Status: Currently being written

Fighting for Life

Chapter 12

The first thing I realized was the unbearable heat that suddenly overwhelmed me. The next sense to come was my hearing. I heard the creaking of metal and a howling wind that blew sand up against my face. My eyes scrunched up from the feeling and I just felt like turning over and trying to continue to sleep. I groaned slightly at the hard ground and promptly rolled over and buried my face in my arms trying to fall back asleep.

"Wake up!" A raspy, hard voice called out. I jumped in surprise and turned to see the Primes. Standing tall and ominous in all their glory. I stared up at them waiting expectantly.

"Well?" I asked.

"Don't use that tone with us!"

I put my hands up defensively. "Sorry, sorry. I was just wondering what you wanted. Since I've only been captive and in need of some help for God knows how long."

"We don't interfere in destiny. We just gently push in that general direction." The kinder one said.

"Oh, well. What now?" I asked timidly afraid to upset the angry one again.

"Well there will always be someone out there who won't agree with us, who'll want to destroy us and believe we are not worthy of Earth. But I think, for now, you are done."

I literally felt shock. I felt a jolt of something go through my body. "Are you serious? Done? No more looming threats to deal with? No return of Decepticons? It's over?"

"You sound disappointed."

"No, just very surprised."

"What we need to focus on is fixing our relationship with the government."

"Um. Okay. So it's done?"

"Yes it is. You were a tremendous help Carolyn. You acted very quickly too. We appreciate it because I don't know if we could have done it without you." The kind one said

"You even somehow helped with mending the two sides of the war and made them one. How a fleshy like you managed that we have no idea because that wasn't our doing." The angry one said.

I nodded. I went to look at them again realizing this was the last possible time I would see them. One thought came to my mind and I needed to ask because they knew everything. I needed to ask about Mirage, but when I went to open my mouth I suddenly felt my body thrust downward and everything I felt then just went away and my vision went black.

I heard a steady beeping noise and I immediately knew I was probably hooked up to some type of machine. I groaned when I tried to move because every inch of my body screamed out in pain.

"Now now Carolyn. Just rest. Your body went through incredible stress and you need to rest." Ratchet said. His voice wasn't the harsh barking sound that I was used to. It was quiet and soothing and I tried to open my eyes to see if that really was Ratchet. It was so unlike him to be so nice.

The light hit my pupils and I could feel them contract and it hurt like a bitch. I squinted again and slowly opened them trying to adjust to the blinding light. I could see someone from the corner of my eye and low and behold it was Ratchet. I was confused as to why he seemed so nice all of a sudden and I went to speak.

"R-ratchet" I coughed out. My throat was so dry it might as well have been a desert.

"Carolyn, here." I heard and looked over to see his holoform offering my a glass of water with a bendy straw. I smiled slightly at the straw before taking it between my lips and drawing it in. I never knew water could taste or feel so good. The cool drink moistened my throat and it no longer felt raw and dry.

"What happened?" I asked. My voice still wavering as if I haven't used it in a long time.

"We found you. We came after you and we brought you back. You're safe now."

"But the red eyes…" I trailed off. Oh, it made sense. "Blitzwing grabbed me didn't he?"


"Is everyone alright. Is Silas…"

"Silas was killed in the crossfire. You seemed to have knocked him out originally but when he came to he tried to fire on us. Someone shot him."

"Who? I'd like to thank them for saving the world and me."

"That also was Blitzwing. He was… furious is taking it too lightly. I had to almost pry him away from you."

I felt something in me clench and my heart sped slightly.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

"Huh? Oh yea. I'm fine. Where is he?"

"He is currently in somewhat of a time out." He chuckled.

"For what? Saving me?"

"Oh that happened two weeks ago Carolyn."

I sat up suddenly and regretted it greatly when I felt my head spin and feel like it was going to explode. It felt as if my spine snapped in half and I slowly laid back down. "How is that possible?"

"Coma. Your last push you made to Silas and the electric shock it gave you put you in a coma."

"Oh and you say it like it's no big deal."

"I say it like it's a relief you didn't die!"

I smiled when he yelled at me. "There's the old Ratchet I know. I thought you had gotten soft for a moment there."

The next thing I knew I heard the med bay door slide open and a flash of red caught my eye.