Status: Currently being written

Fighting for Life

Chapter 11

Soon the whole base was in a frenzy trying to get everything and everyone together to go check out the energon spike and the possible location of Carolyn Fletcher. At least this is what I had walked into. I had just gotten into a fight with Carly and thought I would stop by and see how Carolyn was doing only to find out she had been kidnapped weeks ago. How did I not know this? Why hadn't anyone told me? Oh yea that's right. Because you didn't want to be a part of this anymore remember? I thought. I tried to find Lennox to see if there was anything I could do to help out. I heard shouting near the control room and made my way over there. As I looked up there was Mirage. I had heard he was injured, but that's all I knew and I smiled slightly to myself happy that he was okay now.

"You have to let me help find her. If she is out there, if that signal is her, I want to be the one she sees first." I heard Mirage speak. He was talking about Carolyn and he didn't sound happy. I walked up to him and Lennox.

"Hey guys what's going on?" I asked. I saw Lennox's eyes grow wide and his face burst into a smile before I was grabbed up in a hug.

"Sam! You're back!" he put me down and put his arms upon my shoulders. "Does Optimus know? Bumblebee? They will be so happy to hear-"

"I just came for a quick visit. I was originally coming to see how Carolyn was doing and I walk in on all of this nonsense going on. What is going on?" I asked.

"Carolyn was kidnapped a bit ago and there was an energon spike not to long ago. We pinpointed the location and we're going to go check it out." He said.

"Here Sam, you can ride with me." Mirage spoke up.

"Nu uh. Doctors orders Mirage! Don't try to sneak your way into this. You know Ratchet will have my ass if he knew I let you out in the field already."

"Wait, I know he was hurt, but how bad? You know Doc bot likes to overexaggerate."

"He was in a coma like state for weeks, his whole chest cavity was wrecked." Lennox stated looking slightly annoyed with my question. I looked up at Mirage and I could sense the desperation coming from him. He really wanted to go. He must really care for Carolyn.

"I'm sorry big guy." Was all I could say before I was interrupted. A large dark purple robot stepped into my view. I had never seen him before. I thought he must have been new until I looked up and saw the red of his optics. I immediately grabbed hold of Lennox and shouted. "Decepticon! Run!" Terror struck up in me. I thought they were dead! I could've sworn they were. I began running with Lennox's jacket in my grasp but all I heard was laughter and I got strange stares from people passing by. My back was turned from the Decepticon as I looked at Lennox. "Decepticon?" I asked unsurely.

"Autobot." He stated a smile spread across his face. I slowly turned around to greet the new recruit. Everything in my body was telling me to run but I turned to face him. He was a lot closer now. His face nearly inches from my own. I yelped and stumbled back a bit.

I heard the Decep- uh. Autobot begin to laugh at me.

"He is a rather jumpy fleshy isn't he?" He said to me. "Blitzwing." He stated. Didn't offer a hand, no nod of the head, but just stood there looking down on me.

"S-sam." I gulped. "Lennox, why is there a Decepticon on base?" I asked him.

"Long story, no time." He said with a clasp on my shoulder.

"Right, back to business." Blitzwing said. "I'm going to find Carolyn wherever this energon spike took place. But since Optimus has informed me that you are technically my… superior." He said with slight distaste. "I have to ask you."

"Eh." Lennox rubbed the back of his neck, thinking.

"You can't seriously be thinking of letting him go. This could all be a trick and he could attack you on site."

"You need to learn to use your processor before you speak. You have no idea what you're talking about." "don't make me kick your aft off this planet."

"Just like you did on Cybertron!"

"If I remember correctly you were partially on our side that whole war!"

"Yea well maybe I've made a mistake."

Blitzwing and Mirage glared at each other and I felt slightly uncomfortable in the presence of them. I felt like they were about to break out into a fight and I was right in a squish zone. I nudged Lennox and kind of shifted my eyes towards the two mechs.

"Okay you two, stop it. That's enough. Blitzwing, you'll come with me." I saw Mirage begin to protest again before Lennox stopped him. "And I don't want to hear anything about it. You are to stay here. If you want you can stay in the command center and stay updated on what's going on. You are not to follow us or leave, is that clear?" Lennox bellowed. He shocked me. He normally didn't get all serious like this so when he did get like this you knew he was serious.

Mirage nodded and glared at Blitzwing before stalking off. Blitzwing started transforming and I soon saw a 2014 dodge challenger in front of me. His passenger door opened and I saw his holoform in the driver's seat. "You so much as scratch or breath the wrong way on this interior I will not hesitate to make you walk all the way there." He spoke to me as I hopped in and held on for dear life as he sped his way towards the others waiting for him.

All together there was him, Optimus, Ratchet, Sideswipe, and Ironhide. I quickly tried to get my nerves in check. As we sped off I looked out the window and sighed. I just came to check on Carolyn and now I have to save her. This is what I was trying to avoid. Danger, Decepticons, and yet here I was sitting in one. The holoform was gone so I just looked at the steering wheel driving by itself. I chuckled slightly when I remembered the first time I saw that.

"something amuse you?" I heard Blitzwing ask. I immediately stopped. He may be with the Autobots, but to me he was still a Decepticon and I did not want to risk pissing him off.

"Nothing." I said simply and we sat in silence some more. "S-so do you know Carolyn well?" I asked.

"What business is it of yours?" he huffed.

"Well you see, it's just that I'm, I'm her friend. Just you know, curious, you're a Decepticon and all."

Suddenly the car jerked to the right and the resulting force made me hit my head against the window. "Ow! What the hell?"

"Let's get a few things straight here boy. I am no longer a Decepticon and you will not address me as such ever again. As of Carrie, you don't need to worry about how well I know her. That doesn't concern you. What should concern you is if you get in my way with possibly retrieving her today I will squish you, I don't care what Optimus says. Do I make myself clear?"

I shrunk down in the seat and I felt my heart leap in my throat at the threat. This is why Decepticons shouldn't be Autobots. "y-yeah." I muttered and looked out the window once more.

Everyone arrived just as the sun was beginning to set. Sam was instructed to stay with the soldiers and was even given a weapon just in case. Anyone with eyes could see Sam's hands shaking slightly as he held it, he was scared but he wouldn't admit it.

Blitzwing transformed and looked towards Optimus, waiting for the opportunity to go into the warehouse that was just in his reach. Optimus quickly nodded and everyone began to head inside, Blitzwing went first. When inside the humans found it hard to see with how dark it was. There were a few lights thrown here and there and two hallways. Blitzwing immediately went towards the right with only a few soldiers and Sideswipe following him while everyone else went to the left.

Blitzwing could see and hear easily and was trying to not make a lot of noise. As he rounded a corner, an immensely bright light was turned on by his motion. It took a moment for his optics to adjust and when they did he could see 3 other humans standing there gawking at him. He was about to act, going to shoot them, squish them, do something until the human soldiers intervened and then he remembered his place among the Autobots. Never harm humans if you can help it. He sighed and then he felt the ground rumble beneath his feet and a very loud, very pained scream come from the large door in front of him. It was Carolyn and soon everyone else was there behind him. Ironhide pushed him aside and blasted the door making a hole large enough for them to fit through and in Blitzwings haste he transformed and peeled out towards the sound. He heard everyone shout around him and said something about a Silas but all he could focus on was Carolyn. Her bruised and bloody face. What was once beautiful and the color of ivory was now dirty and swollen and caked with blood. Her hair had lost its luster and was matted to her face and neck. Her clothes were ripped and there were cuts strewn here and there. Blitzwing spotted that her arms were hook up to some electrical box and he promptly smashed them and reached for her. Her eyes half closed and she looked dazed up at him, not really seeing him there at all.

"Oh Carrie." He spoke as he let her fall in his hand and close her eyes.