Status: Currently being written

Fighting for Life

Chapter 10

I felt my spirit slowly drop. What if Silas was right? Why would they come looking for her? The only one that cared for her enough to do so was Mirage. Is Mirage. God I have to stop thinking about it him past tense, I thought. Optimus and I were close I suppose, but why would he risk any of his soldiers again? Just for little old me? What if this is really it for me? The pain in my heart, head, and body were becoming too much for me. The cuts and bruises were screaming out to me and the temperature in the room seemed to explode into an inferno making my skin feel as if it were on fire.
Silas looked down on me and his smirk seemed to fall. “Liar.” He stated as he grabbed my face between his large, rough hand. Once his sandpapery skin touched mine I was no longer there. No longer burning in the hot room or in pain. I was standing beside a younger much more softer looking Silas. It had to have been him. My eyes opened up in shock as I realized I was doing it again, I was going into his mind; seeing his past. I tried to get out, I didn’t want to see what it was, I didn’t want him to know about this. I felt as if I was trying to claw my way to the surface from underground a fucking skyscraper. No matter how hard I tried something harder was just in the way. I soon gave up the endeavor and looked out to what was being shown to me.
There was an older man there. He was obviously the authority figure here. His stance was one that stood over Silas as if he could make or break him. Silas, the big touch guy that I was getting beat by was now looking like a dog with its tail between his legs. “Sebastian, you don’t seem to understand the extent of the damage you did to NBE- One. You crossed a line. Who in the hell did you think you were thinking you had the authority to take pieces of it home? Let alone barge into a home, uninvited, without a warrant to try and arrest someone for harboring information.”
“She was hiding something! And the detector was going off like crazy I swear!” Silas pleaded. His face contorted with desperation.
“It’s not just that. You have become so obsessed with trying to find more of the aliens that it has completely changed you. Your field work is lacking and your wife misses you. I’m putting you on desk duty for a while until you calm down.” The man sighed. His shoulders slouched and suddenly he didn’t look like the boss, but like a friend trying to help another friend out, but Silas wouldn’t have any of that.
“No fuck you and fuck your desk job and this fucking place! You guys don’t want to do anything about the problems here. They are staring you in the face!” Silas suddenly got up into the man’s face and suddenly I felt a shock and there he was, in the flesh, hot breath in my face, and he did not look happy.
“What the hell was that? Did you see that? How did you do that?” he questioned. I couldn’t answer. I just stared at him dumbfounded by some of the information I had just received from his mind.
“Not talking huh? Fine I’ll hurt you that seems to get your attention.” He went and turned around grabbing the gun from one of the men. My eyes widened in shock and my heart leapt into my throat. My fight or flight response was buzzing crazily in my veins and I struggled against the chains that were binding me in place.
I grunted and I was beginning to panic. There was nothing I could do. There he was with a gun about to shoot me, possibly kill me, and I couldn’t do anything. If I took the chance and tried to push again I could get shocked a lot worse. I shook my head trying to clear the jumbled thoughts to make one clear one.
No matter what I was going to get hurt here. I’d rather it being of my own doing and at least possibly hurt Silas some way. I closed my eyes and thought of a push. A tidal wave of a push. I thought of the buzzing in my veins, and the danger Silas posed to me and the Autobots. Then I felt the surge of something come from somewhere deep within myself and it quickly moved forward to my fingertips. I felt the burning build up there in my hands. I opened my eyes to see Silas and I let go of the power straight at him.
White hot heat rippled its way through my body as I felt myself begin to convulse from the shocks. I couldn’t even think as my knees gave in and my breathing stopped. The initial shock subsided but I felt the burn and unbelievable pain in even inch of my body. I opened my eyes and tried to look past all the blurriness and double vision. As far as I knew, Silas wasn’t there in front of me any longer.
I sighed slightly in relief and I felt myself begin to slip from consciousness. That’s when I heard something. The sound of screeching tires, metal shifting and familiar shouts. I tried to stay conscious and I tried to think of where I had heard that noise before but the pain had exhausted me and I struggled to look up and see what’s going on.
Through the blurred double vision I saw a pair of red orbs staring at me and a deep purple color before I heard a deep voice speak to me. “Oh Carrie.” It spoke as I finally let darkness envelope me.