Status: Currently being written

Fighting for Life

Chapter 2

Ratchet then calmly and quickly escorted out of the med bay so he could work. I couldn't sit still, so I went for a walk to try and calm my nerves. No one seemed to pay me any mind when I walked out of the hanger and took a stroll outside. Around the perimeter of the base were masses of trees, like a forest. I headed toward the line of trees until I heard the thundering of jet engines. I quickly ducked my head as I looked around. There it was, a F-35 Joint Strike fighter jet. Sleek, and sliver except for a distinct dark blue and black tail fin.

I watched it silently as it landed not even 30 ft away from me. I flinched, expecting it to hit me, but I heard the shifting of metal instead. I quickly looked up, surprise taking my mind, and a pair of red eyes looked down on me. "Blitzwing." I whispered. I hadn't seen him since he decided to come onto base; the day Optimus considered joining forces.

"Hello Carolyn." The German accent spoke to me. Military like and serious. Then it switched. "Are you alright? You're not looking so well." This was Blitzwings real voice to me. Kind, deep, and sweet sounding. "You're eyes are looking a little crazed." The crazy voice spoke. High pitched and whiny sounding.

"I'm fine, just haven't been sleeping well lately." I said, unconciously rubbing my eyes.

"Is it because of Mirage?" He asked. I nodded. "Well alright then." His German self spoke. With that he began to walk away.

"Wait, since when are you a jet?" I asked.

He laughed, "Different personalities, different vehicles." Then he started walking to base, probably to talk to Optimus. I continued my way toward the woods. Once I got there, I took off my shoes and let my barefeet settle into the cool grass. Fall was well on it's way and the leaves had begun changing leaving the canopy aflame with reds and oranges. I saw a low branch and decided to try my hand at climbing again.

I jumped up and easily heaved myself up onto the branch. Well Ironhides training helped with something. I leaned my back onto the trunk and closed my eyes. I tried to rest, tried to sleep, but Mirage kept weaving in and out of my thoughts. What if he never woke up? He's fighting so hard, but what if? I choked down a tear. I couldn't think like that. Ratchet is a brilliant doctor, and Mirage is a fighter. He will return to me.

The next thing I knew, the sun was gone and the stars were out. I rolled my neck slightly trying to relieve the kinks.

"That's what you get for sleeping on a tree."

I gasped and looked around. There on the branch above me sat a man. I suddenly felt slightly frightened. He swung his legs off the side and landed on my branch looking at me. Dirty red eyes looked upon me, and in that moment I wasn't scared. "Yea, well normally it helps me sleep." I said to Blitzwing.

"You are one strange human." He said as he leaned back slightly. I could see him now. Even though it was dark, his features were there. He seemed like he would be tall. Muscle was definate in his structure. Large corded muscle weaved it's way up his arms and was evident in his shoulders and chest. Short, spiked, dark brown hair sat on his head, askew and pointing in different places. Dark redish brown eyes held the attention of mine. The force in them made me shiver. "Sweet little Carrie, are you checking me out?" He asked. It sounded like something the crazy side of him would say, and I had noticed a slight German accent in his voice.

"No, I'm not. Your, your voice is different."

"Ah, yes, well seems like my different selves decided to be mixed into one in my, oh what did the doc call it, a holoform."

"Wait, holoform? Does that mean that Optimus agreed to let you on?"

He shrugged. "A trial thing. If he proves me worthy enough then I'll be a full fledged Autobot."

"What about the rest of the Decepticons?"

"They'll have to go through the same process, if they want. If not, I'll see them on the battlefield somewhere."

We sat there in silence for a while. His presence was strange to me. Him being so close was strange. Kind of an adreneline rush of sorts.

Soon he spoke again. "So what's up with Mirage? I asked about him but no one told me anything."

My mood immediatly turned sour. "What do you care?"

He scoffed, "Sorry for worrying about you." He said as he swung his legs around the tree and hopped down.

"Blitz, wait!" I called out to him. I hopped down and felt a pair of hands gripping my waist lowering me down.

"Since when do you call me Blitz?" He asked, eyebrow cocked.

For some reason, I couldn't find the words that were right on the tip of my tongue. I stuttered a moment. "Cause Blitzwing is a mouthful."

He hummed slightly as if thinking of something, and I saw something flash within his eyes, then he let go of me. "Goodnight Carolyn." With that he was gone.