeroom and English. Jacob could tell something was going on, but he wasn’t sure what.

On the car ride home, Jacob finally gave in and asked Kimber what was going on.

“Nothing. Just. Wednesday, Beth gave me her number, saying to text her, and I still haven’t gotten up the nerve to.” Kimber mumbled, pulling at the zipper of her bag.

“Why’re you nervous about texting her?”

“I don’t want to mess things up. She’s the only person I really have here.”

“I think you’ll make it worse if you don’t text her, Kimmy. You’re the perfect person; people don’t stay mad at you. Even mom isn’t still mad about the hair thing. Just text her or I will.” Jacob laughed gently, trying to get her to smile.

“Okay, I’ll text her.” Kimber chuckled, pulling out her phone.

Hello Beth, It’s Allison. I’d thought I’d send you a little texty text.

Texty text? I love HIMYM. Why’d you say Allison? Thought you didn’t like that name.

I’m glad you got the reference. And my parents monitor my texts and they don’t appreciate me going by Kimber.

Oh. Makes sense. And That sucks. Do they not trust you or something?

Protective and good Christian folk. No secrets from parents is rule # 1.

Then Maybe we should talk on the phone.

Maybe we should. (:

Or we could just hang out.

Why don’t you come over tomorrow? My mom loves playing hostess. –Jakie.

Sounds like a blast. I’ll talk to my mom.

“Jacob! Why would you do that? Now she’s really gonna hate me. You should know better than to subject someone cool to Mom. Especially this quick.” Kimber hit his arm, took her phone, and went down to her room.
♠ ♠ ♠
That texting scene is rough on the typing. Lol.

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