Status: Currently being written

Fighting for Life

Chapter 1

Weeks have passed. Weeks since my sister was sentenced to high security prison; weeks since the fight; weeks since Mirage was awake. Everyday was the same. I would wake up, go to some stupid meetings, train with Ironhide, train with Sam, and sit in the med bay just waiting for Mirage to wake up. As the days passed I could tell that Ratchet was beginning to doubt that he would ever awake.

That thought, it just killed me. I couldn't lose him. So there I was again, sitting on the raised platform, just watching. Watching for a flicker of anything. I heard the familiar thumping of metal feet enter, but I paid it no mind.

"Carolyn, when was the last time you slept?" Optimus's voice rumbled.

I shook my head, trying to listen to him. I wanted to respond, I really did, but I couldn't remember when I did sleep last. He seemed to suspect that as he grabbed me around the body gently and began walking toward my room. "I can't sleep Optimus. Every time I close my eyes, I see him... I see my sister."

He rumbled gently as if thinking how to respond. "He will awake. Ratchet is doing everything he can. And as for your sister, she can't hurt anyone anymore. She has been put in a high security prison."

I knew he was right. So why did I have this itch in the back of my head that things wouldn't get better. He set me down at my door and I looked up to him. I felt something touch my shoulder and I whirled around to see the blue eyes of Optimus's holoform. He had light purple circles under his eyes showing that he hadn't been sleeping very well either. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me toward him. I was soon wrapped in his embrace and I felt the stinging of tears behind my eyes.

The next morning I was getting ready to go to Sam's for some more training. I had been doing really well lately controlling my powers. My gifts as I have learned to accept them. I can move most smaller objects with my mind, but no progress had been made with the visions thing.

As I walked out of the door, a sight made me stop and made my heart stop along with me. Standing there, with dark skin and crystalline blue eyes was Mirage's holoform. I willed my feet to move, but the sight left me motionless. I saw him turn toward me and his eyes met mine. They looked lost. I finally began running toward him, until he flickered away. I nearly tripped on my own feet and I then crashed into someone.

I fell and I scrambled to my feet looking around wildly for a hint of Mirage.

"Hey! Hello?! What's your problem?" I heard a voice from behind me say. I couldn't really place the accent that came along with it though. I turned to face it, still shifting my eyes around looking for Mirage. "Ay, I said what's your problem?"

"I- I am sorry, I thought I saw someone. I was running and I just wasn't paying attention." I didn't see him, or any sign that he was near. So I shifted my eyes to the one I was talking to. She was rather tall. Taller than my 5'3". She had ash blonde hair that was pinned up away from her face and her eyes had a silver quality to them. She was dressed as a soldier and I immediatly stood straighter. Not as intimidation, but respect.

Her hard eyes seemed to soften slightly. "It's alright, honest accident. Just watch where you're going okay?" She said as she began walking away. As she turned, I could have sworn I saw two little red eyes pop out of her pocket.

I ran to the med bay, watching where I was going this time. As I entered, Ratchet was standing over Mirage fiddling with something. "Ratchet!" I yelled out to get his attention. He turned to me and the proceeded to his work. "Ratchet! I saw him, I saw Mirage!" I yelled out as I walked up to the platform.

"What in blazes are you talking about? He's been here the entire time." He motioned to the motionless Mirage.

"No, not this form. His holoform! I saw it."

He looked at me and I saw his own holoform come next to me. He grabbed my face and looked into my eyes. "When was the last time you slept."

I pushed away from him, knowing where this was going. "Just recently. It wasn't a hallucination. I saw him."

His bipedal form looked back over Mirage for a moment, and at some data charts he had. "Everything is still the same as it has been."

I was fed up with this. Everyone was so pessimistic about the possibility of him coming back. I jumped down from the platform and made my way to where Mirage was. Climbling on this and that I soon stood next to him. My hands started shaking. I haven't been this close to him since the fight. I gently placed my hand on his face plate.

"Mirage, you need to come back. I need you. You can't just leave me like this. I'm so alone here, I see you everywhere. I saw your holoform today. Was it you? Are you trying to reach me because I'm right here. I've always been here. Just please get up." I whispered to him as my tears fell upon him. I didn't care if Ratchet was watching.

Suddenly a flash of blue took over my sight as his optics lit up. My heart about burst out of my chest. Ratchet quickly moved toward him and looked at the charts. Then just as suddenly as it came, they went out again. "What? No!"

Ratchet grabbed me around the waist and set me on the platform so he could do his work. After what seemed like hours he turned to look at me. His face less grim than I have seen. "Well, it looks like he might actually wake up. Something you said Carolyn, it seemed like he picked up on it. I think... as medically impossible as it might be. I think he is waking up for you."

I held my hands to my mouth to stop from squealing in morbid delight. He was fighting, he was going to wake up.